GAunderrated said:
I know casual gamers are considered not to be dedicated to their gaming but lots of these people who play social scrabble really take their stats hard. This will not go over smoothly for people that have spent (no joke) thousands of hours collecting their stats to be wiped.
This is one of the reasons the casual/hardcore divide is kinda stupid.
Phrozenflame500 said:
Oh no, I can't show my friend my 1337 Scrabble score, and they're using a slightly different wordset. Clearly this is important front page business.
People are freaking out over something slightly different than the usual freak outs for gaming news! Let's talk crap about them because their interests are slightly out of alignment with our own!
CriticKitten said:
I'm actually sort of curious now.
Is there anything EA can do right? Because it seems like they're actively doing everything they can possibly do to make their customers mad and piss them off. And statistically speaking, there's no way that should be possible. They'd have to do SOMETHING right, even by accident, at some point in time. It's like they actually want people to hate them. EA trying to pull some Zero Requiem shit on us right now?
They're dropping online passes and offering OP content free. While this is technically "correcting a mistake," I consider making something right doing something right.
...Unfortunately, that's the only one I can name. Which makes me suspicious. WHAT ARE YOU UP TO EA?
CriticKitten said:
Everyone says this, but nobody ever really means it.
Because of a simple, tried and true belief: things that don't happen to me don't matter to me.
I do wonder how he'd react if his stats were wiped. Everyone I've seen lose their stats has lost their head. That's obviously not including people who voluntarily wipe their stats in a game that allows it.
People are always unflappable when it's hypothetical.
FalloutJack said:
IanDavis said:
"We are sorry we weren't able to please everybody," a Mattel Spokeswoman said. "We produce the board game but we're not experts in electronics."
*Spoken as Tyrion Lannister*
"Pardon me, but you ARE called Electronic Arts, correct? That would imply that this is your TRADE. Now, far be it for a man of my stature to complain, but it would seem that you have admitted to being utterly worthless and incompetent. How exactly do you account for that?"
That was a MATTEL spokesperson, though. They were the maker of the game up to this point, so it's not quite the same deal.