Epic weapons in a game.


New member
Apr 29, 2008
There are many cool weapons throughout the video gaming history, but few are able to achieve the status of immortality in the gaming communities mind. These weapons are so new so devastating and so awesome that one can only help but to remember their powers for years to come.
I'm talking about the weapons that everyone knows about, and everyone loves
thing like:
The Hadouken

The BFG (Ironically a kids book as well http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_BFG )

These may not be your favorite weapons but they have such a high profile,and are so awesome, that you cant help but love them.

So my question to you all is what weapons have achieved the EPIC status in your eyes?


New member
Dec 19, 2008
The Electrodriver from Painkiller because it shot shurikens and lightning, and in the upgraded version it had boobs and was on fire.

Yes. That was indeed a shameless fanboy statement and I'm proud of it.

Back to reality. I would have to choose the Gravity Gun from HL2, simply because I could pick up blades and slice things in half with it. That alone wins my vote.


New member
Oct 24, 2008
The Super Gravity Gun from Half-Life 2 and her Episodes or the Portal Gun from Portal (obviously).

Shadow Law

New member
Feb 16, 2009
The top sniper (and real life gun) from COD: WaW the PTRS Bolt Action Rifle with scope.

Avatar Roku

New member
Jul 9, 2008
sevenrings said:
The Farsight from Perfect Dark. Now that was an epic gun.
Yeah. They'll never make a Sniper Rifle that cool again. I thought they did in Perfect Dark Zero when I saw the Shockwave, but, even though it's secondary fire is x-ray, it can't shoot through walls.


New member
May 21, 2008
Nothing compares to the air pump gun in "Dig-Dug" I mean you can really blow things up with that...

Worst weapon? The one in asteroids. Shoot something and it splits in two! How on earth are we supposed to dodge all those little rocks?

Everything else is just bang and its dead...

*Still stuck in old the arcade*


New member
Jan 22, 2009
orannis62 said:
sevenrings said:
The Farsight from Perfect Dark. Now that was an epic gun.
Yeah. They'll never make a Sniper Rifle that cool again. I thought they did in Perfect Dark Zero when I saw the Shockwave, but, even though it's secondary fire is x-ray, it can't shoot through walls.
Oh god, I remember in the PvP when someone got that gun the game was over and it had that autotargeting secondary so you didn't even have to aim it yourself XD
Feb 3, 2009
orannis62 said:
sevenrings said:
The Farsight from Perfect Dark. Now that was an epic gun.
Yeah. They'll never make a Sniper Rifle that cool again. I thought they did in Perfect Dark Zero when I saw the Shockwave, but, even though it's secondary fire is x-ray, it can't shoot through walls.
the farsight was epic, it was soooo cooooooooooooool

also the dragon (perfect dark n64) was good set it to proximity, and just throw it

Samurai Goomba

New member
Oct 7, 2008
Wait, this is a REAL topic?!? Sweet!

I like the Baseball Bat and Plasma Autorifle from TS: Future Perfect and the M240 from Black.


New member
Feb 21, 2009
the chain saw from all dooms, the big fucking gun(BFG) form all dooms too, the magic ball from twinsen and the chainsaw-rifle gun form gears of war, lollllllllll


New member
Feb 3, 2009
Maximillian's Grade Zero from Dark Cloud 2. There's something inexplicably wicked about beating your foes to death with a big-ass wrench.


New member
Feb 22, 2009
I'd have to say the Daedric Katana from Morrowind, I had so much fun tearing up everything I saw (everything that I outran annway)


New member
Mar 9, 2008
Mortar from Gears of War 2. Nothing better than firing it off and just watching hell on earth 150 m away 3 secs later.

The streetsweeper from the Godfather game. Had like 12 shots or something, killed anyone in one under 50m and you could 1 shot with it from a whole street away if the spread was lucky and you definitely got them the 2nd time.

Silverballers from Hitman. Not the most awesome guns ever but i love that game and there's nothing more iconic of it than the ballers plus they pack a pretty hefty punch.

RCP90 from Goldeneye 64. Nicknamed "the Big beefy" by my friend, if you're holding 2 of these things you can absolutely demolish anything. Hilarious shenanigans ensued when playing with 2 of these each on multiplayer with 3 other friends with unlimited ammo and the paintball cheat. You'd just run around firing and laugh when you got someone.

Golden Gun from Goldeneye 64. One shot kill, one bullet in the clip. Nothing promoted being an awesome shot than this gun and multiplayer with just golden guns was crazy because everyone was moving around like a schizophrenic chimp trying to avoid getting shot.

The Disc from Deathrow. Nothing is cooler than using the thing you're meant to score points with as an offensive weapon. You charged up the scoring disc until it was glowing then chucked it at someone and if it hit would do heaps of damage. My friends and I used to have long range competitions with this to see if we could hit people across the arena and you got a free beer if you managed to get one.

Nuke from Starcraft. "Ghost reporting" "Never know what hit 'em" "Nuclear Launch Detected" *Boom!!!* Awesome