EA Launches Mass Effect 3 Discs into Space

repeating integers

New member
Mar 17, 2010
TophatEmperor said:
and then one of them lands in a African tribe and they began worshiping Commander Shepard
I lol'd.

OT: All I can say is that EA could put free French Cheese (Brie, to be precise... *nom*) in every copy of the game and people would still find a way to swing it round into EA being the worst humans in history.


New member
Oct 20, 2010
OhJohnNo said:
TophatEmperor said:
and then one of them lands in a African tribe and they began worshiping Commander Shepard
I lol'd.

OT: All I can say is that EA could put free French Cheese (Brie, to be precise... *nom*) in every copy of the game and people would still find a way to swing it round into EA being the worst humans in history.
French cheese? E(vil)A is doing this just to screw with those who are lactose intolerant. Heartless bastards.

OT: I find this to be nothing more than a fun (if gimmicky) stunt they're pulling. People send up weather balloons into (near) space with delicate cargo attached all the time; it's inexpensive (a weather balloon to fit that category doesn't cost much over $100) and fairly safe (parachutes to keep the game in one piece upon reentry; I can't say the same for the groups of fanboys fighting each other off for the copy).

The fact that it's being talked about means that the ad campaign worked.


New member
Apr 6, 2004
I wouldn't want one of those copies. Why? Consider this: Temperatures in the stratosphere (where there is little to no atmospheric protection) fluctuate between -60C to 0C and should the balloon break, the game isn't in freefall, it's re entry. The condition of that game when it lands would be at best unplayable.


New member
Aug 24, 2009
yep, absopositivelylutely the most reasonable thing to do with ressources as vast as EAs.

a few days later, still keep bitching about increasing amount of pirated games, and huuuuuge losses, so one has to fire yet another couple of hundred useless PR representatives, cyber security devs, and incompetent "support"-staff xD - to compensate the losses. which are totally unrelated to stunts like this.

derp ^^


New member
Dec 2, 2009
[GLaDOS voice]I wonder, who are the exact people who though this is a good idea for marketing.
Just curious. It's not like I'll track them in real life and make sure they don't breed/live, or anything.[/voice]

[Space core voice]They fail at space![/voice]

[Wheatley voice]...We know mate....They're getting off easy compared to us. On the other...uhh..how do they say it...hand...I wouldn't like to be torn to shreds by a mob of rabid, smelly humans.[/voice]


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Shame the people who really wanted the game have likely preorded it already.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
LOL okay so "near space" cuz I was gonna say
not sure if a pile of ashes would fit into the 360 disc tray very well :p


New member
May 23, 2010
I find this whole thing a little fishy.

They are tying them to weather balloons and tracking them in space, weather balloons can stay afloat for a month at a time and sure they are launching them in city but if the balloon rises high enough and gets in the jet steam it could end up in another country or another part of the world entirely, also if you launch something into space the earths surface keeps spinning however gravity doesn;t effect things not grounded to the earth in some way, which will cause the balloons to drift even more off course. There is also the whole ocean to account for. and it covers 70% of the worlds surface. So that means at least half of them are going to land in the ocean somewhere and be floating and wash up on a beach.

So unless these are really low grade weather ballons or they have the ability to have them slowly deflate in a timely matter this will not be as fun or interesting as thought. Also there is no mention of it on the web page so it could just be a big lie?