EA Defends Origin From Hardcore Crowd


New member
Feb 5, 2009
Neofishie said:
Dear EA,

Do you remember in the scene in Rocky where Mickey was yellin' at Rocky for not trying hard enough, and how Rocky countered with saying Apollo was an underdog once too, so just calm down and Rocky will eventually be the champ if he just waits long enough?

No? Good, because that scene never existed because that's never how underdogs become successful. And right now you are so underdog there are paw prints on your forehead.

Being competitive isn't just doing the exact same things the champ did seven years ago. It's forcing the champ to play the game a whole new way.

A devout Battlefield fan who's really upset about this poorly implemented, half-assed program that's surviving via shear thickheaded executives tagging along throwing money rather than smart business plans and creative strategies.

And you know for Steam, its just business as usual. Its summer sale time and I just gave Steam another $20
Oh I am sure Valve has risk plans set aside for if EA ever pulls its head out of its Origin. But alas EA seems to taint everything it touches (at least in the last few years).

A Battlefield fan who can't play Battlefield 3 because he has standards.


New member
Apr 3, 2010
Metalrocks said:
steam at least works pretty fine, despite some flaws that you cant use it if your not connected to the net.
Actually if you are connected at some point, then hit the go offline button under the 'Steam' drop down menu you can play all of your already installed games with no net connection. Just have to reconnect if you want to download/buy new stuff.


New member
Jan 7, 2011
The difference is we trust Valve to understand the customer. That the service is there to be a Service and not just as a tool to exploit the customer. Gabe's said this repeatedly - the better job they do making the customer happy, the more stuff they sell and the more money they make! You scratch my back, I fill your wallet.

EA's going to have to do a hell of a lot of work to convince me that their plethora of empty suits ( http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2012-06-06-david-demartini-origin-wants-to-be-the-hub ) will ever comprehend this or view the customer as anything but the enemy.


Needs more Dakka
Apr 13, 2010
The difference with Steam and Origin is that Valve made up for it in the end. How likely is it that EA will make up for it in any way? Their PC games are still 60 dollars.


New member
Jan 2, 2011
DVS BSTrD said:
EA's answer to every criticism: We didn't do anything wrong, YOU'RE all just haters.
And ENTITLED ones at that!

Oops sorry that last bit was actually Bioware's white knights.
As a Biodrone I take offense, we all hate EA.

OT: Origin, fix yourself then judge others please.


New member
Jun 27, 2011
EA, if you want to be successful, you have to give a bit back but you won't because your only reason for living is to make sure all you see is dollar signs by any means necessary.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
I doubt it will ever see widespread acceptance like steam has from the hardcore, this is ea we are talking about, for every good thing they do, they have to do 20 bad things.


New member
Jun 12, 2008
OK, no one said anything negative about EA wanting to pass off Origin as an indie-crowd sourced haven? Really? So I just imagined all those articles raging about EA being delusional about listing the games that are financed that way because companies like EA have forced them into that? Really? Damn...I think I've got to restock my meds 'coz they ain't working no more'.


New member
Jul 29, 2009
If EA continues being EA (as it will), Origin will remain a massive pile of shit. If Mass Effect 3 had been on Steam, I would never have touched the damn thing. Nothing about Origin makes me want to use it in the slightest. This will be no different.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Seems like EA tends to notice trends without paying any attention to what people are saying.

Let me be honest, nobody with half a brain likes digital distribution even a little bit. People do not like having no control over what they buy. As the industry started forcing people onto digital platforms, where even buying a disc just made you DL it online anyway, STEAM wound up becoming a darling by dropping their prices. The big arguement was why should someone pay the same price for a product they don't control and represents a risk through dependance on a digital service. Noticing that the promised lowering of prices that was going to come with digital distribution never manifested, as publishers just kept prices the same and pocketed the money saved on discs, packaging, shipping, and other things. STEAM has shown that they can lower the prices of games by as much as 75% (even on fairly new titles) and still make a profit. When your paying $5-$10 for a game as opposed to $50 ot $60 it softens the impact. STEAM is kind of keeping the promise with their sales that digital would lower the cost of gaming substantially... and people have noticed that.

Origin really brings nothing to the table, it's intrusive, and has all the negatives of digital services, but also charges top dollar for it's games. There is no benefit from buying from Origin as opposed to having a disc in hand without any kind of DRM, it costs the same thing as buying a game in a brick and mortar store.

What's more EA kind of shot themselves in the foot with the recent rants about how STEAM sales were "devalueing Intellectual Property" when really they kind of show what games should cost, as opposed to what EA wants to sell them for and the monster profits it wants to make.

There is also the matter of STEAM's community, their support isn't the best, but it is there, and tends to get the job done, there are a good number of users, a lot of differant groups, and a lot of tie ins through STEAM like their give away sites, and everything else.

What's more as STEAM was the first to the party, most people who obtained digital content there became invested in the service in part to keep their digital games all in one place. Having to worry about five or six differant sites for differant games is a pain in the rear. What's more STEAM's prices encourage you to buy more and more stuff from them, as opposed to taking a "we have you by the wrinklies since your here already, now we are going to squeeze".

Oh yes, and Origin generally sucks in terms of support. Back when I pre-ordered TOR EA messed up with the codes they send to gamestop. My CE of TOR wound up being registered as a standard edition. Upon getting a proper code for a CE pre-order I couldn't put the code into my account since it had the standard version listed and you couldn't upgrade a product you already had. Customer service told me to make a second account until they could resolve the problem, and they would eventually merge the accounts. In the process of juggling two accounts I wind up making mistakes an installing a couple of games to each (since I have to logout and then log back in), leading to me having to play games with Origin every time I want to play Amalur or TOR, or whatever else, to make sure I'm under the right account. Origin has yet to merge my accounts or find any way to solve this problem, and every time I've sent inquiries it's been ignored... the root of this problem all coming from EA screwing up their pre-order codes, making promises to merge placeholder accounts used for the proper accounts, and then never bothering to work on their system archetecture.

Indeed I just cancelled my TOR account, I've been playing a lot of other games on and off, and honestly juggling Origin back and forth finally got to be too annoying for me. I've pretty much stopped playing all of my games on Origin, and really, despite having hundreds of dollars in software tied up in it, I'm probably just going to cut my losses instead of continueing to mess around with it.

In short EA and Origin blow chips, they can't update products based on better versions of the same thing (upgrading from standard to collector's), and even after months they have yet to find ways to do things like merge multiple accounts which is something they had allegedly been working on since the first day TOR pre-orders became availible.

EA wonders why people hate Origin, well, they should ask what they have ever done to get people to like it. With STEAM it wasn't hatred of STEAM in paticular, but what it represented digitally. Origin isn't hated because it's something new, and radical, and we aren't used to it, it's because it's a poorly run, poorly maintained mess, it's like STEAM's retarded cousin. It's pretty much the second coming of Microsoft's "Games For Windows Live", execept without the excuse that it's a new thing and trying to co-habitate with a console based digital network (sharing gamerscore with XBL and such).


New member
Jul 22, 2011
shiajun said:
OK, no one said anything negative about EA wanting to pass off Origin as an indie-crowd sourced haven? Really? So I just imagined all those articles raging about EA being delusional about listing the games that are financed that way because companies like EA have forced them into that? Really? Damn...I think I've got to restock my meds 'coz they ain't working no more'.
What is negative about it? That is actually a smart move on EA's part. People need to get the content out to the people who crowd source these games, and EA said the would do it for free for a short period of time. The goal is to get people using the service. With the free period (30 days?) it acts as a way for someone to use the service (download the game they crowd sourced) and decide if they like the service. If they don't the don't, if they do they do.


New member
Aug 12, 2009
Croaker42 said:
Neofishie said:
Dear EA,

Do you remember in the scene in Rocky where Mickey was yellin' at Rocky for not trying hard enough, and how Rocky countered with saying Apollo was an underdog once too, so just calm down and Rocky will eventually be the champ if he just waits long enough?

No? Good, because that scene never existed because that's never how underdogs become successful. And right now you are so underdog there are paw prints on your forehead.

Being competitive isn't just doing the exact same things the champ did seven years ago. It's forcing the champ to play the game a whole new way.

A devout Battlefield fan who's really upset about this poorly implemented, half-assed program that's surviving via shear thickheaded executives tagging along throwing money rather than smart business plans and creative strategies.

And you know for Steam, its just business as usual. Its summer sale time and I just gave Steam another $20
Oh I am sure Valve has risk plans set aside for if EA ever pulls its head out of its Origin. But alas EA seems to taint everything it touches (at least in the last few years).

A Battlefield fan who can't play Battlefield 3 because he has standards.
Seems kind of harsh to boycott a game because it's on Orgin. I can understand the Mass Effect 3 boycott since there was a lot of crap going on with it but BF3 is a decent and fun game that has managed to avoid pissing it's fans off too bad despite being stuck with EA. The whole Premium thing is just a chance to take a bite of COD Elite and up till this point the DLC has been decent (Now if they would only stop breaking the game every patch with glitch weapons). To me BF3 is one of least serious offenders and so long as EA doesn't make DICE drive the series into the ground with cheap business tatics and horrible DLC I'll probably still play it. I still hate what EA has done to Mass Effect, The Sims, Crysis, Simcity, Deadspace, and Command and Conquer but BF3 is still somewhat ok.


New member
Jun 12, 2008
robert01 said:
shiajun said:
OK, no one said anything negative about EA wanting to pass off Origin as an indie-crowd sourced haven? Really? So I just imagined all those articles raging about EA being delusional about listing the games that are financed that way because companies like EA have forced them into that? Really? Damn...I think I've got to restock my meds 'coz they ain't working no more'.
What is negative about it? That is actually a smart move on EA's part. People need to get the content out to the people who crowd source these games, and EA said the would do it for free for a short period of time. The goal is to get people using the service. With the free period (30 days?) it acts as a way for someone to use the service (download the game they crowd sourced) and decide if they like the service. If they don't the don't, if they do they do.
I personally get a massive headache from trying to reconcile all this "we want to be indie" non-sense coming from EA, but that's not what I posted about. I posted about EA denying there was any negative feedback from this announcement, once again determined to ignore the opposing voices. If this move is good or bad is yet to be seen, but a notable part of the community did not react favorably to it around the time the announcement was made. That's my whole point.


New member
Jun 14, 2012
I'm already signed into PSN or XBOX Live to play online games only WHY do I need to sign into ANOTHER network while within a already functioning network service for online AND offline games!?


New member
Jan 28, 2012
Why are we talking in terms of "hardcore" now?
It's really hard to take someone who uses terms like "the hardcore" in his sentences, apparently with a straight face, seriously.


New member
Nov 12, 2011
kajinking said:
LOL!!! All this did was remind me to check the latest Steam sale!!!!

Edit: Sweet RAGE for 75% off! Thanks Steam!
1. You can't even buy RAGE on Origin. Their list of games is short.

2. I just checked Origin and all their 20 dollar games you can still find cheaper everywhere else for about half the price, more or less, for on disc and 65% to 80% for download. How does anybody defend that without sounding like a greedy dick?

3. Looking back at that "Dear Origin, You Stink" article either nobody at EA read it or somebody did and not a fuck was given because it's still the same Origin. Why the hell would anybody want to pay for overpriced games on a screwed up service that won't adapt to save itself?


New member
May 13, 2010
Still waiting to hear that those indie games will be Origin exclusives. It's inevitable.