Well I suppose this is good tho I hope when they try and broaden the audience they don?t lose what makes the game good.
I?m not a game designer so I don?t know wth I am talking about but these are a few things I think I would want to see.
DO NOT shift the focus to fighting, combat in most instances should be optional, you should be running away, maybe occasionally stopping to disarm any one in your way or take out a guy with a machine gun not stopping to engage large groups and if you do decide to fight it should be brutal. Still even if it should not be the emphasis of the game or mandatory it could be improved.
Either improve or ditch the guns, I say ditch. The gunplay was horrible and it doesn?t fit with faith or the game anyway. Plus you?re meant to feel like a light and fast runner not a bad ass solider. The cops or mercs should feel much tougher than you
Disarms were great but outside of this combat was not, it was very clunky in contrast with the running. It?s not a huge issue for me. The only reason I ever used melee was to turn someone around or stager them for a disarm anyway but it could perhaps be made more fluid.
Keep this parkor not freerunning or tricking. The whole point in parkour is to be efficient. To get from A to B in the quickest cleanest way possible using momentum not to jump about doing fancy over the top tricks to look awesome. It isn?t meant to be flashy and wastefull.
No 3rd person! That completely destroys the whole point in the game and I don?t want them having to try and support both and ending up with both subpar. The level designs, mechanics and animations should be designed and tailored for 1st person
Also keep the fast and linear levels. I know, I know everyone hates the word linear. I do think alternate paths would be nice but I think it should remain fast and tightly focused. This is not a dick about and just explore without a purpose game.
Keep the art style! We have enough grey and brown games already. I wouldn?t mind a dark story but you don?t need to make the visuals dark too. The game fits the minimalistic and clean style. it matches both the feel ( parkour is about efficiency after all) and the narrative. The city should feel bright and clean, that?s the point. However as it is just that as soon as you take off runner vision the landscape looks naked. It?s actually why I don?t play on hard anymore. So perhaps a small amount additional color could be introduced.
Improved lighting system. The shadows seemed off, especially on faiths hands.
Improved character models. Especially the hair. I swear, rope burns hair looked like a plastic cap. Some of the textures where pretty bland too
The writing and voice acting could use improving too, all the efforts to establish the idea that faith and merc were close just fell flat and seemed very forced IMO. Also it seemed like slang was inserted in at every opportunity for no apparent reason. I just found it annoying. Jack knife is just below Navi in the list of most video game character I have ever come across and I?m very glad he died so won?t be coming back. Every time he opens his mouth I wanted to beat his head with a baseball bat. ARGGHH maybe that just me. And I wasn?t fond of the plot in general or at least how it was presented. I felt like some of the base plot could be interesting. The stuff about them trying to shift law enforcement to privatised companies, society ruled by fear ect but ?main? plot of faith and her sister was bland and predictable. Aldo the lack of character and interaction made the world seem small. Seeing and working with other runners or people could help this.
Lay off on the cramped vents or add stealth and investigating into the game properly.
Also I would like more chase segments, like the jackknife intro or running form the runner cops.
I was also never fond of the 2D cut scenes tho i guess some may like them, I much preferred the in game cut scenes where you stayed in 1st person. Those where great. That kept you immersed in the game, whereas the 2d scenes completely destroyed immersions and flow for me and honestly?...I don?t think hey where done that well tho I feel like an ass for saying so.
For additional things and to provide breathers from running (which I think you need, as awesome as the running is the game should not stand up on it alone) perhaps hacking or puzzles or maybe even stealth. Faith was investigating in the first game after all but they would need to be careful with the placement of theses. You don?t want to break it up the running too much, so every time a person gets going you get interrupted and thrown out of the zone.
SPC needs to be longer. I know it would be hard since by the nature of the game you will cover allot of ground quickly but ti realy was to short. Makes it feel like less value for money.
Also randomly, I would like the opportunity to run thru the streets, dodge people ect but I imagine this would be hard to do.