Electronic Arts Wants To Be Voted Best Company In America

Random berk

New member
Sep 1, 2010
VoidOfOne said:
Don't want to be voted the worst again?

GET RID OF ORIGIN! Or at least make it so that I don't have to be online to play single-player games!

Get rid of the DLC checker BS that prevents me from playing any Mass Effect saves offline because they have DLC on it! That was total BS! Didn't even realize it until I got the whole series downloaded.
Oh, is that why I haven't been able to play ME3: Citadel? I was pissed off about that for quite a while. Once I got the 'Checking downloadable content' messagebox, it just wouldn't move on from that.


New member
Jan 2, 2012
As long as they make long term changes that benefit the consumer and don't later remove them, I don't see why there is reason that they can't become a better company, I have no emnity towards EA personally. One thing they've got in their favour is that they're actually taking time to look at what they've been doing wrong and trying to fix it.


New member
Apr 2, 2009
Andy Chalk said:
"We did that and we started to realize that we are doing things that people don't like."
No. Shit.
If they're just figuring this out now then they have a long way to the top. But I'll be optimistic about this, after all the first step to change is acknowledging you have a problem. right?


New member
Feb 24, 2011
As shitty as EA is they have made some small improvements and Ubisoft seems determined to take EA's place as worst company, but they aren't in America... So EA might just have a chance to not be voted worst three years running, but the biggest rising contender is disqualified from the competition. However, for no reason will they be voted best anytime soon.


There's a principle in business
Nov 16, 2008
Hero in a half shell said:
It will cost you money. It will cost you shareholder confidence and reduce your profit margins.
And just like that, you've lost them. EA is only just staying afloat as it is, and the executives and shareholders aren't going to be willing to reduce their profit margins for any reason.


New member
Jan 22, 2011
As much as I've hated EA these past few years, it does seem they're making some improvements. Since Riccitiello left, I've been watching them cautiously, and it does in fact seem like they want to gain back some consumer goodwill. Granted, it hasn't been terribly long, and we have still yet to see the results of any real policy changes. But, I'm willing to give them a second chance. Hopefully they realize it won't be easy, but I'm cautiously optimistic about a new EA.


Master of Lancer
Jan 25, 2012
United States
Honestly, I've always felt that EA winning "worst company in America" has always better reflected the skewed perspective of the people in the poll than any real deserving of the title from the company. Given how shady and corrupt so many corporations are, it's a safe bet that plenty of them did more to deserve the title than a company whose greatest sin has been gouging its userbase and making subpar video games.

that said, EA certainly deserves its reputation among the gamer community, so a desire to improve is welcome to me.


New member
Jan 15, 2009
well, they are starting to get a bit better. if they really want to be seen better and actually listen to us, then there mite be some hope for them in the end.


New member
Mar 18, 2013
It's called taking your customers first and not your shareholders. Give your stupid developers adequate time to make and QA their games instead rush out, patch later.

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
Hey, they got rid of the Online Pass. Maybe it's just one of my rare bouts of optimism and maybe I place far too much faith in other people...but I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt here. Obviously time will tell if they take the steps necessary to right their wrongs, but the first step to solving a problem is admitting that you have a problem...this would seem to be that admission, along with a declaration of a desire to do better.

So hey, I for one wish EA the best of luck in this endeavor. While I really don't like the company, they do publish a lot of series that I personally enjoy, so if they say they're wanting to do better then I really do want to see them do better. I doubt they'll ever be "Best Company In America", but if they actually make an effort to improve their image through actions, then I truly do wish them the best of luck.

And once again Psychic Captcha is Psychic: "Square One", which is right where EA is going if indeed they intend to follow up on this declaration.

runic knight

New member
Mar 26, 2011
I think the best way I can sum this up is as follows

EA, you will never be voted the best, because the ones doing the voting are the consumers, and you will never put them first in anything. Even here, your stance and actions are blatantly motivated in self interest, and that does nothing to convince anyone that your future efforts will be anything but more of the same. You will never be the best company because that requires a level of self awareness and sacrifice that you do not possess.

You may be able to avoid being in the worst of lists, and if you pull that off good job. But best? Not when you don't understand what makes the best ones the best, and not when push comes to shove, you side with profit of any kind, be it short or long, before customers.

You don't get to be the best when you admit the motivation for wanting it was because you got shamed for being the worst two years running. Your reaction to online passes show it best. People didn't like them at all, and it was well known they were unneeded additions, since they neither work to protect games from being cracked and inconvenienced the paying customer. You looked into it with pros and cons and then gave the customer what they wanted. The very fact you had to be convinced to relinquish a smidgen of control back to the consumer (Not even getting into how you actually gave nothing, merely changed it to "always online" sort of bullshit) when they hated it from the start demonstrate the way customers come second.

This is not to say it is bad business, merely in a popularity contest where the voters are influenced by the goodwill the company generates, a company that treats customer satisfaction as a secondary statistic rather then a goal just will never generate enough good will to win. On the contrary, it is exactly that corporate mentality that makes them voted against so fervently.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
sorry EA the reason you are so vilified is for the reasons that are fundementally built into your company. using your current business model that just is not possiable. im sorry.


New member
Jun 2, 2010
Getting rid of online pass is a small first step. But before they can ever dream of rising to the top their entire corporate culture needs to change, such that an idea like Online Pass would not have been suggested, let alone approved and implemented. The failures occur at all levels. The path to correction must begin at the highest levels and roll outwards.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Jodan said:
sorry EA the reason you are so vilified is for the reasons that are fundementally built into your company. using your current business model that just is not possiable. im sorry.

Your servers are terrible! Uncle having to chant chi spell just to remain connected!


New member
May 21, 2013
VoidOfOne said:
Don't want to be voted the worst again?

GET RID OF ORIGIN! Or at least make it so that I don't have to be online to play single-player games!

Get rid of the DLC checker BS that prevents me from playing any Mass Effect saves offline because they have DLC on it! That was total BS! Didn't even realize it until I got the whole series downloaded.

And give me Jade Empire 2! Or some spiritual successor, dammit!
I hate to break it to you but you don't have to be online for origin to work


There's a principle in business
Nov 16, 2008
Glaice said:
It's called taking your customers first and not your shareholders. Give your stupid developers adequate time to make and QA their games instead rush out, patch later.
Shareholders - who haven't the first idea about games - get nervous and bail out, EA's stock price drops and they have less development funding, games get even worse as staff are underpaid or laid off, EA collapses. They're in way too deep to pull themselves out of it now.


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
Reed Spacer said:
every year the sheep buy it.
All right, I get how silly and fun it is to demean people who dare to enjoy games you don't like, but can we please stop referring to human beings as livestock now?

I seriously have a hard time believing anyone on the internet has any semblance of empathy anymore. Our own content creators from LoadingReadyRun have even stated that they get angry, frothing e-mails from people, respond to them rationally, and then get a subsequent response from the person saying "Oh, sorry, I didn't realize someone was actually going to read this!"

So, next time you feel like openly mocking another person over some incredibly petty thing like enjoying a sports video game, stop and remind yourself "Hey, that's a real human being on the receiving end of my post."


Resident Juggler
Apr 17, 2008
In defence of EA they are nowhere near the worst company in the USA... Like, they don't exactly destroy livelihoods of innocent people and/or destroy the planet like various other corporations now, do they?