Electronic Arts Suffers $45 Million Loss


New member
Dec 5, 2008
But have they learned anything?

If I had to condense my frustration with EA down to one phrase, it would be that they've created a corporate culture that seems to despise its own consumers, actively working to ignore any feedback players of their games give them (or at least, to seem as though they do.)

Now that "We know what we're doing, stop talking" mentality seems to stretch to financial reports as well, and it seems like the most they're likely to take away is to stop making games like Warfighter. Well, duh. Did you notice that the built-in fanbase for a Syndicate game was actively against turning it into an FPS? Has it come to your attention that the audience for SimCity is not clamoring for a mandatory social experience? Has it occurred to you that every whisper of resurrecting Ultima (sans Richard Garriott) is another nail in a once-great series's coffin? Have you noticed that every time someone like DeMartini opens their mouth in public, people start reaching for torches and pitchforks?

EA made some great games; hell, I'll admit they still make some great games. But every dollar spent on them is a vote for them continuing their run of self-destructive, consumer-despising idiocy.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
Well folks, welcome to year six of the three year turn around.

How is John 'make money by aggression' Riccitiello still not fired?


New member
Nov 15, 2009
EA, its not the economy, its cause you're the most bloated, wasteful, unabashedly evil publisher on the planet.

And as far as the people crying "Think of the people who will lose their jobs." I'm sorry, but when a company does unethical, anti-consumer, exploitative, sleazy shit and puts out sub-par product we can't just let it slide because jobs are on the line.

I wonder how many "Think of the employees" people are the same people that want to shut down the fire-arm industry and want wal-mart gone. Ya know those places employ people to, right? Way, WAY more people than EA.


New member
Nov 15, 2009
Eclipse Dragon said:
Oh EA one moment people agree with you [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/7.399809-EA-Chief-Game-Violence-Worries-Are-a-Perception-Problem], the same day they return to wishing for your doom.
Yep, we agree with EA that blaming violence on games is stupid and I'll praise EA for opposing DOMA.. but EA was also walking in lock-step with SOPA, ACTA and any other mass censorship bill that would give them more control over internet and has been a pioneer in making exploitative, anti-consumer business practices.

Little Gray

New member
Sep 18, 2012
GAunderrated said:
"The economy hasn't gotten any stronger," EA Chief Financial Officer Blake Jorgensen told Reuters. "It's a little early for me to know how strong the market's going to be, so based on that we widened our range for revenue for the fourth quarter and brought our guidance down slightly just to make sure we're prudent."

Wrong the market is as strong as ever Blake, its just you guys are making crap games and bad business practices that people want no part in. You can blame it on the economy, the community, the media, everything but what you are doing wrong.
You are right the economy is just as strong as the last few years which means its still crap. EA has already admitted what they did wrong which was warfighter. Other then that they have not actually done anything wrong and even that was just misjudging their audience.


I hate Dire Wolves...
Dec 4, 2008
I wish they would tank if only so someone could buy them and install some competent management....

I like a lot of EA stuff and don't subscribe to the "EA is pure evil" line of thinking. My main issue is that it is run by fucking idiots.

Ed130 The Vanguard

(Insert witty quote here)
Sep 10, 2008
harryhenry said:
Genocidicles said:
ShirowShirow said:
EA's not going the way of THQ.
One can hope though... One can only hope.

It probably wont happen, yeah... but it's nice to think it will.
And put a bunch of talented people out of bisness?
You mean the good folks at Westwood, Bullfrog, Origin, Pandemic... Oh wait.


Yeah, EA isn't really known for its talent. Its more regarded as a place where talent goes to die.


New member
Feb 25, 2012
On one hand it's a bit hard for me to really stand up and applaud and cheer when a company like EA starts to lose a lot of money, simply because it means that people who had nothing to do with the financial decisions will likely get laid off or their benefits/pay cut so they can continue to prop up the farce of the company. On the other hand, maybe it will finally force them to stop screwing around with their customers. Maybe. Possibly. Hopefully. In my dreams.


New member
Mar 20, 2009
I think all of us (most anyway) here can agree that the piss-poor performance that was Warfighter sales was due, not in fact to a poor economy, but to a piss-poor GAME.

EA, your game was garbage. The marketing was junk. You insulted the FPS community by putting it out, period. Better luck next time.

If there IS a next time.


New member
Aug 17, 2009
I so enjoy reading these. I hope that one day they will drop low enough so all the managers will leave and all the dead developers they absorbed will rise from their graves and form a new ultimate development team that will live up to name Electronic Arts!

One can always dream...

But just in case it happens I'm patenting this prophecy.

captcha: history repeats itself

O maestre

New member
Nov 19, 2008
conservative and un-innovative policies are to blame. the handling of dlc and micro transactions is one thing but throwing the same product on the market year after year is not going to net you the big prize. then again these guys dont seem to understand that games are a little bit more complex than movies and music. games are still games, very comparable to board games and toys, nobody wants the exact same experience over and over again.

However this is a general problem with big publishers, what puts ea over the top is of course their invasive and exploitative practices. micro-transactions were once a staple of free to play for a reason, that reason is not present on a full priced game. the projections are down because ea has bet on the wrong place and the wrong way to get their cash.

im not saying that steam is any less invasive or consumer friendly, that's a public image thing, the key to their success is not only diversity but its sales and bundles, even if people only save 3? a "sales" sign is still a very powerful incentive. much more than the obvious milking. the key is to make us feel as if we are getting a bargain and not scammed. this is why amazon and steam are successful.

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
I enjoy this. But it's not enough. I want them to go bankrupt. Maybe someone good will purchase Bioware and Mass Effect before they bury it.

Dragon Age 2 sold less than they expected. SWTOR wasn't the success they'd hoped. Mass Effect 3 sparked a controversy that made people hate EA even more. Medal of Honor is dead. Dead Space 3 has no chance of selling 5 million copies, which is what they predicted is necessary to keep the series going. They will try to make Battlefield into a yearly release like CoD which could end up burying Battlefield.
They killed so many studios, I doubt anyone sane would agree to be purchased by them. So when they're done destroying what little they have left, they'll be gone. Which is why I hope they die before they kill Bioware.

They keep doing the same thing over and over again and they expect different results. They have absolutely no idea how the gaming industry works. EA should be afraid. They should be very afraid.


Senior Member
Aug 7, 2011
Adam Jensen said:
I enjoy this. But it's not enough. I want them to go bankrupt. Maybe someone good will purchase Bioware and Mass Effect before they bury it.
You believe Mass Effect is still alive. That's so adorable.