EA Reportedly Cancelled Mirror's Edge Sequel


New member
Mar 26, 2009
Oh for the love of God please let it just be put on hold. I've been waiting for a sequel with great anticipation since Mirror's Edge 1 first came out. I've probably beaten the game 12 or more times (mostly due to trial runs) and am far from sick of it. The game generates a very strange feeling in me that only a handful of games have accomplished. I desire to go back and play Mirror's Edge simply due to its existence. It gives me... nostalgia. The theme song gives me flash backs and anything resembling its graphic style makes me want to see it again.

Please EA... Find it in your heart to give this gift of a sequel to the community who loves Mirror's Edge so much. Let DICE have their fun. Oh, and above all else: actually read this comment. That's an important part of this process.


e^(i * pi) + 1 = 0
Apr 5, 2010
SaneAmongInsane said:
I really love the idea of a Parkour game. But in first person? NO THANK YOU.

The most fun I had in Infamous was jumping around on things and street lights.
The 1st-person perspective is actually one of the things that make Mirror's Edge unique. Parkour game in 3rd-person = Prince of Persia in urban settings.

The 1st-person camera in ME seems kinda strange at first, but after some time you get used to it and it's really fun to run around jumping from building to building. As people mentioned in this thread, this is not where the game fails.


New member
Jan 27, 2010
Mirrors Edge was great, it was one of those games that had the right idea but maybe needed a bit of polishing -
thats where mirrors edge 2 could have come in, just as games like dead space 2 and assassins creed 2 greatly improved on good original ideas


New member
Aug 29, 2009
Shame... There was a lot of potential in the idea, and plenty of lessons to learn from the first game that could then be applied in a sequel.


New member
Sep 10, 2010
I was just saying on another thread literally just minutes ago saying how I would like a sequel to this game. Mega sad face. Such great potential for a sequel.


New member
Sep 24, 2008
Hopefully it's just been put on hold and not actually cancelled.

The first one was a breath of fresh air and one of the most original games I've played.


YOU'RE a pie chart.
Nov 30, 2009
Good riddance. Mirror's Edge was a bad game: first person platforming is never a good idea, and combine it with colors so bright that you have to wear sunglasses just to be able to look at the screen, and blagh. They'd have to do so much towards making the game decent that after all the changes, they might as well just make a new IP out of it rather than keep associating with the Mirror's Edge brand.

Logan Westbrook said:
In this interview, Söderlund said that EA was very keen to make a sequel, as Faith - Mirror's Edge's protagonist - was an iconic character; one of the few that EA had.
What. There is nothing iconic about Faith.

raxiv said:
Say what EA? Good NEW non-conventional games don't bring you enough money? Bloody money hungry bastards. They sleep on money to the point where they could just make it for the "fun" of it and still make money of it :|
You did not just say that.



New member
Feb 10, 2011
Its sad that a game like Minecraft can sell over 1.25 million copies at less than ~$20 (on average) a pop, and make the developer obscenely rich, but a game like Mirror's Edge sells over 2 million copies, at least for $20 a pop, and all it does is get the developers a continued job. On a different project.

And yes, I know, ME had a MUCH larger dev team than the single person Minecraft (until recently) but good lord, is this not a reason for EA, Acti, and all the others to consider that smaller, more mobile dev teams are better than larger, multi-million dollar ones? Hell, give the devs a smaller salary with profit sharing as an incentive to make their game that much better. And stop rushing games, for crying out loud.


Sep 9, 2010
tautologico said:
SaneAmongInsane said:
I really love the idea of a Parkour game. But in first person? NO THANK YOU.

The most fun I had in Infamous was jumping around on things and street lights.
The 1st-person perspective is actually one of the things that make Mirror's Edge unique. Parkour game in 3rd-person = Prince of Persia in urban settings.

The 1st-person camera in ME seems kinda strange at first, but after some time you get used to it and it's really fun to run around jumping from building to building. As people mentioned in this thread, this is not where the game fails.
Oh yeah sure I've heard that from a lot of people. It still doesn't make me want to play the game, and probably a whole lot of other people thus why no one bought it.


books, Books, BOOKS
Jan 19, 2011
United States
I hope this isn't true because I really love that game, combat sucked, but I loved the originality of it.

Don't do this EA!

GoddyofAus said:
Wait wait wait,

They would give a sequel to Dead Space which was received "Okay" by critics but still sold pretty well but not give Mirrors Edge the same chance to polish up?

EA fail.
Ain't that the damn truth.

Personally I see no difference between the two in critical response, but hey, who says contradictions can't be amusing?

...Besides everyone else....


New member
Mar 13, 2010
SaneAmongInsane said:
tautologico said:
SaneAmongInsane said:
I really love the idea of a Parkour game. But in first person? NO THANK YOU.

The most fun I had in Infamous was jumping around on things and street lights.
The 1st-person perspective is actually one of the things that make Mirror's Edge unique. Parkour game in 3rd-person = Prince of Persia in urban settings.

The 1st-person camera in ME seems kinda strange at first, but after some time you get used to it and it's really fun to run around jumping from building to building. As people mentioned in this thread, this is not where the game fails.
Oh yeah sure I've heard that from a lot of people. It still doesn't make me want to play the game, and probably a whole lot of other people thus why no one bought it.
Yeah, over 2 million no ones.

I mean, it's no skin off my nose that you don't like it (or don't want to like it), but the FP nature of the platforming isn't part of the problem (outside of appearances to those who haven't played it). It's actually extremely forgiving most of the time in that respect. What it is most hampered by is collision detection and clunky combat. The "camera," as it were, is actually one of the things this game did right (specifically the dot that let you know what you were jumping at).

Visually, this is one of the most unique and stunning games I've played on this generation of consoles. The control scheme is unique yet easy to get used to (granted I would have preferred a few different button placements, but that's just nit picking), and the world has a significant potential for expansion. The city also actually feels like a city, with real space both horizontal and vertical that can be explored... an experience I've seldom had with any other game. With unique and beautiful art direction, a simple story that paces the action decently, and one of the best soundtracks out there, that we seem to be losing a sequel is truly disheartening.

An AC:Bro-style multiplayer with rooftop tag/races/bag hunts would be friggin brilliant and a ton of fun, too.


New member
Apr 30, 2009
So they canceled Battlefield 1943, Battlefield: Bad Company 2's Onslaught mode, and Mirror's Edge to work only on Battlefield 3. SOB!

Been waiting for Bf 1943 since I heard it was being made and I loved Mirror's Edge.... F'ing EA.


New member
Aug 29, 2010
That game was really bad, I'm happy that they get to work on something else. A new pinball or shrek game would be better.


Sep 9, 2010
Ravariel said:
SaneAmongInsane said:
tautologico said:
SaneAmongInsane said:
I really love the idea of a Parkour game. But in first person? NO THANK YOU.

The most fun I had in Infamous was jumping around on things and street lights.
The 1st-person perspective is actually one of the things that make Mirror's Edge unique. Parkour game in 3rd-person = Prince of Persia in urban settings.

The 1st-person camera in ME seems kinda strange at first, but after some time you get used to it and it's really fun to run around jumping from building to building. As people mentioned in this thread, this is not where the game fails.
Oh yeah sure I've heard that from a lot of people. It still doesn't make me want to play the game, and probably a whole lot of other people thus why no one bought it.
Yeah, over 2 million no ones.

I mean, it's no skin off my nose that you don't like it (or don't want to like it), but the FP nature of the platforming isn't part of the problem (outside of appearances to those who haven't played it). It's actually extremely forgiving most of the time in that respect. What it is most hampered by is collision detection and clunky combat. The "camera," as it were, is actually one of the things this game did right (specifically the dot that let you know what you were jumping at).

Visually, this is one of the most unique and stunning games I've played on this generation of consoles. The control scheme is unique yet easy to get used to (granted I would have preferred a few different button placements, but that's just nit picking), and the world has a significant potential for expansion. The city also actually feels like a city, with real space both horizontal and vertical that can be explored... an experience I've seldom had with any other game. With unique and beautiful art direction, a simple story that paces the action decently, and one of the best soundtracks out there, that we seem to be losing a sequel is truly disheartening.

An AC:Bro-style multiplayer with rooftop tag/races/bag hunts would be friggin brilliant and a ton of fun, too.
Okay you know how much it made in sales. What was the games budget? How much did EA spend on marketing? Test playing? Focus Groups? unless you can prove the game turned a profit for the company, a substantal profit I might add, that 2 million argument is meaningless. I think it stands to reason if EA thought they could make money off a sequel they would do it.

It doesn't matter how good a game is sometimes sir. No one wants to play Parkour from the first person perspective. Okami was a great game, no one wants to play a game where your a wolf painting shit. What about ICO? The game everyone praises? NO ONE PLAYED IT.

EDIT: To clarify, when I say no one, I mean it didn't turn a profit and/or substantial one.