EA Brings Microtransactions to Dead Space 3


New member
Sep 14, 2012
See, the thing is, for this to make a profit (which is obviously the goal; you don't put microtransactions into a single-player game for pretty much any other reason) you need the in-game findable resources to be rare enough that people will actually pay real money for more of them.

Which means, most likely, that resources will be findable in-game at a lower rate than would lead to the optimal play experience (otherwise few would be tempted to buy more). Thus the game will be worse than it would be without the microtransactions.

Hope you guys all enjoy your now-made-worse-for-financial-reasons game.


New member
Mar 22, 2010
SkarKrow said:
Well it has to somehow make money if it doesn't meat their projected 5 MILLION sales target.

You keep hoping EA, cuz I'm still not buying it.
They are way out of their own league and mind if they expect it to meet the 5 mill mark and with the micro trans (carrot on a stick) method it just means people like you and me will just be put off by this kind of tactic.

What happened to not making games with resources that take forever to scrap for and resorting to "short cut packs"?.

I mean honestly I don't mind scrounging for the resources to craft/make what I want but if it's been designed to become a grind then I just flat out don't want part of it.

I give the AAA part of the industry 4-5 more years before that area crashes and burns thanks to the longest road and shortest road with no middle road in between.


New member
Nov 8, 2010
I... oh, EA, you pain. I'm not even remotely interested in your weapon designing system in the first place. You have a team of designers, each with their own imaginations, each immersed in Dead Space lore and style, coupled with a team of playtesters to make sure that the weapons work as planned.
Me? I just have my imagination. And a trusty plasma cutter that always gets the job done. (Well, a return of the javelin gun wouldn't go amiss...)

Anyway, to get back on topic, now you want me to pay to design weapons in your game? Nope.

Good to know scrounging will still work. And it had better work.


New member
Dec 24, 2012
Wow. Just wow. I know that this is EA but do they really have to ruin all the franchises that they own?

The Artificially Prolonged

Random Semi-Frequent Poster
Jul 15, 2008
EA are really going all out with the stupid today. I mean asking for more money to speed up crafting after already dropping £40 for the privilege of owning the game, it just plain money grubbing. Sure it entirely optional but its still there tapping you on the shoulder saying, "Hey don't you find me tapping you on the shoulder annoying? I'll stop if you give me some money."


New member
Oct 9, 2008
archvile93 said:
kommando367 said:
No thanks. I'll just scrounge for resources.

inb4 vitriol
Knowing EA they'll probably only put enough resources in the game to make one weapon. What better way to make microtransactions work than forcing people to use them right?
I seriously doubt it will be that bad. You may not be able to make every single weapon combo in the game on the first playthrough, but 75% of all weapons you can craft will probably suck anyway.

Like the OP said, they've done micro-transactions before in ME3's multiplayer and they were completely optional in that game.


Has gone too far in a few places
Mar 25, 2010
So what you are saying is that the sky is still blue? You gotta love EA at this point, although the microtransactions are optional you still have to appreciate their efforts which boils down to "Just mail us your money, thanks." Can't wait to hear what crazy shenanigans they have in store for Dragon Age III.


New member
Mar 29, 2011
Typical EA doing typical EA things, nothing new here folks, please move along and ignore this sad company burning themselves to the ground out of sheer stupidity.


New member
Jan 7, 2010
Micro transaction for a full price game, does EA want Dead Space 3 to fail? Yes I know you can earn in game credits to spend on the money transaction, but I bet it's going to be painfully slow.


New member
Nov 24, 2009
The Artificially Prolonged said:
EA are really going all out with the stupid today. I mean asking for more money to speed up crafting after already dropping £40 for the privilege of owning the game
"owning the game"? more like "having the ability to play the game until EA can find ANY reason to bann your entire origin acount"


Eats Nuts, Kicks Butts.
Nov 17, 2009
are people really bitching about this? so EA are exploiting idiots with too much money. gaming is still a business and it's a good way for them to make a bit more from the game.

it's not going to ruin the main game for anyone is it? i think it's good they're doing this instead of cutting out parts of the game we'd give a shit about and selling them separately at launch.

The Artificially Prolonged

Random Semi-Frequent Poster
Jul 15, 2008
spartandude said:
The Artificially Prolonged said:
EA are really going all out with the stupid today. I mean asking for more money to speed up crafting after already dropping £40 for the privilege of owning the game
"owning the game"? more like "having the ability to play the game until EA can find ANY reason to bann your entire origin acount"
Well of course meant own is in "own" :p

But what do I know? Perhaps EA are doing us a favour, we won't have time to do any crafting in Dead Space 3, not with all the in depth bug reporting we're going to be doing in Sim City XD


New member
Nov 19, 2009
This is a problematic thing. While I do not have a problem with micro-transactions as a whole, there are bad ways to implement them that are consumer unfriendly. This is one of them.

Now, you might be saying "Well wait a minute, they're not forcing you to buy the resources, so what's the problem?"

Well that might be true, but the reality is this: No one is going to pay for a micro-transaction if the other option is quick, or effective. So what happens then? They make the alternative option slow and tedious.

Now, in and of itself, this strategy isn't evil. In fact, it's necessary. But think about the context where this normally arises: Free to Play games. These games aren't charging you anything to play the game. Therefore, if you want to unlock characters or items for your player, you're either going to have to play a long time to do so, or pay money up front. Which makes sense; you didn't pay anything for the game in the first place.

But not with Dead Space. Dead Space 3 is going to cost you 60 bucks when it comes out.


New member
Jun 24, 2010
There are those article titles that intrigue me, there are those that make we want to facepalm, and there are those that make me laugh out loud. This one made me laugh so much my parents came in and asked me to shutup.

Oh EA, is this the "new horror" you were talking about?

"Oh crap I haven't got enough money to buy a new gun!" *shits pants*.


Music Slave
Nov 4, 2009
No thanks EA. I'll play ANYTHING else. I feel sorry for anyone dumb enough to go along with you and your scams.