Enemies that ruin games


New member
Feb 20, 2013
So I'm in my second playthrough of Dark Souls 2. While its difficulty curve is more forgiving then Dark Souls, I still really enjoyed the atmosphere, Boss fights and Mysterious story. During my first time with Dark souls i found myself getting frustrated to the point where i would just say "f*** this, f*** this game, I'm out". But the fact that I felt I could use skill and tactics to navigate most of the challenges, I stuck it out and was really satisfied when I completed it.

But my desire to continue with Dark Souls 2 had been squashed by those shitty exploding mummies that just fall over and explode. I find them cheap, and not really a challenge because you can't interrupt the attack and can barely get out of the way if they pile on (which they always seem to). All you can do is slide around the corner in first person and hit em with arrows, which seems more like exploiting poor AI, not a legitimate strategy.

So i was curious if anyone else had enemies in other games that were so poorly designed or had cheap attacks that it hampered part of the experience for you


Is this memes?
Dec 11, 2012
- Enemies that stun-lock you.
- Enemies that have the ability to insta-kill you.
- Enemies that fully heal themselves right when you've almost killed them.

Applicable to a lot of games.


Assumed Lurker
Mar 27, 2009
IceForce said:
- Enemies that fully heal themselves right when you've almost killed them.
Elite Four/Gym Leader battles in Pokemon, really.
Trigger happy with their Full Restores.

Agreed on the stun-lock thing, by the way. Just unfair and totally unfun to me, makes me enjoy the game a lot less.


Your sinner, in secret
Jun 24, 2013
Those damn Flying Turret things in Remember Me were a pain in the ass. They have near enough 100% accuracy even when dodging which stun locks you for a second. They can fly but thankfully don't move all that much. They take two fully charged blasts of your memorise gun to kill so have fun waiting for your gun to recharge three times so that they die first (they always come in twos). As much as I love Remember Me, their presence just makes me sad, even more so than the stupid teleporting boss.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
In inFAMOUS you had these little flying bomb drones that had the most aggravating flight pattern, and absorbed a ton of damage before finally going down. They weren't even that tough, but the way they moved meant it was nearly impossible to hit them with a grenade or rocket. So all you could really use was the regular zap attack, which took forever.

The fuckers even show up in the final Boss fight, which is punishing enough as it is.


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
I had heaps, but now I can't remember much at all.

Playing through Metroid Prime again, I forgot how annoying the ghosts can be. They stopped being fun after the first time. There are about 6 rooms they keep popping up in that I needed to pass through, with the room always going really dark, you can't shoot them as they spawn, they can pop up anywhere including right behind you where you can't get out of the way and they can disarm you for a short time.

Also, there was one particular enemy in Path Of Exile that can bleed you 5x the normal damage making you a sitting duck waiting for it to disappear.

The retards that took over Lineage 2 decided to give some enemy's really annoying abilities like canceling buffs (some of them that actually cost money or time to earn), stun on contact which doesn't make any sense, and the worst of all which is to port you back to town. Seriously, how fucking stupid can you get to put this in an MMO?


New member
Oct 26, 2009
The f*cking Legion in Fallout New Vegas.

I pissed them off very early on and for a long time (just after Ring-A-Ding-Ding) they despised me. I would get jumped in the Wasteland at least once every 20 minutes by no fewer than 4 of them. It'd take 4-5 grenades to kill them, assuming they clutter together. Otherwise 9-10 shotgun shells to the HEAD. EACH. It works out worse for me that they have no concept of cover - cus they charge right into my face and unload a submachine gun into it. Constantly. In unison!

I almost always see them coming and so I save it so that I can reload when (not 'if') I die. It usually takes about 6 attempts to survive the fight. No other enemy I've encountered is anywhere near this f*cking OP.

I'm scared to advance the story until I level up a shit load cus I know they'll hate me again if I go much further.


New member
Dec 18, 2008
GrimSoup said:
Yeah fuck those stupid mummies, dont really understand the point of them, even their melee is outragously strong, can do like half your hp. I think my least favorite enemy in dks 2 those fucking mages who spam the homing missiles in shrine of amana, your mobility is decreased because its mostly sunken in waist high water and they have unlimited casts, unlike you


New member
Feb 20, 2013
gonzo20 said:
GrimSoup said:
Yeah fuck those stupid mummies, dont really understand the point of them, even their melee is outragously strong, can do like half your hp. I think my least favorite enemy in dks 2 those fucking mages who spam the homing missiles in shrine of amana, your mobility is decreased because its mostly sunken in waist high water and they have unlimited casts, unlike you
I know! And that is another situation where you can exploit the poor AI by just hiding behind the pillars and chipping away at their health with arrows. Not hard, just cheap. I just found it less engaging. Using the environment and sometimes shitty AI to beat areas, only because the fights where unfair. OP and cheap enemies does not equal challenging.

Maximum Bert

New member
Feb 3, 2013
The flood sorta ruined Halo a bit for me after Halo 2 I was seroiously tempted to go through the campaign again but the thought of fighting the flood again stopped me from bothering it wasnt that they were hard it was just I found them very unfun and unsatisfying to fight.

Almost every final boss in fighters can also go here more often than not they just make Arcade mode a chore its great fun and then suddenlytheres some ridiculous brick wall of a cheating sob at the end. Some get it right most dont.


New member
Dec 27, 2009
I could make a list, but it would be too bothersome. So i'll go with deathclaws in New Vegas. Meeting one meant that you would use most of your ammo and medkits to get out alive, sometimes i would climb onto some rock or something to save some medkits, but i still would end up using up all of my ammo and that fucker would often run away and come back to kill me in two hits whenever i climbed down, and if theres two of them, well, fuck.


New member
Sep 18, 2008
To top all of the New Vegas.


Those nasty little stinging insects that would follow you to to ends of the earth and were more nimble than a acrobat.

the wetness running down my leg always started when i heard the buzzing of the wings

Ham Blitz

New member
May 28, 2009
The mummies were annoying at first for me if there was more than one since I can usually block a single one (the explosion breaks my guard but I can kill it before it gained another attack. While I am not good at it, you can actually dodge the explosion, it just takes really precise timing. I've only managed it about 3 times. Granted if you can hit them before they start the jump and make them flinch then you are essentially in the clear, granted, I've only played as a strength build so far so I don't know how hard it is for other builds to cause flinching.
The one guy's list earlier essentially covers it:
- Enemies that stun-lock you.
- Enemies that have the ability to insta-kill you.
- Enemies that fully heal themselves right when you've almost killed them.
Though I have to add this one in mainly because of Dead Island Riptide:
- Enemies that are a combination of Heavy hitting, fast moving, and high in defense,
IE. the those bigger versions of the infected. They had the health of a thug, speed and attack pattern of an infected, and about the general damage per hit as... well a thug again. They run at you and do their one common flailing attack and you would be either dead or almost dead.

gonzo20 said:
GrimSoup said:
Yeah fuck those stupid mummies, dont really understand the point of them, even their melee is outragously strong, can do like half your hp. I think my least favorite enemy in dks 2 those fucking mages who spam the homing missiles in shrine of amana, your mobility is decreased because its mostly sunken in waist high water and they have unlimited casts, unlike you
This, so much this. I hated that place because of those cheap mages. You have to dodge them just right or they just curve down and hit you while rolling, which sucks even more.


New member
Oct 2, 2012
Those stupid,goofy, big eyed basilisks that could curse you very easily in Dark Souls, seriously every battle with them was intense and all together crappy. I don't think I have despised or been more terrified of an enemy in a video game. It did make killing them all the more satisfying though.


Sane among the insane.
Sep 12, 2010
You know those enemies in FFXIII that had 20 times too much health? That you basically had to Stagger multiple times to kill. And they were just random enemies. Those fuckers!

On that note, nothing sucks more than getting hit by a Malboro's Bad Breath when you had nothing to prevent the negative status effects. You really just have to reload as you're basically lost and won't be able to kill it at that point, especially in FF8. Honestly, I always hated negative status using enemies as negative status effects never seemed to work on enemies, but could be devastating to you.

Not really an enemy that ruins a game, but not having the ability to focus on an enemy to track and attack him in action oriented games is a pain that can really ruin the experience.

Enemies that can one shot kill are annoying. More so if they are really fast and evasive or hard to target or evade. Those annoying Snipers in Uncharted 3, for example (they one shot you on Normal difficulty, made me wonder if they needed to test that a little more). They killed me more than any other enemy, partly as they always seemed to accompany shotgun wielding enemies and then you had to prioritize which one you killed first, and I usually went for the shotgun guys as they were more imminent and potentially could knock me out of cover making me an easy target for a sniper (it happened more than once).


New member
Aug 31, 2009
The bosses in Donkey Kong 64 are really making me not want to play anymore...The concept for some of them are fine and enjoyable but the fights themselves are just killing it for me in a game where the mini-games are already making me freaking insane.

IceForce said:
- Enemies that stun-lock you.
- Enemies that have the ability to insta-kill you.
- Enemies that fully heal themselves right when you've almost killed them.

Applicable to a lot of games.
Enemies that steal/drain items/item energy/energy in general are another really annoying type of enemy. Thinking about things like Like-Likes who eat shields and armor depending on the specific Zelda you're fighting them in. There are too few of them to make the games deal-breakers.

Also, enemies who spam status effects. This is more of a JRPG thing but it's still annoying as all Hell to be slowed down, have your accuracy cut, etc etc...


Your friendly local nihilist
Dec 6, 2010
The Infamous series does this bad. Late game enemies are either, fast, able to leap insane heights, take so many hits to kill, or be able to deal massive amounts of damage. Sometimes it is all of them. Second Son is the biggest offender. All enemies have an OP jump move and a sorta shotgun blast thing with concrete that blows your character back. The late game enemies only get worse.


New member
Feb 8, 2013
Auron225 said:
The f*cking Legion in Fallout New Vegas.

I pissed them off very early on and for a long time (just after Ring-A-Ding-Ding) they despised me. I would get jumped in the Wasteland at least once every 20 minutes by no fewer than 4 of them. It'd take 4-5 grenades to kill them, assuming they clutter together. Otherwise 9-10 shotgun shells to the HEAD. EACH. It works out worse for me that they have no concept of cover - cus they charge right into my face and unload a submachine gun into it. Constantly. In unison!

I almost always see them coming and so I save it so that I can reload when (not 'if') I die. It usually takes about 6 attempts to survive the fight. No other enemy I've encountered is anywhere near this f*cking OP.

I'm scared to advance the story until I level up a shit load cus I know they'll hate me again if I go much further.
This, I started to play the game a few days ago and the same thing happened to me. Only reason I survived was because I got the NCR emergency frequency minutes earlier. It is easier now when I got Veronica, her power fist can actually kill things.

Meanwhile I am scared of finishing Veronica's quest, fighting three Brotherhood Paladins in T51-b power armour. I do not stand a chance against that, not enough firepower or armour.

In the same series, Feral Ghoul Reavers in Fallout 3. HP rivaling a Super Mutant Behemoth, deals both damage and radiation and very fast. Only real solution is miniguns or exploiting shotguns (9 possible crits, with finess and ghoul ecology).


New member
Sep 11, 2013
Auron225 said:
The f*cking Legion in Fallout New Vegas.

I pissed them off very early on and for a long time (just after Ring-A-Ding-Ding) they despised me. I would get jumped in the Wasteland at least once every 20 minutes by no fewer than 4 of them. It'd take 4-5 grenades to kill them, assuming they clutter together. Otherwise 9-10 shotgun shells to the HEAD. EACH. It works out worse for me that they have no concept of cover - cus they charge right into my face and unload a submachine gun into it. Constantly. In unison!

I almost always see them coming and so I save it so that I can reload when (not 'if') I die. It usually takes about 6 attempts to survive the fight. No other enemy I've encountered is anywhere near this f*cking OP.

I'm scared to advance the story until I level up a shit load cus I know they'll hate me again if I go much further.
This. A million times this.

Every time I saw these assholes sprinting towards me from halfway across the wasteland in single file, I would just let out a groan of despair because each one of those legion guys would just not go down. Whenever I saw them, I would quicksave, and then rummage through my inventory for mines, C4 or grenades and then backpedal, placing mines and remote C4 in a long line and wait until they'd all run onto them and then just detonate.

And then I'd walk down the road for 10 minutes and there would be a second group.

The Legion took so much fun out of New Vegas for me. Exploring the Wasteland soon became more of a tedious chore because I knew I would encounter at least 2 of these groups during my journey.