EA Tweaking Mass Effect 3 to Appeal to Wider Market


New member
Sep 24, 2008
The moment a company becomes more interested in pleasing its stockholders than with pleasing its fanbase is the day I write said company off as a lost cause. Bye Bioware, its been nice knowing you.


New member
Sep 30, 2010
immovablemover said:
It's important to remember, however, that this was a comment intended for investors, not gamers, so is undoubtedly lacking in context and detail.
It seems like everyone is overlooking this, instead deciding to rage about an imaginary removal of more RPG elements even though The dev's have specifically stated that more are being put back in (compared to ME2).

EA has gone to a conference for investors and said nothing other than what you would expect - "We've made this so lots of people will buy it. Your investment will bring many happy returns". I mean really, this is news? What are you expecting them to go in and say?

Also, There's no indications that this "Appealing to a broader market" means they're going to change the information that they've already released, it looks far more likely that those changes that everyone looked pretty happy about yesterday were actually PART of the "Appealing to a broader market" strategy.

You're getting worked up about nothing and, once again, RPG fanboi's are showing themselves to be the most annoying, entitled and whiny members of the gaming community.
The reason they're worried is because BioWare had specifically said earlier that they wanted to tap into Call of Duty's fanbase. (RP fan who hasn't really gotten into Mass Effect yet here). BTW, how are they acting entitled...?

VGC USpartan VS

New member
Feb 14, 2011
I'm totally fine with more action in Mass Effect... but if they pull a Ninja Theory and make Shepard emo, then I will be angry.


New member
Jul 14, 2008
OutrageousEmu said:
So you cannot think of a single instance of people adding a feature and something becoming more popular, which is exactly what thats saying? I think that says more about your memory than it does about mankind.
I find it rather charming how two opposing viewpoints in the Escapists forums so quickly turn into criticism of someone's personal qualities, be they memory banks, gameplay skills or Idonlikeyerface ;-)

Even the old greeks, stuffy though they were, reliant on methods of rhetoric as ugly as any modern politicians, would be take to school in gaming forums on the internet...

EDIT: Equating "broadening of appeal" with "adding MORE abilities" might be just a tad naive ;-)

That said, I'm looking forward to Mass Effect 3 regardless. I never found the gameplay mechanics particularly interesting. The backstory/campaign world and SOME of the writing and in-game drama is what caught my interest in the previous two games.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
Here we go again, great EA, you greedy fucks are only concerned about your bottom line as if it's not already fat enough. Not a good sign but I guess I'll wait to see what we are losing or "gaining" depending on perspective.


Mexican Fugitive
Feb 7, 2008
Well, at least we know that EA doesn't care about the people who followed the franchise from the get go, doesn't care about completing a serialized story for those who followed it from the beginning. It's all about BIGGER NUMBARZ THIZ TIME!!!! MUZT SELL BETTAR!!!! Despite the fact that Mass Effect 2 was a mega hit...


Elite Member
Jun 17, 2009
Traun said:
Logan Westbrook said:
BioWare's Casey Hudson may have previously stated [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/109207-BioWare-Mass-Effect-3-Combat-Perfected] that the combat in Mass Effect 3 would be the best in the series, but that doesn't automatically mean that it will come at the expense of the RPG side.
Now you see, this is getting harder and harder to believe.
Took the words right out of my mouth.


New member
Jul 14, 2008
OutrageousEmu said:
I find hyperbole for the sake of negativity to be a thoroughly unpleasant action. Hyperbole to the point of blatantly misrepresenting nature being even more of a loathsome action.
Kind of you to put "loathsome action" (when referring to online comments) and "hyperbole" in the same sentence. Saves me the time ;-)

As for "for the sake of negativity", my intentions are not yours to judge, no matter how clearly you believe you understand them ;-)


New member
Jan 7, 2011
Holy crud muffins, if anyone wants to know what it's like to be dumbed down, read through some of these comments. 8( There are some intelligent ones, but I think I still managed to lose 12 IQ pts in the process. And it's not like I had that many to begin with...

It's a sad sad world when people jump to so many crazy conslusions when we've seen and heard nothing of the game but for a dozen or so screenshots and reassurances that it will be a nice marriage of the stat-whore elements from ME1 and the sleek ME2 combat.

EA is letting Bioware take more time to get the game right, most likely so they can release a mobile phone game shortly before or after its release. That's what I'm hearing, anyway.

ME2 won many GotY awards for a reason. (Hint: Cuz it was flipping awesome.) Bioware has now been working with the game engine for over 6 yrs. They've streamlined the development. The 2 yrs they've had to work on ME3 is going to effectively be more time than the 2 yrs they had to work on ME2. That means it's going to be the best of everything and will probably make my head asplode from awesomeness overload.

But by all means, let's just keep jumping to conclusions and hating on it. I give it another year, maybe two, before companies like Valve and Bioware just throw their hands up in the air and say "Screw it! We're making casual games from now on."


New member
Jul 12, 2010
immovablemover said:
It's important to remember, however, that this was a comment intended for investors, not gamers, so is undoubtedly lacking in context and detail.
It seems like everyone is overlooking this, instead deciding to rage about an imaginary removal of more RPG elements even though The dev's have specifically stated that more are being put back in (compared to ME2).

EA has gone to a conference for investors and said nothing other than what you would expect - "We've made this so lots of people will buy it. Your investment will bring many happy returns". I mean really, this is news? What are you expecting them to go in and say?

Also, There's no indications that this "Appealing to a broader market" means they're going to change the information that they've already released, it looks far more likely that those changes that everyone looked pretty happy about yesterday were actually PART of the "Appealing to a broader market" strategy.

You're getting worked up about nothing and, once again, RPG fanboi's are showing themselves to be the most annoying, entitled and whiny members of the gaming community.
So the fact that Bioware said they were bringing RPG elements back to please the core fans, then EA putting on the brakes, delaying the game, and citing to investors that they were broadening the the appeal of the game doesn't raise a red flag to you? It very much seems like Bioware wanted to go one way, but the EA overlords slapped them on the nose with a newspaper and said "Bad doggy."

RPG fanboi's or not, given the news that was released, and past experience with this type of occurrence, what other possible conclusion can be drawn here without detailed info?


New member
Dec 6, 2009
Art Axiv said:
They are busy "Dragon Age 2-fying" it.

I wouldn't be concerned (this IS Bioware) if not for the uninspired crap that is DA 2 filled with the illusion of choice.

ME2 was an improvement over ME1, but I don't want CoD in Space.


New member
Jan 12, 2010
Seeing as how that really isn't saying anything at all, and the game informer article that literally JUST came out mentioned a few instances of them bringing back RPG elements (Multi-stage power evolutions/trees, a gun-mod system similar to the old one that also changes weapon appearance) I'm still excited. Also, when referring to making the combat "faster"? Yea, they're adding combat rolls, and possibly a seventh "melee" class, that you unlock later in the game. I got all of this from the same Game Informer article, in case anyone feels like asking for a source.

immovablemover said:
You're getting worked up about nothing and, once again, RPG fanboi's are showing themselves to be the most annoying, entitled and whiny members of the gaming community.
I respect you for this, and agree completely.


New member
May 20, 2010
Hive Mind said:
Anytime someone working on the game says "shooter-meets-RPG", read it as: 'a shooter with dialog options'.

As if Mass Effect 2 wasn't dumbed down and turned into a first person shooter enough.
Sorry to correct you, but I think you mean THIRD person shooter :)


New member
Jul 15, 2009
Traun said:
MustardTiger said:
I'm all for change, really, but I seriously hope that it doesn't mean they're trying to Call of Duty-ize the game to get others to buy it.
Yeah, I mean, it's not like they've said it or anything [http://www.nowgamer.com/news/5141/bioware-we-want-call-of-dutys-audience]
Nope that's not what they said. Read it again.


New member
May 20, 2010
Traun said:
Logan Westbrook said:
BioWare's Casey Hudson may have previously stated [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/109207-BioWare-Mass-Effect-3-Combat-Perfected] that the combat in Mass Effect 3 would be the best in the series, but that doesn't automatically mean that it will come at the expense of the RPG side.
Now you see, this is getting harder and harder to believe.
Took the words right out of my mouth.
From what I've read, it means you will be able to partake in more actions that belong in the genre of third person Shooters like rolling out the way and such.

Look I'm being cautiously optimistic here but this means that the combat will be more fluid... (bad example but as in Uncharted 2) with still some RPG elements.

Still Dragon Age 2 was substantially worse than Origins... So maybe they could try to keep Innovation for Innovation sake's out of it.