Editor's Note: DIY


New member
Oct 14, 2009
Plinglebob said:
I think Obsidian's biggest (for lack of a better word) problem is that they try to do too much. All of their sequals are bigger and more adventurous then their predecessors and so they end up as buggy messes (though I've never had a problem). I would much rather have a company like Obsidian trying to push the boundries, but failing, then someone like Bioware who play it so safe its boring.
Exactly. The same people who hold Obsidian over the coals are the same ones who will bemoan the death of innovative storytelling in gaming. Spoiled, that's all it is.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
Russ Pitts said:
OakTable said:
Russ Pitts said:
OakTable said:
Russ Pitts said:
Editor's Note: DIY

You've burned your last bit of goodwill, Obsidian.

Read Full Article
Fun fact: BETHESDA handles the QA for New Vegas.

EDIT: Straight from Project Lead J.E. Sawyer's Formspring account.
Link [http://www.formspring.me/JESawyer/q/189616367522055108]

So if you are looking for someone to cry at, turn to Bethesda.
It's always some excuse. "The publisher did it. The engine was buggy when we got it. My dog died." Wah, wah, wah. Whatever. When your name is on it, you take ownership of the good and the bad, or you shut up, take your ball and go home.
Obsidian's name isn't even on the front cover. [http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_w15ttezLjgo/TOLMhHt1T4I/AAAAAAAAAMk/Fmiq9qfS21A/s1600/_143885112010jaquette-fallout-new-vegas-playstation-3-ps3-cover-avant-g.jpeg] And you seem to be turning a blind eye to Bethesda's shitty bug testers because, "OMG Obsidian games are buggy and bugs hurt my feelings because I have to spend 10 seconds reloading the game".

EDIT: And really, this IS a case of the publisher fucking everything up, seeing as the publisher actually did the QA work on it, rather than the whole, "Oh it would've been better if they had like 3 extra months to finish it" thing most people say.
Chill out, man. It's just an editorial ;)

It's easy to tell somebody to chill out after you're proven wrong isn't it?


Unrepentant Obsidian Fanboy
Jan 23, 2009
Russ Pitts said:
Forgive me if I fail to be crushed by this. But thanks for sharing.
That's a pretty dismissive and sarcastic tone to take with potential customers. Does the rest of your editorial team feel the same?


New member
Dec 10, 2007
Logged in to this site to reply to this. Feel special.

I think my favorite part of this trainwreck of an 'editorial' is that it will succumb to 'Daily Show' syndrome. Wherein the butt of the joke (in this case, Mr. Pitts) makes a damning comment, only to have the opposite opinion shown later down the road.

Obsidian isn't going anywhere, and they make video games. These games get advertised. This is a gaming website. These games will be advertised here. These opinions will be rent asunder.

I shall laugh.

I love the internet and the self-parody that is 'Gaming Journalism'. <3

Russ Pitts

The Boss of You
May 1, 2006
krellen said:
Russ Pitts said:
Forgive me if I fail to be crushed by this. But thanks for sharing.
That's a pretty dismissive and sarcastic tone to take with potential customers. Does the rest of your editorial team feel the same?
There is some truth to the suggestion that everyone who passes through this site is entitled to feel as if those of us who create it and maintain it are indebted to them in some way, large or small. I'm not ignorant of this. I feel a great sense of pride and humility at being blessed with the attention and trust of so many readers and viewers who have many, many options for how and where to consume their videogaming news and commentary and yet choose to visit The Escapist. I've written and spoken at length about my gratitude and respect for those who call this their internet "home," and those feelings are genuine.

And yet I'm not a whore. My opinion is my own, and that (as well as those of the rest of our excellent team) is part of what you get when you pay for (literally or figuratively) The Escapist. Take it or leave it, Bub.

I don't believe in the ridiculous notion of a transcendent journalistic morality that suggests one should be able to divorce oneself from one's self as soon as one's name appears on a byline. I honestly can't speak to what the rest of the team here would think about someone like yourself who would publicly proclaim to not "think much of [me] at all," but for my part I don't feel obliged to think much of you either. As far as I'm concerned, that pretty much squares us. ;)



Unrepentant Obsidian Fanboy
Jan 23, 2009
That was a far more diplomatic way of going about it, Mr. Pitts, which was all I was looking for. I don't expect the promise of a paltry $20 to make you like me (that would be ludicrous); I simply expect someone representing themselves and the Escapist as a whole to conduct themselves with a bit more grace than your last comments showed.