EA Brings Microtransactions to Dead Space 3


New member
Nov 30, 2012
Negatempest said:
From which every thing you said can be done in a "cheat code" format. Everything. Sure maybe not all ammo, but maybe unlock a specific weapon type like from GTA. Sure their a business. But saying they are a business doesn't excuse anyone at all from scamming or nickle/diming their customers. Once a game like Dead Space is done, it's done. It's not an MMO nor is it some kind of competetive sport game (lol, TF2, Dota2). It's a single player game with a multiplayer mode. Nothing about the micro-transaction makes sense in a game like Dead Space 3.
Yeah it can be done in a cheat code format, but how many people now actually go looking for cheats. Cheat codes are practically dead, and the only games that still use them are Saints Row and Grand Theft Auto. I'm not even sure if you can call AC3's cheat codes cheats, because you only unlock them at the end of the game, and you do so by playing a mini game. I'm not saying that saying EA is a business excuses them from trying to make money, I'm saying it gives them a reason to try and get as much money as possible. This generation has been defined for it's DLC and people being willing to pay for crap. Fable 3, for example charges something like 5 dollars so that you can dye clothes black. Not only that, but they made an achievment for dying everything you owned black, thus forcing players whom were into getting achievments to pay for something that is purely aesthetic.

Just like cheat codes, this micro transaction is entirely up to the player, in fact, cheat codes aren't really needed anymore with the inclusion of new game+ modes in nearly every game now. This however, unlike cheat codes, will carry over to every new play through a person does, it's basically DLC if you think about it. For example, you spend 10 dollars to unlock a new character for a game, now every time you play the new game, you have a new character. Same thing applies to this micro transaction, you pay to get the weapon bits, and from that point on, you will forever have the weapon you created. It all comes down to whether you are going to pay for the extra weapons, or just go through the game and find the pieces yourself. IN THE END, it is your choice, and if you don't want/like it, then you don't have to spend money on it because it's optional. So stop whining about something that is easily avoided and has no effect on you unless you want it to.


New member
May 10, 2008
bug_of_war said:
Negatempest said:
From which every thing you said can be done in a "cheat code" format. Everything. Sure maybe not all ammo, but maybe unlock a specific weapon type like from GTA. Sure their a business. But saying they are a business doesn't excuse anyone at all from scamming or nickle/diming their customers. Once a game like Dead Space is done, it's done. It's not an MMO nor is it some kind of competetive sport game (lol, TF2, Dota2). It's a single player game with a multiplayer mode. Nothing about the micro-transaction makes sense in a game like Dead Space 3.
Yeah it can be done in a cheat code format, but how many people now actually go looking for cheats. Cheat codes are practically dead, and the only games that still use them are Saints Row and Grand Theft Auto. I'm not even sure if you can call AC3's cheat codes cheats, because you only unlock them at the end of the game, and you do so by playing a mini game. I'm not saying that saying EA is a business excuses them from trying to make money, I'm saying it gives them a reason to try and get as much money as possible. This generation has been defined for it's DLC and people being willing to pay for crap. Fable 3, for example charges something like 5 dollars so that you can dye clothes black. Not only that, but they made an achievment for dying everything you owned black, thus forcing players whom were into getting achievments to pay for something that is purely aesthetic.

Just like cheat codes, this micro transaction is entirely up to the player, in fact, cheat codes aren't really needed anymore with the inclusion of new game+ modes in nearly every game now. This however, unlike cheat codes, will carry over to every new play through a person does, it's basically DLC if you think about it. For example, you spend 10 dollars to unlock a new character for a game, now every time you play the new game, you have a new character. Same thing applies to this micro transaction, you pay to get the weapon bits, and from that point on, you will forever have the weapon you created. It all comes down to whether you are going to pay for the extra weapons, or just go through the game and find the pieces yourself. IN THE END, it is your choice, and if you don't want/like it, then you don't have to spend money on it because it's optional. So stop whining about something that is easily avoided and has no effect on you unless you want it to.

I kinda have to sort of disapprove of that for the purpose that I don't want to put my finger in my ears and go, "lalalalalalala". I don't like the attitude of "if it doesn't effect you, leave it alone" IF other players will get scammed for it. That's like saying, "Well that's not my house getting robbed, so I better not call the police." I see BS and I call it BS because it is BS to even try to do something like that.

Don't even dare compare actual DLC for that BS. DLC is "supposed" to be added content not found under any means in the original purchase of the game to add life to a game. Hats for TF2 or a set of armor from another universe. What this is, is that instead of a simple password/cheat code device..you pay for it. Let me put it in a better perspective. You remember the "Vault" area of Mortal Kombat? Where you get new stuff that is buried in the games code? Now imagine all that getting charged for instead. And there is no reason that "you" as a consumer should ever be okay with that.

Your argument comes down to, "As long as it doesn't effect me directly, other people can get scammed." That in itself is foolish thinking.