It seems like EA is seeing big markets that DON'T play games ( probably for reasons...) and saying "hey! look at all these people not playing our games! We need to throw more games at them and they'll surely give us all their moneys!"
Seriously, I wouldn't be surprised if they moved on to saying something like "Hey! People like food, right? Let's shove a gameboy into all the meat, and embed apps onto the vegetables! People will love us for that, right?! RIGHT?!"
It's pretty sad, really.
EA, you guys have millions of people who ALREADY know you exist, and would buy your games if they weren't consistently moneygrubbing, rushed, low quality, anti-consumer, DRM using shit. Maybe you should, you know, solidify your existing consumer base who are growing wise to your bullshit instead of trying to herd in a new gang of lemmings to scam with your bullshit.