EA Brings Microtransactions to Dead Space 3


New member
Sep 13, 2012
I really hope this game crashes and burns, preferably with a 95% piracy rate or something.

Teach those money grubbing asshats a lesson.

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
That sounds extremely lazy...on the players part. "I don't want to look for stuff, so I'll pay you to get it for me." That sucks a lot of fun out of games if you ask me. I wonder how many people will actually do this. As long as I don't have to pay to beat the game, I'm not touching this. And if I DO have to pay to beat the game, oh man...


New member
Mar 8, 2010
-Ezio- said:
are people really bitching about this? so EA are exploiting idiots with too much money. gaming is still a business and it's a good way for them to make a bit more from the game.

it's not going to ruin the main game for anyone is it? i think it's good they're doing this instead of cutting out parts of the game we'd give a shit about and selling them separately at launch.
It's because people love to ***** about EA. It's almost like a sport now. Pass judgement before the game comes out, just because EA is involved. The micro transactions could be completely separate, not affecting actual scrounging at all. Or it could make scavenging more boring so people buy resources. We don't know yet. Y'all can get mad at EA when we see exactly how things are affected, when the goddamn game is released.


You Gots to Chill
Sep 10, 2012
"You can buy resources with real money, but scavenger bots can also give you the currency that you can use on the marketplace," Dead Space 3 Associate Producer Yara Khoury told Eurogamer. "So you don't have to spend [real world] dollars."

I really don't have a problem with this. It doesn't sound like you HAVE to do this, nor does it take away from those who do not. If people want to pay to unlock everything (i.e. they've been doing this since Skate) then go ahead. It doesn't diminish my enjoyment of the game whatsoever.
Oct 2, 2012
kajinking said:

I can understand the temptation to spend money in a multi-player game but in a singleplayer/co-op?

Who in the hell would want to buy this crap when all it means is that you'll do slightly better in co-op?

I swear at the rate this is going the next elder scrolls game will let you buy Daedric armor and weapons from the start, won't that be fun?!
Only if they let you buy the skill points to use them!

This is pure greed but nobody has to do it. If a few stupid people feel like wasting their money on stupid crap then let them. I'll get up in arms when it starts becoming mandatory to progress or do well in the game.

The White Hunter

Basment Abomination
Oct 19, 2011
Shadow-Phoenix said:
SkarKrow said:
Well it has to somehow make money if it doesn't meat their projected 5 MILLION sales target.

You keep hoping EA, cuz I'm still not buying it.
They are way out of their own league and mind if they expect it to meet the 5 mill mark and with the micro trans (carrot on a stick) method it just means people like you and me will just be put off by this kind of tactic.

What happened to not making games with resources that take forever to scrap for and resorting to "short cut packs"?.

I mean honestly I don't mind scrounging for the resources to craft/make what I want but if it's been designed to become a grind then I just flat out don't want part of it.

I give the AAA part of the industry 4-5 more years before that area crashes and burns thanks to the longest road and shortest road with no middle road in between.
Honestly I think they've gone mad, Dead Space won't sell 5 million, it's as bad as Capcoms Resi 6 projections, though I did enjoy Resident Evil 6 (shush, it was better than 5, at least it lasted longer than 3 fucking hours, was fun co-op too, though I'd like to know why the last boss was a manticore, then a t-rex, then mothra). Honestly I'm just not interested in Dead Space 3 because I can't stand Dead Space, the first kind of interested me but it bored me stupid within a couple of hours, and the second I was put off by the demo and it's magic "spawn two enemies in a corner youi're in and give them insta-kill attacks" moment of making me never want dead space 2.

The fact that people are adamant out there that it's survival horror sickens me too. The last mainstream game that came close was Resident Evil 4 (though maybe Silent Hill Downpour did, I haven't played it yet), and that was because of a masterful atmosphere and genuine feelings of solitude.

Maybe ZombiU too, that looks like a lot of fun actually, it's on my Wii U shopping list...


New member
Apr 2, 2011
While there is no inherent problem with allowing this option to players, I simply do not trust EA with this. I can see them easily taking it the wrong direction and making the game overly grindy and time consuming just to encourage(practically force) players to take advantage of this "feature." This has already become a huge issue in F2P/P2W MMOs and social gaming. I'll be seriously pissed if EA starts this trend going in singleplayer games. I'll be keeping a close eye on EA over this one.


New member
Apr 26, 2011
kommando367 said:
No thanks. I'll just scrounge for resources.

inb4 vitriol

"Oh hey a totally optional thing that I probably won't bother to use but that might be useful to someone who can't dedicate as much as I am, and which won't affect me at all?"



New member
Jan 30, 2011
VanQQisH said:
Well this is just plain stupid. I can understand why micro transactions are a thing in MMOs or other multiplayer games, where resources are limited and you can show your cool stuff off to strangers. But this is not the kind of game where either of these situations apply.

Oh EA, I certainly hope you don't make it a major pain in the ass to get resources in this game just to get people's money.
I think we all already know that they will. It's what EA does, and it's yet another reason I won't be buying the game, at least not any time soon.

an annoyed writer

Exalted Lady of The Meep :3
Jun 21, 2012
I really can't see this going well. The microtransaction system really turned me off of Mass Effect 3's multiplayer, since the ability to get a good loadout in there was left up to pure chance. I get my ass handed to me on just about every difficulty, and even saving up for the really high-tier packs rarely turns out anything good, making any money you do spend a real gamble. It makes the game itself really unfun, thus resulting in me putting it down. The fact that it can cripple your single player experience is another strike against it.

So, with that in mind, you know what I think is going to happen with Dead Space? Pirates will take this game, host it on their own servers, and make the store dispense all of its content for free. EA loses money on an already dwindling franchise, and puts the kibosh on it. People continue to lose respect for EA, and its stock prices drop further. After all, they love to repeat history.

Now to be clear, I don't hate EA. I just don't like how they manage their resources. The people at its various game studios truly love the properties that they work on, and really want them to be the best damn games they can make. However, so much of the development decisions are made by the execs up top, with the goal of making more money and little else. You take that and compare that to a model like Bethesda's, which is more focused on growing and nurturing a small set of big properties and making them the best possible experiences for the player, which in turn has the players recommending their games and spreading a good word of mouth. I don't see Bethesda losing money faster than a gambling addict at a casino, so they must be doing something right.


New member
Dec 5, 2008
Bindal said:
You're acting as if Dead Space would be a Horror Francise - despite being obviously a third-person action-based shooter. No horror to be found.
Thematically, horror is clearly what they've been aiming for- jump scares, things scurrying just out of the edge of vision, mounting dread, etc.. Whether they've succeeded in that in the past is certainly an open question, but it's somewhat different than the question of whether the games are "horror" as in "survival horror" in genre. The answer to that question is more emphatically "no", which I think is what you mean.

It's "horror" as in "theme and atmosphere" that to my mind makes the shop ridiculous, though.


New member
May 10, 2008
This is bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad. T^T. "But why? It doesn't effect the me, (hardcore) so why should I care if others are willing to pay for it?" Well, let me put it this way. For such access to a game in the past, it was called a "Cheat Code". A function found in old ps1, N64 games and older for the function of either making it easier or more fun for the player......and it was free. This is nothing more than to scam possible customers out of their money for something that literally was free at one point of time. "If" they want to add in more unique weapons, than sure i'm up for that. But that is not what this intended project is for, it's a modern day version of a Snake Oil salesman and we really need to chase these types of people out of our homes. >_<

I won't buy this specific game, but will buy others when they are worth it.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
This will probably go rather poorly.

In multiplayer, buying weapons can, in ideal circumstances, offer the player with a wider variety of powers, but not necessarily MORE power. That awesome sniper rifle may fit a play style better, but it is not inherently better then another sniper rifle. But in dead space, where tension relies to some extent on a a slow increase in power, It is very likely that microtransactions will feel purely like "Pay to win". In single player, there is no counter play to balance certain micro transaction weapons. Necromorphs won't change tactics if you pay real money for a new gun. I'm not saying that EA COULDN'T implement this system well. Its technically possible with a lot of thought. But I will say that realistically? They probably WON'T.


New member
Mar 22, 2010
SkarKrow said:
Honestly I think they've gone mad, Dead Space won't sell 5 million, it's as bad as Capcoms Resi 6 projections, though I did enjoy Resident Evil 6 (shush, it was better than 5, at least it lasted longer than 3 fucking hours, was fun co-op too, though I'd like to know why the last boss was a manticore, then a t-rex, then mothra). Honestly I'm just not interested in Dead Space 3 because I can't stand Dead Space, the first kind of interested me but it bored me stupid within a couple of hours, and the second I was put off by the demo and it's magic "spawn two enemies in a corner youi're in and give them insta-kill attacks" moment of making me never want dead space 2.

The fact that people are adamant out there that it's survival horror sickens me too. The last mainstream game that came close was Resident Evil 4 (though maybe Silent Hill Downpour did, I haven't played it yet), and that was because of a masterful atmosphere and genuine feelings of solitude.

Maybe ZombiU too, that looks like a lot of fun actually, it's on my Wii U shopping list...
EA are playing the fools gambit and they surely should know they won't even come close to meeting the quota that they set themselves up with but we'll just have to sit back and watch their gamble blow up in smoke and watch them shuffle the deck once more to try again.

I also need to put Zombi U on my shopping list as well as a premium U.

The White Hunter

Basment Abomination
Oct 19, 2011
Shadow-Phoenix said:
SkarKrow said:
Honestly I think they've gone mad, Dead Space won't sell 5 million, it's as bad as Capcoms Resi 6 projections, though I did enjoy Resident Evil 6 (shush, it was better than 5, at least it lasted longer than 3 fucking hours, was fun co-op too, though I'd like to know why the last boss was a manticore, then a t-rex, then mothra). Honestly I'm just not interested in Dead Space 3 because I can't stand Dead Space, the first kind of interested me but it bored me stupid within a couple of hours, and the second I was put off by the demo and it's magic "spawn two enemies in a corner youi're in and give them insta-kill attacks" moment of making me never want dead space 2.

The fact that people are adamant out there that it's survival horror sickens me too. The last mainstream game that came close was Resident Evil 4 (though maybe Silent Hill Downpour did, I haven't played it yet), and that was because of a masterful atmosphere and genuine feelings of solitude.

Maybe ZombiU too, that looks like a lot of fun actually, it's on my Wii U shopping list...
EA are playing the fools gambit and they surely should know they won't even come close to meeting the quota that they set themselves up with but we'll just have to sit back and watch their gamble blow up in smoke and watch them shuffle the deck once more to try again.

I also need to put Zombi U on my shopping list as well as a premium U.
I lost any remnant of faith in EA when the new SSX didn't have racing with your friends on the couch, i.e. the best feature of On Tour: hammering it down the mountain with a buddy for giggles, I still boot that bad boy up to this day!

Oh, I need to too, tell you what lemme find a link, ShopTo are doing a bundle for £299.99 with ZombiU, and an Pro Controller... http://www.shopto.net/wiiu/WIIUHW03-nintendo-wii-u-console-32gb-black-premium-zombiu-bundle bingo!

I do want nintendo land though it looks like a blast, along with mario bros u because i'm just a sucker for platforming of that quality.

Gonna probably pick it up fairly soon, after I get myself a new office chair, this ones literally falling apart!


New member
Aug 19, 2009
Already done in ME3 multiplayer. Wasn't that bad, some people dropped hundreds of dollars for weapon packs, I didn't spend a cent.

It kept my multiplayer expansions free, I won't complain.

Although I'm not buying it if it's Origin only.

Happiness Assassin

New member
Oct 11, 2012
So what? They have been doing this for all their games as of late. If people are too lazy to play a fucking game, well I'm just glad its not my income that they are wasting. Just as long as it doesn't reach Capcom-esque levels, then I don't have a problem.


New member
Jan 17, 2010
fast forward a few years, and we have single player pay2win..

really? this is the direction gaming has taken? if so, then i want no part in it anymore by that point..