EA Tweaking Mass Effect 3 to Appeal to Wider Market


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Nov 7, 2008
If they're such "great believers" in the franchise, why try and make it into another franchise? Idiots.


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Nov 7, 2008
Labcoat Samurai said:
Jordi said:
Can anybody give me an example of when "tweaking to appeal to a wider market" did not mean "dumbing down"?
Examples are always tough. Particularly with such nebulous terms as "dumbing down". I admit that it sounds a bit questionable.... but then again, I can't think of an example where someone said they were tweaking something to have mass appeal and it *did* mean that it was dumbed down. And besides, sometimes things that are liked by a lot of people are good.

What I find more concerning is that it looks like an attempt by business to change the artistic vision of the game. I trust the artist making the art, not the businessman who wants to sell it. If that's what's happening here, I'm going to be angry.
Dragon Age 2.


New member
Jan 20, 2009
ME2 already is a shooter, but with alot of chatter and a dialogue wheel.

This changes nothing. It may still turn out to be a good shooter.

Labcoat Samurai

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Feb 4, 2010
Susurrus said:
Labcoat Samurai said:
Jordi said:
Can anybody give me an example of when "tweaking to appeal to a wider market" did not mean "dumbing down"?
Examples are always tough. Particularly with such nebulous terms as "dumbing down". I admit that it sounds a bit questionable.... but then again, I can't think of an example where someone said they were tweaking something to have mass appeal and it *did* mean that it was dumbed down. And besides, sometimes things that are liked by a lot of people are good.

What I find more concerning is that it looks like an attempt by business to change the artistic vision of the game. I trust the artist making the art, not the businessman who wants to sell it. If that's what's happening here, I'm going to be angry.
Dragon Age 2.
Now, I wouldn't agree that it was dumbed down. In some ways the combat is more complex. Item management is streamlined, but that isn't dumbing down either. My problems with DA2 were that it was buggy and that it had a nigh unacceptable amount of asset reuse, but both of those suggest sloppiness and a short development cycle rather than an attempt to make the game have wider appeal.


New member
Mar 10, 2009
I thought that Mass Effect 2 was a good way to merge shooter and RPG, I liked it alot more than the first one, but making it more accessible might be overdoing.

It's kinda stupid really, beacause making it mroe accessible will still not make the CoD players buy it. I'm afraid that this will only lessen the sales, since the Hardcore RPG crowd is more likely to abandon it, while they gain no new buyers.

EDIT: Also, LOL at the haters, always fun seeing people rage over something like this. Seriously, it's not worth getting angry about.


Nov 11, 2009
Hive Mind said:
Anytime someone working on the game says "shooter-meets-RPG", read it as: 'a shooter with dialog options'.

As if Mass Effect 2 wasn't dumbed down and turned into a first person shooter enough.
Exactly.... I mean Mass Effect IS ALREADY Shooter meets RPG...


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Jan 7, 2011
kayisking said:
You, my man, are a very smart individual. We should not jump to conclusions just because of one or two comments. Besides, Mass Effect 2 was "dumbed down" and it was awesome, and way better than the first. Sure, the story was a little less focussed but the characters were better then ever and the dialouge was (as always) great. And while the combat might have leaned more toward a shooter then a RPG, it was both one of the best shooters and best RPG's of the year, so lets cut them some slack.
You are far too kind. But as long as you're praising my brains, a few more compliments would do me nicely. =) But truly, my heart swells with joy to see other people capable of not judging something that they have seen nothing of but a few pics.

I agree with you. If ME2 was "dumbed down," then I really hope ME3 is super duper "dumbed down." I love ME1, I really do. But after my 3rd playthrough, the clunky game mechanics REALLY started weighing the narrative experience down. Looting and selling and searching and equipping... what a nightmare when you just want to drink in the story and choices.

I don't get tired of replaying ME2. It puts the customization where it needs to be and doesn't make the mechanics get in the way of my roleplaying. I really have faith that Bioware will nail that happy medium of adding some of those sloth-like systems back in and magically extract the clunk. Secretly, I cross all my fingers and hope they're putting in an option where once you beat the game you unlock a "story" mode that skips all combat/leveling up and just goes through dialogue decisions and walking around. How amazing would THAT be???

Mild ME2 spoiler comments:

My only "concerns" for ME3 are more along the lines of what they'll do with squad members. Since your entire squad is killable in ME2, will they be restricted to being "peripheral" characters in ME3? (a la Wrex/Liara/Ash/Kaiden in ME2) I'm also hoping they REALLY knock the romance plot lines out of the park. Casey mentioned that straying from your ME1 romance in ME2 would impact what happens in ME3. I LOOOOOOOOVE that idea and I really hope they do it RIGHT.

My favorite scene from ME2 was the reunion with Ashley, when she turned me down and was all "I left you behind, and now you're here trying to pull me back in." Never before had a potential romance option in a game that means SOOO much to my character walked away from me like that. I hadn't been that depressed since losing Aeris in FFVII. I found that scene more powerful than anything else in the game, and that is saying something. I was so melancholy, in fact, that I sought joy in the arms of Miranda, and then Tali, and then Jack, and then Kelly... and none of them made me feel any better. Ok, I also went to Morinth, but she killed me.


New member
Nov 12, 2009
If it doesn't improve from ME2's "RPG Elements" (See: Equipment, lack of loot and levelling up) I will be severely fucking disappointed.
Jan 27, 2011
it seems that every time I hear news of ME3, it contradicts another bit of news.

First they said they'd find a middle ground between both games. Then they said they'd improve the gun combat. Now...I'm a bit worried.

ME2 was WAY better in the gameplay department than ME1. But it was missing something. I'm hoping they don't chip away at it. They need to add that something ME2 was missing, not remove stuff.

Sorry, but it's just that everytime I hear "mass appeal" I think "We're going to make the game into something else to get more fans, and we don't care about the existing fans since they'll buy it anyway". Kinda like what happened to Dragon age. I have not played either game, but the backlash they got...They must have REALLY screwed it up for the fan outcry to be that nasty.


New member
Feb 22, 2009
It's the third in the pissing trilogy. You can clearly appeal to the core ME market and still sell bajillions. Don't get new people into Part 3 by "dumbing down", EA; that's just fucking stupid.


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Sep 14, 2010
The.Bard said:
kayisking said:
You, my man, are a very smart individual. We should not jump to conclusions just because of one or two comments. Besides, Mass Effect 2 was "dumbed down" and it was awesome, and way better than the first. Sure, the story was a little less focussed but the characters were better then ever and the dialouge was (as always) great. And while the combat might have leaned more toward a shooter then a RPG, it was both one of the best shooters and best RPG's of the year, so lets cut them some slack.
You are far too kind. But as long as you're praising my brains, a few more compliments would do me nicely. =) But truly, my heart swells with joy to see other people capable of not judging something that they have seen nothing of but a few pics.

I agree with you. If ME2 was "dumbed down," then I really hope ME3 is super duper "dumbed down." I love ME1, I really do. But after my 3rd playthrough, the clunky game mechanics REALLY started weighing the narrative experience down. Looting and selling and searching and equipping... what a nightmare when you just want to drink in the story and choices.

I don't get tired of replaying ME2. It puts the customization where it needs to be and doesn't make the mechanics get in the way of my roleplaying. I really have faith that Bioware will nail that happy medium of adding some of those sloth-like systems back in and magically extract the clunk. Secretly, I cross all my fingers and hope they're putting in an option where once you beat the game you unlock a "story" mode that skips all combat/leveling up and just goes through dialogue decisions and walking around. How amazing would THAT be???

Mild ME2 spoiler comments:

My only "concerns" for ME3 are more along the lines of what they'll do with squad members. Since your entire squad is killable in ME2, will they be restricted to being "peripheral" characters in ME3? (a la Wrex/Liara/Ash/Kaiden in ME2) I'm also hoping they REALLY knock the romance plot lines out of the park. Casey mentioned that straying from your ME1 romance in ME2 would impact what happens in ME3. I LOOOOOOOOVE that idea and I really hope they do it RIGHT.

My favorite scene from ME2 was the reunion with Ashley, when she turned me down and was all "I left you behind, and now you're here trying to pull me back in." Never before had a potential romance option in a game that means SOOO much to my character walked away from me like that. I hadn't been that depressed since losing Aeris in FFVII. I found that scene more powerful than anything else in the game, and that is saying something. I was so melancholy, in fact, that I sought joy in the arms of Miranda, and then Tali, and then Jack, and then Kelly... and none of them made me feel any better. Ok, I also went to Morinth, but she killed me.
Indeed, I have actually stayed true to my version of Shepard by ignoring all romance options in ME2. Not to be a cock-block, but I hope that the original romance is locked for everybody who cheated on their partner in the second game, that would be some nice choice and consequences.


We're all just folk now...
Aug 29, 2008
That does mean they're going to dumb it down, because the designers at bioware have no idea what they're doing. 'RPG in SPACE' is about the only selling point Mass Effect had, and moving away from that seems kinda, well, stupid.

Also, someone refresh me, are there any other console rpgs set in space? That aren't shit?
And aren't Star Wars related?

I mean, is there a Firefly to Mass Effect's Battlestar Galactica?


Sight, Sound, and Mind
Nov 24, 2008
I like all the people who are afraid of mass. "oh noes, its going to be liked by more people, this is the end of the world" and then they speculate of way that it is "ruined forever." I can't decide if they are art snobs hating on whats popular or just geeks afraid of the big bad world. I don't know what's coming down the line but I take this whole article with a grain of salt and laugh deeply at the scared people.


New member
Jan 7, 2011
kayisking said:
Indeed, I have actually stayed true to my version of Shepard by ignoring all romance options in ME2. Not to be a cock-block, but I hope that the original romance is locked for everybody who cheated on their partner in the second game, that would be some nice choice and consequences.
I totally agree. At the very least, there should be severe consequences in bed, and some nigh-insurmountable amount of game-related sacrifices to earn their trust back. Something like "You have to bring me with you on EVERY mission so I know you're not going to cheat on me again!" type of sacrifice, or perhaps "you can't talk to ANY other females in the squad - EVER." ;)

I have two Paragon playthroughs specifically dedicated to surmount this problem... One is the "family man", and another for the "playa".


New member
Nov 6, 2010
Damn. It. Bioware.

Canging things in games like SF, or CoD, or Fallout is fine, because the player didn't have to play the games before to know what the fuck was going on. Changing a game like this, a game requiring you to have played the previous games to fully enjoy it, to appeal to more people, is stupid.

[HEADING=1]People who didn't like Mass Effect 1 or 2 WILL NOT PLAY THIS GAME. Changing things to appeal to those people is wrong. They will not buy it, because they don't like Mass Effect, and people who are already fans of ME won't like the changes.[/HEADING]

They lost a lot of people with their changes from 1 to 2. Now they want to do it again.



New member
Jan 25, 2011
Magefeanor said:
I'll wait for the demo before I decide if Bioware as become EA's whores or not.
Getting delayed to change what the designers came up with to eppeal to wider audiance IS unquestionably whoring out.

That doesn't mean it will suck, though.


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Dec 12, 2008
BloodSquirrel said:
Leximodicon said:
Fallout 3 is one of the best selling games of 2008, and that had about 300 different menus. EA underestimates the brain power of gamers.
I can't quite say that they're underestimating the brain power of their new target audience. Remember, Fallout 3 didn't sell as much as Modern Warfare 2. Anything less means that they haven't "broadened their appeal" enough.
I know they need money. But making everything so easy to play, and accessible kinda abandons the people that made you your first chunk of change. A new target audience is not a good idea for the third entry in a trilogy. I suppose BioWare will just become another action game developer. Too bad really.