Pretty on point?
@3:35 Biden is likely to do things that are divisive.
Seriously? Trump has gone out of his way to be divisive. He supports only his Americans. Those who bend a knee. Trump ridicules whoever, fires whoever, lambasts whoever, chooses sides constantly when things come about instead of stating that Americans need to pull together.
Gorfias, this is biased stuff here. Trump kept his promises? Like Mexico was going to pay for the wall? They haven't. That it was going to be the strongest wall that was ever built, because believe him because he knows walls?
It's already at risk of falling down. He was going to protect Medicare and Medicaid? He puts them up for budget slashes any time he can.
I won't say Trump didn't do anything. He gave Tax cuts, He got Judges, stuff like that. But other things he gave up, couldn't get done, or abandoned.
Donald Trump made voters a number of promises before they elected him. But has he kept his word?
But the Trade Deals? Yeah, he pulled out and penned a new one. That led to Tariffs and mom and pop store owners having to charge more for their stuff.
He didn't pull all troops. And his actions were even criticized by his own officials.
He did, indeed, cut regulations. Because businesses couldn't go under such weight. What were some of the things repealed?
How much regulation is happening under the Biden administration? This tracker helps you monitor a selection of delayed, repealed, and new rules, notable guidance and policy implementations, and important court battles covering energy, health, labor, and more.
Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule, Methane and Waste Prevention Rule, Temporary Suspension of EPA Enforcement, Nondiscrimination provisions in the Affordable Care Act, Clean Air Act: Emission Standards, Clean Power Plan, Fiduciary Rule, Dealer Markups Guidance (a rule that stopped Car Dealers for charging higher interest due to Race...), Net Neutrality, Arbitration Rule (which allowed class action lawsuits be levied to financial institutions to provide the opportunity for alternative legal recourse for harmed consumers against these financial companies), Title IX Guidances on Transgender Student Rights
Yeah, he kept his promises. To his donors. And bad things happened to average citizens, or ineffectual measures that break down under their own weight... literally. I mean, Jesus Christ, the Fiduciary Rule was repealed?! As someone who works in Insurance, he basically said it was ok that we can rip off old people. No he didn't basically. He said it. If the law is repealed, we aren't held liable if grandparents go bankrupt if we mishandle the money. America is thereby a little bit greater...
Your youtuber is just stating talking points that were fed to him. Points that if one did five minutes searching would show that even in his half-truth, the reality actually doesn't bode well. Bad Promises Kept aren't a good thing.