EA Turns Its Back on Single-Player Games

darth gditch

Dark Gamer of the Sith
Jun 3, 2009
I...I...I don't even.

I usual post to defend corporations, but the complete abandonment of the purely single-player experience?

This seems.....foolish. I mean, even in this day and age, not everyone has an internet connection. Even more don't have the proper high-speed connection online gaming requires. Even more people might not want to pay for always-on online service.

Seriously, that's a decent sized market that you potentially write off.

Not to mention the fact that some games are not improved, indeed are hampered, by multiplayer. Survival games in any form are not meant for multiplayer.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for well-crafted multiplayer experiences, but not at the expense of my single-player experience. You know, the experience I bought the game for. Especially since NO multiplayer is split-screen anymore. :(

EDIT: I'm exaggerating by saying no multiplayer is split-screen, but not too many games let you have a split-screen online thing going on anymore (a la Halo 2) and no one really does bots anymore either (a la Perfect Dark). There's horde modes, but that's about it.


New member
Sep 3, 2010
Congratulations EA, you just alienated the entire core gaming demographic. I don't play multiplayer that often any more and I really like well crafted single player experiences. For example, Dead Space was a load of fun. It wasn't scary by any means, but it was fun. And single player.

Got rot in the hell that is your marketing departement.


New member
Sep 26, 2010
every time I think EA cant do anything stupider they prove me wrong whats next EA 5$/a minute games?!


New member
Jul 6, 2011
...You know what? I'm not surprised, hell I'm not even angry anymore. For the longest time now, EA has seem dead set on accruing as much gamer hatred as it can and it's doing a bang up job of it.

So no, I'm not surprised at this. I'm not gonna yell, curse, or swear to whatever deity that will listen that I'll never buy an EA game again (because EA still owns Bioware).

I'm just gonna say one thing: Keep it up EA. Just keep up the bullshit, each and every time you screw up you're just giving us more ammunition. And the more ammo you give us, the easier it will be to finally put you in the ground...for good.

Captcha: tight lipped. Kinda the opposite of what's going on huh?

Eppy (Bored)

Crazed Organist
Jan 7, 2009
daibakuha said:
Yep, people are jumping the gun. In fact Gabe Newell said the same thing months ago, yet no one complained then.

I think it's a combination of blind EA hatred, and nerdbaiting title that leads to all these stupid comments.
I would like to point out that Gabe Newell can do whatever he pleases because he has never shipped a game that wasn't at least excellent. If HL3 ships with multiplayer hopefully it will follow the original Half Life model and be Counterstrike instead (I wouldn't be surprised).

Meanwhilst, people are jumping the gun and raging, yes, but this is EA; they deserve every bit of it, for their terrible PR department if nothing else. Anybody who knows ANYTHING about the core gaming communities will tell you in an instant what a terrible idea anything vaguely related to the content of that announcement is and how negative the reaction will be. Just for saying it like that EA deserves it.

TL;DR, survival of the fittest applies to your PR department.


iDrink, iSmoke, iPill
Nov 16, 2008
Wanna update this story with this?


Rooster Cogburn

New member
May 24, 2008
Tippy said:
I personally have more or less fallen out with most singleplayer games. They simply can't hold my attention for more than a couple of hours, they feel like a chore to play.

Here's how Skyrim went for me:
> Maxed graphics settings, ventured out into the world, checked my frame rates
> Splashed around in the water, admired some scenery
> Ran around a forest, killed a bear or two, more scenery
> Climbed to the highest mountain and jumped to my death

And all that was only ~2 hours in, after which I was so incredibly bored I started staring blankly at the ceiling with the overwhelming feeling of "what the hell am I even doing?".
Far be it from me to tell you how to play Skyrim. But if you were so bored, why didn't you try a quest or a dungeon or something? lol. The game is not for everyone, but the description you give of your own actions makes it sound like you wanted it to be boring. Give it another chance for my sake! When people don't like what I like I cry forever.


New member
Feb 8, 2008
daibakuha said:
FoolKiller said:
Andy Chalk said:
Gibeau said. Today, all of our games include online applications and digital services that make them live 24/7/365."
And that is how long you should expect any game to last from EA.... one year. Then they want you to buy the slightly newer one that is the more or less the same thing to be able to continue online.
Asides from Sports titles no one cares about, have they ever actually done this?
Many people like and care about the sports titles. Just because you don't doesn't mean you represent everyone else. And to answer your question, yes, they have shut down many games that are not yearly sports games. In fact, they've shut down a couple of games where the main focus was the multiplayer such as Army of Two, and Lord of the Rings: Conquest etc.

daibakuha said:
EDIT: you guys do realize that online services could be anything from online leaderboards to Facebook integration, right? That it doesn't just mean that everything gets tacked on multiplayer?
Your edit has nothing to do with the topic of my comment so I don't get what the point is. I read and understood the article without your condescension. My comment was (mainly) about their poor treatment of the sports game fans with the yearly server shutdowns and online passes.


New member
Jul 17, 2012
canadamus_prime said:
That's fine EA, I turned my back on you some time ago.
This. It just blows my mind that the bigger these game producers get, the more out of touch they get, to the point that they've outgrown their own usefulness. I don't understand why a company their size would just abandon single player gaming. Not that they've had a truly immersing single player experience in some time, but I couldn't imagine them completely abandoning it. C'est la vie...

captcha: call me may be

I wish I didn't ever have to call on EA again... Damn you BF3...


New member
Jan 11, 2011
Wow, EA couldn't catch a break if it had eight arms and was being served with breaks on a platter.


New member
Aug 6, 2011
This should be EA's new graphic. Why? Because they are really good at it.



New member
Oct 22, 2008
Nurb said:
weatherfn said:
Gah! They better not screw up the new Sim City at least... Though that may be the last game I buy from them, now that Mass Effect's over.
-Online DRM
-Billed as a multiplayer game
-Cities built next to other players
-online store for microtransation ala sims 3
-"streamlined" interface
-won't allow mods despite modding community solely responsible for the franchise success after all these years

I'm terribly sorry, but it's going to be a stab in the back to every SimCity fan. I bought them all from the very beginning, but not this time.
But...but Sim City's why I became an Urban Planner! THEY CAN'T DO THAT TO MEEEEEE! Now it'll be just as annoying as trying to plan a real city, with all those (shudder) OTHER people messing with your ideas and telling you you can't put a nuclear power plant next to that school and complaining about your pollution acid raining all over their park.


New member
Feb 8, 2011
...Whelp, that declaration on their stance on singleplayer just nailed the coffin shut on Bioware!

I mean, the controversy was one thing but... this is fundamental frames for how the developers are allowed to work, the controversy could in theory have been caused by other things. But this... whelp... watching how Dragon Age 3 turns out now will be interesting.

Ed130 The Vanguard

(Insert witty quote here)
Sep 10, 2008
daibakuha said:
FoolKiller said:
Andy Chalk said:
Gibeau said. Today, all of our games include online applications and digital services that make them live 24/7/365."
And that is how long you should expect any game to last from EA.... one year. Then they want you to buy the slightly newer one that is the more or less the same thing to be able to continue online.
Asides from Sports titles no one cares about, have they ever actually done this?

EDIT: you guys do realize that online services could be anything from online leaderboards to Facebook integration, right? That it doesn't just mean that everything gets tacked on multiplayer?
Unfortunately tacked on multi-player seems to be EA's preferred choice.

That and Day One DLC cut out from the game.

Rooster Cogburn

New member
May 24, 2008
daibakuha said:
Twilight_guy said:
EA announces that their games all have an online competent, (probably mostly for DLC and crap), gamer immediately make a hasty conclusion (because EA is the devil and if you don't immediately go into a blind rage upon the mention of their name, you are also the devil). In other news, crooks steal Maple Syrup in Canada, hilarity ensue.

After all the bluster and hasty anger, all this really is is EA once again phrasing their statements poorly. Most games now-a-days have some online component to them anyways.

Edit: Also, shame on the writer for using a clearly inflammatory title for the story. I hate yellow journalism on my news sites.
Yep, people are jumping the gun. In fact Gabe Newell said the same thing months ago, yet no one complained then.

I think it's a combination of blind EA hatred, and nerdbaiting title that leads to all these stupid comments.
They are not jumping the gun, what they're worried about is already happening and they are sick of watching it play out. This reminds me of when Bioware told us Dragon Age 2 was going to suck. Those of us who complained were told to just trust the assurances of the one true god and don't believe your own lying eyes.

Anything that was less 'nerdbaiting' would have been a less accurate description of the article. Especially less accurate of the original article. Now I'm reminded of when people were calling "yellow journalism!" when an escapist article seemed to imply that there may just be some unspecified trouble of unknown magnitude with Diablo III's servers on launch day. Accurately describing what is happening or what is likely to happen makes accusations of "yellow journalism!" seem purely defensive.

People don't go insane over Valve making multiplayer games because a developer making multiplayer games is not the problem. You are taking everything out of context to make everything look equivalent. It's the role of multiplayerization in gutting and cannibalizing beloved franchises and giving gamers an increasingly raw deal. If Valve contributes to either of those things, they are pretty insidious about it because I can't think of a franchise they cynically ruined and exploited for a quick buck lately. They certainly appear to provide quality at a great price. Well, usually. More often than EA.

You cannot tell me with a straight face that the world is a better place with Command and Conquer 4 in it. Those idiots tried to turn a good single player franchise into a more exploitable multiplayer service. And instead of learning their lesson from that failure and just making a solid, traditionally single player C&C, they're just trying the multiplayer route again. They would obviously prefer making a low-budget, cash market exploitable multiplayer service that blows up your computer if you go offline or try to adjust the font to attempting a C&C title worthy of the name. Yes, C&C always had multiplayer. That is not the problem. I don't see how anyone can ignore how stuff like this is bad for gamers and fans.

EA is not your friend. They are going to rape you exactly as hard as you let them. Maybe that's true of a lot of companies, but for whatever reason they are a lot, lot more insidious about it than EA.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Let's get this out of the way first. EA is like those super villains from Captain Planet who wreck stuff for no real reason. They dunno what they're doing, but they'll do it because it's there.

Having said that, apparently somebody mentioned a few times that they're sorta' taking back what they said.

Too bad the loose lips are still sinking the ship, and it wouldn't be the first time. The only way they'll survive is if someone applies rigorous amounts of duct tape to their mouths. Not gonna happen, though.

Mischief managed.