In 1975, a little movie came out called "Jaws." In 1976 a little smaller movie came out called "Jaws of Death." "Jaws of Death" was a silly movie about a guy who has a mystical connection with, you guessed it, sharks. Similar name (including the use of the entire title of the first movie within the title of the second movie), similar intent (ride the coattales of the bigger shark movie) but a totally different plot. Did Universal, or Peter Benchley or Stephen Spielberg sue the maker of "Jaws of Death" (also known in other countries as "Killer Jaws")? No, they did not. Because they're not stupid and they're not.... Um, my Xbox MVP status prohibits my public use of expletives, so image one appropriate to this guy, and say it out loud here. There are many.
Funny, Universal didn't sue them. And strangely enough, Disney has continued to release animated movies named after public domain stories, KNOWING that competitors will release inferior products with the same titles, to capitalize on the success of the Disney flicks. From Snow White to Aladdin, from Cinderella to Beauty and the Beast, from The Little Mermaid to Pocahontas, Jungle Book, Peter Pan... companies like Starmaker have rushed out their own cheaply animated versions, with similar stories and similarly designed characters - KNOWING that Disney won't have a leg to stand on. (You'll notice that Disney bought the rights to 101 Dalmations. It was not in the public domain, so there aren't a slew of copycats out there.)
The fact that Tim Langdell is getting away with this is ludicrous. Even if they share the name or part of the name, the name of a game is not the same as the name of a studio. God help the studio that ever puts the word "Project" in their name.
It is the pinnacle of arrogance that EDGE would release "MIRRORS a game by EDGE" with Mirrors stacked vertically and in the same color as EDGE. They claim to own "EDGE" and use their font, MIRRORS is in a public domain, simple font similar to the real ME, and "MIRRORS" doesn't have an apostrophe like "Mirror's Edge."
They did it just close enough to piss everybody off, but not close enough that a lawsuit would succeed.
It worked. I'm pissed. The guys needs to be sued into oblivion. Not "Oblivion(tm)"