EA Announces Dead Space 2: Severed - UPDATED


I plan to live forever.
Apr 10, 2010
ph0b0s123 said:
C95J said:
Its just in my eyes, I wouldn't sacrifice the fun of a whole game because of some (probably unrelated) DLC. I most likely won't get it so it doesn't effect me regardless of gaming platform.

I can see where you are coming from, of course it's a valid point, and I am not insulting PC gamers, but it reminds me of children throwing a tantrum when they don't get there way...
It will seem that way, but it has to be taken in the context of everything else happening. Like just in the last day crytek saying Xbox gets exclusive demo of a previous PC IP. As well as other stuff, so yes, it may seem like PC owners have a chip on their shoulders. Myself, I am sick of it. Publishers, either support the PC or don't. If the PC is now no-longer a viable platform put it out of it's misery. This drawn out second class treatment is just mean.

Now to be fair to EA. It maybe coming, but in some way that they would not label ad DLC. But the wording of the comments above seems pretty unambiguous.
yeah, I do think it is a bit stupid how they only release this information now, after lots of people have already bought the game, a bit sneaky, just a way to get more money and a bad move on their part. This shouldn't happen and in that sense, I do have some sympathy.


Norwegian Llama Stylist
Jan 7, 2010
Arrgh, game isn't even released yet here in Europe, and now they tell me they have more content, but NOT for PC?
"Hey, you don't get the game, hell, you won't even get the whole game, take that in your face!" - EA

Ken Sapp

Cat Herder
Apr 1, 2010
Why must the game studios hate on us PC gamers? Give me the same game on every platform or don't bother releasing it on a platform.I am tired of every distributor having different pre-order bonuses(Fallout New Vegas, Dragon Age 2), different platforms getting DLC at different times or not at all, and other BS.

If EA really wants to maximize their profits they should focus on digital delivery services like Steam instead of fighting them. When I buy a game on Steam it is mine for life, I cannot(as of this writing) sell a game back to Steam like I can a physical disc to Gamestop.


New member
Sep 14, 2010
Once again EA, screwing PC gamers out of the loop. With PCs and Xboxs having such similar architecture there really isnt a good excuse for them not releasing it on the PC.

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Rednog said:
Wow..just wow, I really wish they would've announced the fact that there wouldn't be any DLC for the PC version before it released. Now they have my money and I have an inferior copy.
Okay, wait. I'm as annoyed as anyone by this ridiculous lack of PC support but how is it an "inferior copy?" You got what you paid for, just like everyone else.


New member
Jan 26, 2011
Thanks for nothing EA.

Good thing I thought there was something weird on the air with the $60 price tag for the PC (understandable if it's an exclusive like Starcraft II) combined with not featuring even Steam achievements or GLFW (as in, generic port for easy money). Now I will only purchase this game when it goes on a 50%~75% Steam sale or something.

I can't even enter the subject of announcing DLC on release day since I am not in the target audience for being a PC user.


New member
Mar 26, 2008
Andy Chalk said:
Rednog said:
Wow..just wow, I really wish they would've announced the fact that there wouldn't be any DLC for the PC version before it released. Now they have my money and I have an inferior copy.
Okay, wait. I'm as annoyed as anyone by this ridiculous lack of PC support but how is it an "inferior copy?" You got what you paid for, just like everyone else.
I think it's only arguably inferior if the DLC contains valuable story content E.G. Prince of Persia 2008. But it's definitely devaluing the PC version to an extent either way - like telling you, a few days after you buy a new car, that you can't install a GPS on it because you bought the red paintjob instead of the blue.


Crime-Solving Rank 11 Paladin
Jul 15, 2009
Andy Chalk said:
UPDATE: An Electronic Arts representative has confirmed that Dead Space: Severed will not be released for the PC.
That's just deplorable. They sold a product that they have no intention of supporting. This is not going to look good for EA when people get wind of this.

Andy Chalk said:
Rednog said:
Wow..just wow, I really wish they would've announced the fact that there wouldn't be any DLC for the PC version before it released. Now they have my money and I have an inferior copy.
Okay, wait. I'm as annoyed as anyone by this ridiculous lack of PC support but how is it an "inferior copy?" You got what you paid for, just like everyone else.
But not really. PC gamers bought the base product and paid the same price for it, sure. But one of the features of the base product (on consoles, at least) is the ability to play future Dead Space 2 DLC. The PC version costs the same, but lacks this capability; thus, gameplay/control differences aside, it's now objectively inferior to its console counterparts.


New member
Nov 18, 2010
Wow, they really just flipped the PC the bird. But just look at the last little packs of dlc for EA games. Jesus, EA. Get your stuff together, man.


New member
May 12, 2010
Instead of you guys complaining about lack of what I would laughably call a 'cheap DLC' in many ways, why don't you guys all rally and make a community for modding the game instead?

The only thing I, as a PC gamer, hate more then people bickering about cheap stuff which they'll most likely pirate anyway, just to be 'ironic' is when they pull the "I can mod my game" card, and the game gets next to no modding respect.

As for the record, let me state this clearly, every-time EA published a bloody darned DLC on PC (Mass Effect and Dragon Age mainly) the download figures for the TOTAL of each game was a big flop to say the least, and from reading half of the comments in here, I would say they're well justified.

Lets face it, DS2 has great modding potential...and I'm pretty sure a Reskin won't be too farfetched.

Soviet Heavy

New member
Jan 22, 2010
qwerty19411 said:
Andy Chalk said:
UPDATE: An Electronic Arts representative has confirmed that Dead Space: Severed will not be released for the PC.
So glade I didn't buy this damn game. First you have the gull to charge $60, then your DRM crippled some people's playtimes (those who wanted to play a few levels in the middle of the night), followed by a nice topping of YOU GET NOTHING. Just going to borrow a friend's game and PS3 while he's on vacation next week.

Nice job EA, you not only lost a sale on Dead Space 2, but also a Dragon Age 2 sale. So, really, we BOTH GET NOTHING.

EA's response to PC gamers, the pricks.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
UPDATE: An Electronic Arts representative has confirmed that Dead Space: Severed will not be released for the PC.
...What the... After all the friggin problems I had just getting PC to work...

~_~ Just don't sell the game for PC for fucks sake then, i'll buy it for 360, but steam is more convenient.

Link Kadeshi

New member
Oct 17, 2008
If I heard this news earlier, I wouldn't have bought the game. I refused to play any Ubisoft PC games due to the DRM crap, I'm not afraid to take these stands. I am not against Project 10 Dollar, I'm not sure where this fits in.


The Master of Speilingz
Mar 19, 2009
Andy Chalk said:
UPDATE: An Electronic Arts representative has confirmed that Dead Space: Severed will not be released for the PC.
Facepalm/ I'm not even getting it on PC and this still pisses me off...

Aw well at least I get to play through Extraction on the PS3 first. Will be good for the expansion when it comes :)


Better than Vash!
Oct 20, 2009
Fail sauce. though to be fair i don't buy DLC anyways. less its good and charges me real money instead of some arbitrary point system.