GAunderrated said:
I can't be the only one who read his bullet points going "bullshit....more bullshit....padded numbers.....and more bullshit"
Prove it... prove it... prove it... and prove it.
OT: You know what EA? Give up. Honestly give up.
The people bitching about you make up something around less than 10% of your consumer base. And you know what? They will not stop buying your games. They buy them by the truckloads just so find something to ***** about.
You pretty much have 4,000 Bart Sibrels on your tail at this point. Just roll your eyes and keep making games. Stop taking the time to validate these people. They are not numerous enough to mean anything to you. All the rhetoric about "gamer revolution" or "the market will crash again!" is not being done by economic anylysts. It's being done by some 17-22 year olds sitting at their computers and whining against the keyboard all day and one fat british guy with a messiah complex.
Your games are fine, the occasional online-only game is not going to make anyone whither away and die. Do what George Lucas learned to do and just start jabbing them with the poker just to drink the delicious tears []