It's true. They're not just a Battlefield factory. They also work on Medal Of Honor, guys! So, you know, that other military shooter.
Just please make Mirror's Edge 2. PLEASE!
Just please make Mirror's Edge 2. PLEASE!
DICE = Mirror's Edge for me. Could not care less about Battlefield or which company makes it.When you think of the Stockholm-based Electronic Arts studio DICE, odds are the first thing that leaps to mind is the Battlefield franchise.
Sorry, yes you are. You made some other stuff, but then EA decided to stomp on you and turn you in to what you make best- a gray, soulless monstrosity who can only do one thing.Andy Chalk said:EA DICE Manager: We're Not Just a "Battlefield Factory"
To which I say: "So... what CAN you do with the engine that isn't a groundbreaking leap in gunshootery and warfighting?"RicoADF said:I'd say he means that they also work on the frostbite engine and possibly even do internal test games (not for public release) to see what can be done with the engine.