Election results discussion thread (and sadly the inevitable aftermath)

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Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
Are we relying on the integrity of the heavily-partisan Supreme Court to make sure of that?
I don't think they're going to make an outrageous decision to overturn an election for Trump, no. Although in practice, they won't decide a lot of it anyway.


Malapropic Homophone
Jun 24, 2010
Every state has its own supreme court, many of those have been packed with republican judge.
Courts that can hear cases Trump sues over, which is not going to happen in a day; there is literally no possible way for Trump to simply declare elections to be over. He has to fight for it over the course of several weeks, by which time many of these results will already be public.


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
Courts that can hear cases Trump sues over, which is not going to happen in a day; there is literally no possible way for Trump to simply declare elections to be over. He has to fight for it over the course of several weeks, by which time many of these results will already be public.
What can be done legally and what can be done in practice aren't necessarily the same. Trump can very well declare the election to be over and he can very well bury the the results between declaring fraud and just being loudest. He only need to sow some confusion to give enough of an opening for packed courts to just declare the results void trough all kinds of technicality. What are the democrats going to do if, says, some court declare that a heavily democratic county ballot are fraudulent and should just be ignored? Last election in one race republican literally searched trough every ballot to find some they claimed really wanted to vote for the republican candidate despite voting democrats and they used that as an excuse to flip a race, and the supreme court just said okay (can't remember the state atm).


Sep 6, 2013
Occupied Palestine
This is the only link which refers to any actual polling of American people, and far from showing a "landslide", it has Trump winning by 1%, in a survey of 1,500.

None of these three are actually polls; they're predictions based on algorithms applied to various bits of data. They didn't actually ask anyone.

Uhrm... that was a poll run on The Daily Express website. The Daily Express being a very right-wing UK tabloid newspaper with very small circulation and almost no American readership.

So really, you only actually have the Democracy Institute one, and it's not even very robust: small sample size, very small lead.
You have absolutely no ability to vet sources, do you?


Moody's Analytics casts Trump as the underdog: https://www.moodysanalytics.com/-/media/article/2020/us-presidential-election-update


Coal Region Canary uses this as their "methodology":


Norpath is using an algorithm for sunspots with zero input from any data remotely connected with the presidential election. http://primarymodel.com/2020-1


The Express Opinion poll is an open-invitation online "Who do you think is going to win" questionnaire.


A cookie poll from a single location in Wisconsin doesn't need comment.


Democracy Institute for the UK couldn't put together a poll with more of a bias towards Trump if it tried... Simply look at their questions (bottom of linked page). https://democracyinstitute.org/poll...us-presidency-by-electoral-college-landslide/

You asked him to share the polls just so you could vet them... and prove he's wrong! Debunked! Why would you walk around with this kind of attitude. Why would you just eviscerate him, is this fun for you?


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
Whatever will be, will be.
Unfortunately, the guys who climb the greasy pole to the top get there by thinking "Whatever will be is what I make it be".

Or, as attributed to Karl Rove (but he denies it so it might have been another GWB operative):

The aide said that guys like me [Suskind] were "in what we call the reality-based community," which he defined as people who "believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality." I nodded and murmured something about enlightenment principles and empiricism. He cut me off. "That's not the way the world really works anymore," he continued. "We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors ... and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."
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Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
You asked him to share the polls just so you could vet them... and prove he's wrong! Debunked! Why would you walk around with this kind of attitude. Why would you just eviscerate him, is this fun for you?
They weren't even polls, most of them. Only one of them even asked any American voters. But apparently pointing that out makes me a meme or something.

I dunno, I'm just getting sick of this blase, dismissive online attitude. Giving a shit or making an argument just gets handwaved away with a low-content, no-substance reply or a shitty drawn macro or something. Being on forums is getting tiresome.


Sep 6, 2013
Occupied Palestine
They weren't even polls, most of them. Only one of them even asked any American voters. But apparently pointing that out makes me a meme or something.

I dunno, I'm just getting sick of this blase, dismissive online attitude.
I'm unfortunately very desensitized thanks to my online habits.


Malapropic Homophone
Jun 24, 2010
What can be done legally and what can be done in practice aren't necessarily the same. Trump can very well declare the election to be over and he can very well bury the the results between declaring fraud and just being loudest. He only need to sow some confusion to give enough of an opening for packed courts to just declare the results void trough all kinds of technicality. What are the democrats going to do if, says, some court declare that a heavily democratic county ballot are fraudulent and should just be ignored? Last election in one race republican literally searched trough every ballot to find some they claimed really wanted to vote for the republican candidate despite voting democrats and they used that as an excuse to flip a race, and the supreme court just said okay (can't remember the state atm).
Enough of that crap. Trump literally cannot declare the election over without a military coup. That's the end of it.


Previously known as an alleged "Feather-Rustler"
Apr 3, 2020
Corner of No and Where
Enough of that crap. Trump literally cannot declare the election over without a military coup. That's the end of it.
Well no, his hope is to take this to the Supreme court and use the 6-3 majority to shut down the voting, just like they did in 2000, just on a grander scale.


Elite Member
May 12, 2011
The saddest thing is that this is even a question. It doesn't matter what your politics are, in a sane world Donald Trump would never have even been a presidential nominee much less presidential candidate much less win back in 2016, and the only reason he did win was that Hilary was just as bad. This one? Trump spent 4 years being the worst President in American history, Trump would have to nuke random American cities for shits and giggles at this point to be worse. If sanity prevailed Trump would be the first Presidential candidate to legitmately get 0% of vote. That's right, not a single person in the entirety of the U.S. should be voting for this guy. That doesn't mean voting for Biden, in fact if there is ever going to be an election where a third party candidate could actually come out and win this is the one, or at least get enough of the vote that it's not a total landslide.

I gave up entirely on elections in general in 2016. If anything showed what a total joke the whole process is it would be that election. Trump winning again would just be the final nail in the coffin. I mean, come on, you'd have to go to other countries with warmongering tyrants that blatantly kill their own people for fun, fudge their documents to make them born U.S. citizens, and bring them in to find a worse Presidential candidate.


Sep 6, 2013
Occupied Palestine
The saddest thing is that this is even a question. It doesn't matter what your politics are, in a sane world Donald Trump would never have even been a presidential nominee much less presidential candidate much less win back in 2016, and the only reason he did win was that Hilary was just as bad. This one? Trump spent 4 years being the worst President in American history, Trump would have to nuke random American cities for shits and giggles at this point to be worse. If sanity prevailed Trump would be the first Presidential candidate to legitmately get 0% of vote. That's right, not a single person in the entirety of the U.S. should be voting for this guy. That doesn't mean voting for Biden, in fact if there is ever going to be an election where a third party candidate could actually come out and win this is the one, or at least get enough of the vote that it's not a total landslide.

I gave up entirely on elections in general in 2016. If anything showed what a total joke the whole process is it would be that election. Trump winning again would just be the final nail in the coffin. I mean, come on, you'd have to go to other countries with warmongering tyrants that blatantly kill their own people for fun, fudge their documents to make them born U.S. citizens, and bring them in to find a worse Presidential candidate.
If he wins, would it convince you that there are more people that think you're wrong than those that think you're right in the US?

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
If he wins, would it convince you that there are more people that think you're wrong than those that think you're right in the US?
The winner isn't necessarily the one who gets the most votes. If it were, Trump wouldn't be president.

Mister Mumbler

Pronounced "Throat-wobbler Mangrove"
Jun 17, 2020
Nowhere, Middle of
United States
If he wins, would it convince you that there are more people that think you're wrong than those that think you're right in the US?
Well...we are talking about a president who "won" last time while having more people vote against him.


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
Enough of that crap. Trump literally cannot declare the election over without a military coup. That's the end of it.
Why not? He just has to do it, he can just go to the podium, declare himself winner and order the vote to stop. Boom, he just did it. Then it comes to whether the important part of the government/bureaucracy/court agree with him or not. Look back at 2000, the shit they pulled was egregious and they got away with it all (like stopping recount in democratic counties while allowing recount in republican area in a way that they'd increase the number of vote accepted). Sure most of the states won't accept it, but that doesn't matter since we already know the results of most of the states, all that matter are a few key battleground states. If enough of those just decided that, yes Trump is the president and can just declare that the counting should stop or that mail in ballot shouldn't be counted or that *insert crazy rational* (seriously the 2000 Florida recount was stopped because the supreme court declare that it would do irreparable harm to Bush, and now the court is way more packed) then he'll have done it, a lot of the swing state have republican governor with packed court.

What's written in the law is pretty pointless if it's not enforced, all he has to do is sow enough distrust that the people whose job is to enforce the law agree with him, or at least do not disagree with him enough that they're willing to remove him from office by force.

Here's how I see it happening, night of most battleground state are too close to call for most network but a few fervent Trump network do claim he won based on very preliminary results or even outright fake one. Trump goes to the podium, says he won using those network results and claim counting mail in ballot should stop. Most states ignore him, but a few key battleground states do stop counting them which allow Trump to just squeeze in a win. As the days and weeks goes by the democrat sue the states that stop counting ballot but they mostly lose or the motion end up getting bounced around in technicality. It's now late December and no one really know what happened, some of the uncounted ballot have already been destroyed by over zealous officials, Trump setup some phony but legitimate sounding committee packed full of republican that declare that the mail in voting were fraudulent and that its totally okay for Trump to have cancel counting. Inauguration day happen and Trump does the whole thing (maybe not fully official fashion, but how can anyone tell?), what can Democrat do?
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