Kungfu_Teddybear said:
GamingAwesome1 said:
Kungfu_Teddybear said:
itsthesheppy said:
Kungfu_Teddybear said:
itsthesheppy said:
Kungfu_Teddybear said:
itsthesheppy said:
she hasn't looked at the metacritic user reviews, has she?
Because the user reviews on metacritic mean something. Metacritic is just where all the butthurt fans go to bomb the game, they mean nothing. Anyone that takes the metacritic user reviews seriously is an idiot, in my opinion.
Yeah. The opinion of disappointed fans don't count. Only the happy ones!
The opinion of disappointed fans count when they're being rational about it.
Allow me to quote you from the top six comments when I click over to the metacritic user reviews.
Server reached maximum capacity and so I was placed in a queue and was not allowed to play a SINGLE PLAYER GAME because it forces me to constantly be online. So despite my flawless internet connection, EA's incompetence has forced me to postpone playing a game I'd like to play on my own anyway.
The game has a lot of problems. Only one of them actually matters. Never support always online DRM for a single player game. Lots of people cannot play their single player game because of this and gamers need to do everything they can to stop developers from including it. Do you still play SimCity 4? Good luck playing this game in 10 years.
It may be looked down upon to use this as a megaphone to shout through but the fact is that people need to see this, that NO-ONE should EVER support always online DRM for a single player game, on my partners 2nd attempt to play this game, she was told the servers were at full capacity and could not play until 235 minutes had elapsed.
BEWARE: Forced online DRM, will you be playing this 10 years down the track like previous Sim Cities? No, you wont. And they want this, so you buy the next one. Servers go down? Well screw you, EA already has your money. DLC available from release, server side save-games. I repeat, FORCED ONLINE DRM Also, server queues at launch. Thanks for destroying video gaming and my most treasured franchise.
It's been out for 2 days and I haven't been able to play it yet. When will they learn Always-On DRM does far more harm than good? I'll just wait for the pirated copies and play those.
This is an $80 facebook game. This origin (spyware) dumbed down piece of garbage, not only costs $80 for the full game (any lesser version witholds ingame content), but comes intact with intrusive, always-online DRM. Many people, even reviewers, were unable to access their games or load old saves because this.
Always online DRM, smaller, non-connected cities due to engine limitations, DAY 0 DOWNLOADABLE CONTENT, poor customer service and delivery of product (waited almost an hour to connect to my single player game), and a swath of simplifications in the gameplay that ruins it for a SC veteran like myself.
I'll stop there. They go on in much the same manner. Angry customers unhappy with a shoddy products, venting their opinion in the only place there they think it has some way to count for something. I'm not seeing many 'irrational' loonies here. Or maybe it's just easier for you to paint them with a wide brush to make yourself feel better about it.
And if you check the scores these people gave the game they're all 0's to 3's. I seriously doubt the game is that bad that it deserves a 1.6 overall score. Like I said, it's where all the butthurt fans go to review bomb the game. The scores these people have given the game have just confirmed what I said about metacritic user reviews. So yeah, as I said earlier, the opinion of disappointed fans count when they're being rational about it.
If the game flat-out fails to function for most people, it deserves nothing
more than a zero.
Doesn't matter if your game is the second coming of Christ, if people can't play it warrants nothing more than a big fat zero.
No it doesn't. Hey, I have an idea! Let's go and give almost every MMO ever a 0 out of 10 because they had server issues at launch.
Server issues can be fixed, and when they are, all the whiners will play the game and love it.
But it shouldn't have to be fixed. I expect a working game when I buy it. Simcity (5) Is not an MMO. Holding it to the standards of an MMO is not right. It is an online game, Yes, But Online Game =/= MMO. And Frankly trying to justify that they can do this, is downright sad.
What next? Are they going to make RPGs always online? Where the biggest influence other players have on your game is a passing "Oh this hero did x" and justify that as a reason to have it always online? If we let EA or any other corporation do this how much tacked on crud will we see in games. How many companies will destroy good video games to try to stop piracy.
The only way to prevent it is to make them understand that they can't do it. If that means bombing the game into dirt. Then so be it. Maybe they will actually learn then.
If you ever thought a game had a tacked on multiplayer. This is the new tacked on multiplayer. They aren't adding things to try to keep you playing it longer. They are making you play it how they want you to. You like mods? GOODBYE. No more mods. Ever. You want innovation? Goodbye. You like being able to do things when you want to? Nuh-uh.