Electronic Arts Wants To Be Voted Best Company In America


New member
Nov 18, 2009
hey remember when you released the EXACT SAME FIFA VITA GAME. Two year in a row.. And I don''t mean the same game as in what they do with the consoles every year I mean the EXACT SAME. Same gameplay load screens, jusr updated teams. £40 more please.


New member
Feb 27, 2008
Well EA while I'm not sure you can be the BEST company you can certainly do better and not be the absolute worst. You just have to do better than Capcom!

Amir Kondori

New member
Apr 11, 2013
Here is the problem EA has. EA is a publicly traded company that is trying to maximize profits per share for its shareholders. So the EA leadership can't make a decision that trades little profitability for customer relations. If the leadership makes such a move it is possible the board may step in and replace them.

So that leaves EA's leadership in a tight spot. If they are not trying to maximize short term profits than they could lose their job. It is a tough balancing act. I am sure that some of the leadership, past and present, would love to take a more Valve-like approach to some subjects but are hindered by the type of company they are.

Bug MuIdoon

New member
Mar 28, 2013
I really want Gwen Stefani and Carmelo Anthony in my bed, but guess what EA? It ain't gonna happen.

I suppose we can all dream.


New member
Oct 27, 2010
I don't believe a word you say but I'll wait and hold out hope that you'll prove me wrong.


New member
Jun 7, 2013
Holy hell! I must have had enough crack to floor a T-Rex! I am seeing some really strange things on my monitor! The lights are sparkling and everything is so slow! Is this an alternate universe or something!? Where's my dream totem!?

But seriously, EA will need the help of Gods and aliens or whatever almighty entity there is to make this work in any reasonable amount of time! Hell, they all probably need to fire themselves and their board to regain some of that lost faith! And based on their most recent blunder, Need for Speed Rivals for PC, I am sure they have yet to start on this and are are lining up pretty well for three years in a row!


I can't wait for Titanfall!

Look on the bright side EA, companies like you help Activision, Bank of America, BP and JP Morgan sleep well at night.


New member
Jul 10, 2010
Maybe if you had six improbability drives, a hypnosis ray, and an army of naked cheerleaders who could go out and suck off every pissed off customer you've ever had, that might get you an award.

Shit, I just buy NFS and burnout games from them and even then they massively fucked up NFS by making prostreet, two forza rip offs (with a great sense of motion, I will admit), and a linear cross country racing game full of quicktime events.

Even with just that, I'd have to be dead not to notice the DRM blowback and the studio closings and lots of other crap.

So yeah, you've got a long way to go. Good luck, and by all means I hope you actually do improve enough to get that award. I'd also like an x-wing and a holodeck, but those probably won't happen either.


New member
Sep 15, 2013
I'm kinda hopeful that they say they want to be a good corporation. If they could back it up with consumer friendly business they could be a a good corporation, probably not this year thou.


New member
Jun 6, 2012
Fine. Change. Do this and then we'll talk but until more changes happen its going to be the same song and dance next year but at least now they've realized that people don't actually like most of things they do.


New member
Jul 5, 2009
inb4 EA sucks....

I think the biggest mistake EA seem to be making is the shareholders and the ones making the major decisions are incredibly out of touch of the consumers they are trying to sell to.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Ok EA I'll bite, so you don't want to be voted worst company in America again? Here are a few pointers that might help:

1. No more microtransactions.

2. No more Day1 DLC. If you have developmed it as part of the design process for the core game then it isn't DLC, its part of the game that you are just holding back to milk the customer.

3. No more always-online titles like SimCity. It's an awful idea.

4. When an original IP sells well and you decide to produce a sequel, don't try to "broaden it's appeal" by dumbing it down *cough* Dragon Age 2 *cough*. People who liked the original are your primary target consumers for sequels, don't piss them off.

5. Don't write cheques you can't cash. Contrary to the outcry at the time, the ending to Mass Effect 3 wasn't bad, it was just a massive dissapointment. We had been promised storylines that would "diverge" and endings that would reflect the choices we had made thoughout the series. When it actually boiled down to a few variants on what were essentially a "Good ending" and a "Band ending" people were pissed, and understandably so. Imagine you were promissed a steak dinner with a the trimmings, and you were really looking forward to it, then you were served up a pizza. Pizza is great, but it's still dissapointing because it isnt what you were promissed.

6. Stop trying to push multiplayer and online features into RPGs, they don't mix well.

7. When you put out a press release, try to avoid telling people what they should be liking, it pisses them off.

8. Ensure products are fit for release prior to actually releasing them. For 6 months after release Dragon Age 2 was buggy as hell, and even with the latest update there are still broken quests.

9. Stop reusing the same half dozen environments over and over again in RPGs.

10. Go back to the drawing board and come up with some new IP


New member
May 28, 2008
It's really not that hard for them to become much more liked if they actually want to. Short term it will cost but it could help them in the long run. Some simple ideas:

1) Don't force Origin use. There's already an established market leader here and it's not a space where people want to have two services to deal with. Try just making it good enough that new players will just want to use it instead.

2) Cap the number of entries in a series at 3 and give the developers free reign to make them how they want.

3) Allow refunds if a game is not functional.

4) Unless the game is an MMO, don't force an online mode.

5) Get rid of the excessive capitalistic marketing. No more microtransactions, no more releasing 5 different "Editions" of the same game, no tie-in sponsorships that give exclusive content for buying merchandise, no more DLC that adds up to be more expensive than the original game. Just give us a good, complete game and we'll like you.


New member
Jun 4, 2009
And I wanted a satisfying conclusion to Mass Effect and Dead Space.

We don't always get what we want.

Robert Marrs

New member
Mar 26, 2013
Well I wish them the best of luck. EA does put out some solid games its really their shitty policies that drive me away. If they can change that I will be happy. Just stop putting things out before they are ready, never let peter moore speak publicly (or anyone else at ea who can't seem to say anything without coming off as an anti-consumer tool), drop the day-1 dlc and most importantly when you fuck up admit it. When you do something bad don't make excuses or blame the consumer just own up to it and you will get the respect you want from gamers.

Mad World

Sep 18, 2009
They're too money-obsessed. They need to care A LOT more about customers in order that they ever come closer to being "the best company in America."


Dec 24, 2011
Talk is cheap. It's not enough to say you want it EA. SHOW us you want to be voted best company by actually doing things that are good for consumers.