i took a couple days off of this thread because i was afraid i was dragging it out unnecessarily. but i'm happy to see it has continued to go completely off the rails in my absence. ^_^
squid5580 said:
If the CoC said "if we find out you are homosexual or mention it on XBL you will be banned" then you would have a valid arguement. You are right when you said that the CoC is not noble it is purely made out of protecting thier own asses. Something in a day and age where a woman can sue when she spills coffee on her lap and win millions is something they have to do.
this argument is going to be shot down the first time a gay XBL user sues microsoft for the same reason <a href=http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/93314-Agoraphobic-PS3-Owner-Sues-Sony-over-PSN-Ban>this guy sued Sony. if anything, this policy increases their exposure to potential lawsuits.
squid5580 said:
Nowhere did I read in the CoC that you can't tell me your sexual preference or orientation (since preference sounds like a choice). Nowhere does it say you can't go into a room of any game and say "I'm a homosexual." I can pretty much guarantee you will get the same responses as you would out in the real world. Some will say "that is a sin/gross/disgusting/homophobic remarks ect", some will say "hey so am I", and others will say "shut up and play douchebag cuz we don't care." And when MS was making the CoC I am quite certain they decided not to allow sexual orientation in profiles not because they are playing the "don't ask, don't tell" game but because they want, no expect people to use discretion with such matters.
like i said before, i'm sure microsoft had good intentions when they decided on the code of conduct. that's nice to know, but the reality is that the policy, as implemented, is discriminatory.
squid5580 said:
homosexuals but when I order a coffee I don't say "black 2 sugars and I am a hetrosexual." (well OK I might if I was single and the cashier was hot but I would probably try a better pick up line than that first). It just doesn't seem like the right thing to do in a civilized society. If I walked into said coffee shop holding another man's hand I would expect them to be able to put 2 and 2 together. Just like if I went in holding my wife's hand. And if I never did either I would tell the cashier eventually if we were developing a friendship. I see no need to wave my sexual orientation like a flag for the world to see. And I expect the same courtesy from a stranger.
putting your sexual orientation in your profile is much more akin to walking in holding another man's hand. saying "coffee, 2 sugars, BTW i'm gay" is much more like saying "i'm gay" in voice chat which you don't seem to have as much of a problem with.
and i see no need to wave my nationality around for the world to see, but some people do, and i don't "expect the same courtesy" from them. mainly because it's a personal decision i made, not a "courtesy".