EA Tweaking Mass Effect 3 to Appeal to Wider Market


New member
Dec 24, 2008
They may be changing it, but it's going to go to the same market. If no one has bought or played the first two, I don't think that thos people will buy this one, so appeal to whoever you want, you're probably gonna sell the same amount


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Hmm this does not bode well. I will reserve my judgement until the demo is out, since that is essentially what a demo is for.

Still I am at heart a RPG fan, i understand why they wanted to remove some of those elements from ME1, and I though they had reached a fair middle ground with ME2. Anymore than that and you might as well remove the RPG part from the genre description.

P.S: To those saying it is ok because it is innovation, please reconsider. Appealing to a broad market is exactly the opposite of innovation. The broad market is plagued by CoD and BF clones, I like my online battleground as much as the next guy, but this isn't what this game is about.


New member
May 9, 2010
Jordi said:
Can anybody give me an example of when "tweaking to appeal to a wider market" did not mean "dumbing down"?
Can't help you there, buddy. That is in fact the case most of the time.

Aris Khandr

New member
Oct 6, 2010
I swear, ever since EA bought Bioware, every single piece of news about an upcoming game I'm interested in seems designed to make me *less* interested in it.

Hitman Dread

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Mar 9, 2011
koroem said:
There is no such thing as an instance of "broadening appeal" that doesn't mean dumbing down.
Yes there is. All that sentence means is that they are aiming at a larger market, which could be done a number of different ways. In this example I'll be using the Street Fighter series.

SFIII sought to seek out a wider audience by stealing the thunder from faster pace games like KoF, Darkstalkers and Guilty Gear that were gaining momentum at the time. However this came much at the hardcore SFII's fan's dismay, this is true, but the idea was to bring in more people by taking elements from their competitors.

SFIII was not dumbed down but the goal was simply to bring in a wider audience. How successful they were is another issue in it's entirety.


Ad-Free Finally!
Apr 24, 2007
Ah, another case of "let's try to get part of an imaginary audience" instead of "let's try and make the audience we do have happy"

I mean I guess that the first two games were complete failures. No one really liked them at all...right?

My prediction: They are making it more mainstream as it won't be as good as the original ones, so they need to attract a wider audience in order to get the same amount of money. I mean, it worked so well for Dragon Age 2...


New member
Apr 15, 2009
arrrrrgh... i didn't know it was delayed...

cant they just cannibalize it AFTER the trilogy is finished?


New member
Apr 15, 2009
I'm going to take a shot in the dark and guess the reason this news isn't going down well is that they already freaking did this with Mass Effect 2 and it pissed a lot of hardcore RPG fans off. We said streamline the inventory system, they took it out completely. We said no more info-dumps. They barely let us talk to our companions. Honestly, I have no idea how the same company that makes the awesome, traditional RPGs like Dragon Age, Jade Empire, and Baldur's Gate could also make ME2.

The first game was great, I was super disappointed in the second one, and then they promised the third one would be more of an RPG again. If that's not the case, I'm probably leaving the franchise.


New member
Oct 11, 2010
the number of people bitching about a game that isn't even finished yet is staggering, no matter what they do people will still play and enjoy the game, its a company that wants to make money, if they try and cater to a handful of people they arnt going to be in business for long (especially seeing as people are going to ***** regardless)


New member
Jun 23, 2008
Saltyk said:
I thought Mass Effect 2 was already pretty popular. Must have been my mistake.
It's not as popular as Call of Duty, though, which seems to be what Bioware is dedicated to making now. I don't know why they're even bothering with the 'RPG' pretense anymore.

This Bioware simply isn't the Bioware that made KOTOR anymore. It's time to accept that that Bioware is dead and gone, and that it's been replaced with an even lower-rent Treyarch. The remenants that were still trying to emulate that Bioware when DA and Mass Effect were made have moved on. It's time to permanately lower expectations of their general output to "eh, maybe if I see it in a bargin bin". Goodbye, Bioware. I'll miss you.


New member
Jan 8, 2010
*sigh* this really doesn?t tell us anything. Right from the beginning ME has been a shooter/rpg. I thought ME2 combat was vastly superior and much more fun than ME1 where I basically considered combat a chore that I only put up with for the dialogue and story but in ME2 the skills were...well more than a little bare boned which sucked.
I doubt it?s going to get simplified anymore than ME2. They have already stated that the skill tree has been expanded and that weapon mods are coming back. Unlike vague marketing BS intended for investors you can't misinterpret that one. So I?d say it?s going to at the least be better in that regard than ME2(provided its balanced) unless they decide to go back and gut all that and probably lose allot of their fan base (unlikely).
You can have both good rpg elements and compete with other TPS?s and they likely improved both aspects this time. I would have thought if you wanted to nab a ?larger market opportunity? you would want to keep both your shooter and rpg fans happy and I don?t think aiming for a wider audience automatically means ?dumbing down?. The only thing I?m concerned about is that there may be too much shooty killy and not enough of everything else.

Lance Arrow

New member
Apr 7, 2010
I still have some degree of faith in BioWare, after all they did give us SWKotOR and NWN. I trust they're not gonna fuck up the last part in my all-time favorite game series too bad.

EA on the other hand...eh. I always felt having wholly different companies dedicated to publishing games as just adding an unnecessary middleman. And EA must be the shittiest unnecessary middleman of them all.
EA, why can't you just let BioWare do what they wanna do and simply do what you're paid for instead of blackmailing everyone into making their stuff into what you want it to be.
What's that? Oh you say you make games too? Well fan-fucking-tastic.


New member
Apr 7, 2010
That's not a good sign. o_O

At least they can't use the added development time to REMOVE elements, can they? ... CAN THEY?!


New member
Jul 12, 2010
BloodSquirrel said:
Saltyk said:
I thought Mass Effect 2 was already pretty popular. Must have been my mistake.
It's not as popular as Call of Duty, though, which seems to be what Bioware is dedicated to making now. I don't know why they're even bothering with the 'RPG' pretense anymore.

This Bioware simply isn't the Bioware that made KOTOR anymore. It's time to accept that that Bioware is dead and gone, and that it's been replaced with an even lower-rent Treyarch. The remenants that were still trying to emulate that Bioware when DA and Mass Effect were made have moved on. It's time to permanately lower expectations of their general output to "eh, maybe if I see it in a bargin bin". Goodbye, Bioware. I'll miss you.
I feel the need to agree with this. Seems all developers are falling into this hole lately. Publishers are killing studios because they hold the purse strings. People vote with their wallets though, and sadly people will buy this up because a reviewer was paid off to tell them it will be good.

I'm not saying it will be bad, but I don't expect it to be as good as the first one by any means.


New member
Dec 29, 2010
Few things to keep in mind.

1. This isn't a press release, they was a share holders meeting. It's different.

2. You got to tell the share holders something, they want to know how there money is being spent, and most have little real gaming knowlage. "appealing to a wider market" is a very generic statment. After DA2's lukewarm reception, it *could* accually mean trying to widen appeal BACK to it's target market, as in, maybe twicking and refineing the RPG elements. Wishful thinking yes, but hey...

3. When you look at the end of the year, this year, you'll relise it's pack with big name, heavy hitting titles ME3 would have to compete with, one of which is an EA triple A title, i doubt they want to split the market by release both so close together, and this is a better cover story for the delay then, "we didn't want our @ss handed to us by skyrim and Battlefield 3... (also, Batman AI IIRC..)

4. the majority of the game is already MADE. I'd be a waste of money at this point to scrap too much of it and rebuild it. So, more then likely, the PLOT is safe... which is, mainly what *I*, and i think alot of people care about, it'll prolly mainly be some of the UI stuff that's twicked.

5. IMHO, dumbing down isn't ALWAYS a bad thing. People consider ME2 dumbed down version of ME1, and I like ME2 ALOT better then ME1... *shrug*

I'm going to try and remain hopeful about this... LOL...


New member
Jun 23, 2008
immovablemover said:
It's important to remember, however, that this was a comment intended for investors, not gamers, so is undoubtedly lacking in context and detail.
It seems like everyone is overlooking this, instead deciding to rage about an imaginary removal of more RPG elements even though The dev's have specifically stated that more are being put back in (compared to ME2).
Actually, no, 'everyone' simply isn't suffering from a learning disability. What you're seeing on this thread is commonly known as "pattern recognition". We don't really care what the devs directly tell us anymore because we discovered over the course of the DAII marketing campaign that they were huge liars. We've found out that listening out for key phrases like "streamlining" and "broader audience" will tell us a hell of a lot more than "No, we totally aren't dumbing dumb ME3. For realz".