Epic weapons in a game.


New member
Jun 18, 2008
I would have to say the Master Sword from Zelda games. Not really that powerful, but certainly epic.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Most friends of mine who like Gears of War games are pretty much in it for the chainsaw bayonets.

As for me...


The Really Big Hammer
The World's Most Interesting Bomb
Falling Cow (A nod to Earthworm Jim.)


Atomic Toast!


Chainsaw Sword

Megaman X4>>>>>

The Nova Armor

Devil May Cry>>>>>

The Sparda Sword

Devil May Cry 3>>>>>

Nevan Guitar
The Kalina Anne
Yamato (Vergil's sword)

Duke Nukem: Time To Kill>>>>>

RPG Launcher
Holy Handgrenade
And a LARGE amount of Pipe Bombs

Final Fantasy 6>>>>

The Atma Weapon
And Thrown Characters

Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3>>>>>

Using an Evoker (gun-looking instrument) to call upon Lucifer and Satan for a fusion spell that will kill ANYTHING in the game with one hit...plus use no SP if you've mastered Lucifer's abilities.


New member
May 10, 2008
No mention of UT's Redeemer yet? Strange.

The various iterations of the R.Y.N.O from the Ratchet and Clank games. They're big, make massive explosions, and the name stands for Rip You a New One. How can it lose?

Theo Samaritan

New member
Jul 16, 2008
zeroyourpunctuation said:
The Fatman in Fallout. I mean come on it launched mini-nukes what more could you ask for
The M.I.R.V, which shoots eight at a time.
riftinducer said:
No mention of UT's Redeemer yet? Strange.
Because all it is is a bog standard thermonuclear warhead.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
I'm sure I posted on a thread like this one yesterday but, anyway, same answer now as it was then;
Cerebral Bore.


New member
Jan 25, 2009
Soul Edge/Soul Calibur
Umbra (Oblivion)
The Enforcer (Fable 2)
A fully upgraded Plasma Cutter (Dead Space)
Not really a weapon, but certain units in RTS games (Vulture or Scarab in Halo Wars, Trebuchets and Heavy Cavalry Archers in Age of Empires etc.)
Fat Man/Mini-nuke (Fallout 3)
And my own personal favourite, the Biggoron Sword from Ocarina of Time.


New member
Oct 30, 2008
The ever present Shotgun - found in ALOT of shooters.

The MIRV and Liberty Prime are also pretty Epic.


New member
Dec 8, 2008
The alien gun from COD:WaW naiz zombies i thought was helpful when tons of brain eating zombies are coming to get you

Merciful Torture

New member
Feb 21, 2009
one of the lesser known guns: the Slayer from Perfect Dark 1. COME ON!! you can DRIVE the freakin' ROCKET!
OOH!! and the crossbow ^-^ personal favorite yeah, but c'mon! with it you can headshot them and they'd be so dazed they can't walk in a straight line OR shoot 'em in the foot [instakill setting] and they'd plop on the ground!
oh! and the N-Bomb!! /fanboy moment
oh and to Samurai Goomba: THANK YOU for mentioning TS:FP! xD i couldn't remember it at all. :] me an' a friend used to build zombie suicide maps just for the fun of watching them fall apart

dalek sec

Leader of the Cult of Skaro
Jul 20, 2008
The guns and melee weapons from the Devil May Cry series, they're just so much fun to use.


New member
Feb 22, 2008
GuerrillaClock said:
I'm sure I posted on a thread like this one yesterday but, anyway, same answer now as it was then;
Cerebral Bore.
Hells Yes! And the Nuke from the same game!


New member
Feb 11, 2009
The enhanced plasma cannon from Elite.

Used for taking out Large Space stations and Small Planets.

retro himself

New member
Nov 14, 2007
Toranilor said:
I'd have to say the Daedric Katana from Morrowind, I had so much fun tearing up everything I saw (everything that I outran annway)
Daedric longsword FTW. Sure it's heavier, but it packed a punch.
Also, crowbar. And the chainsaw from DOOM. Especially in DOOM3 with awesome graphics and you just slay away the goddamn beasts.
The gravity gun?

Oooh, ooh! The brush from Okami! Now that was original. And awesome. Not to mention a tool of a god.

Also, from a mod called Pirates, Vikings and Knights 2 for HL2, the pirates cutlass and the vikings throwing axe. It just feels so awesome and natural. The cutlass is fast and elegant, and the throwing axe is great to chuck into opponents' heads while they storm you. Also, you can pick them back up from dead bodies.


New member
Apr 13, 2008
Gunnar from Rogue Trooper had some nice features.
The M9 SMG in Rainbow Six Vegas. That thing just had NO recoil whatsoever.
Gewehr 42 from Call of Duty 2.
Lee Enfield from -again- Call of Duty 2. That rifle just shouted "headshot" once you got the hang of it.
Hidden blade from Assassin's Creed.
The assault rifle from Halo 1. They cocked it up later.
Silenced pistol from GTA san Andreas. I know it's silenced, but when I shoot 32 peope, I expect some sort of responce.

the protaginist

New member
Jul 4, 2008
Osloq said:
Mortar from Gears of War 2. Nothing better than firing it off and just watching hell on earth 150 m away 3 secs later.

The streetsweeper from the Godfather game. Had like 12 shots or something, killed anyone in one under 50m and you could 1 shot with it from a whole street away if the spread was lucky and you definitely got them the 2nd time.

Silverballers from Hitman. Not the most awesome guns ever but i love that game and there's nothing more iconic of it than the ballers plus they pack a pretty hefty punch.

RCP90 from Goldeneye 64. Nicknamed "the Big beefy" by my friend, if you're holding 2 of these things you can absolutely demolish anything. Hilarious shenanigans ensued when playing with 2 of these each on multiplayer with 3 other friends with unlimited ammo and the paintball cheat. You'd just run around firing and laugh when you got someone.

Golden Gun from Goldeneye 64. One shot kill, one bullet in the clip. Nothing promoted being an awesome shot than this gun and multiplayer with just golden guns was crazy because everyone was moving around like a schizophrenic chimp trying to avoid getting shot.

The Disc from Deathrow. Nothing is cooler than using the thing you're meant to score points with as an offensive weapon. You charged up the scoring disc until it was glowing then chucked it at someone and if it hit would do heaps of damage. My friends and I used to have long range competitions with this to see if we could hit people across the arena and you got a free beer if you managed to get one.

Nuke from Starcraft. "Ghost reporting" "Never know what hit 'em" "Nuclear Launch Detected" *Boom!!!* Awesome
I agree with you on the Golden gun. with my 360 bricked, a friend and i played GE 64 the other day. i picked up the Golden gun and he just ran for five whole minutes.


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
Legendary Pokemon - SSBM (no escape)
AWP - CS (bang, dead)
BFG - Doom (clears rooms)
Rail Gun - Unreal Tournament
Cow Cannon & Gizmo- South Park 64 (funny)
N Bomb - Perfect Dark (annoying)
Dual Damascus - Lineage 2 (big blades)
2 Rocket Launchers - Golden Eye 64 (WTF)
Mother Ship - SC2
D Gunn - Total Annihilation
Mind Control Gas - Dune 2000
Iron Curtain - Red Alert 2
Col Burton, Black Lotus, Jarmen Kell - Generals

of the top of my head!


New member
Feb 23, 2009
i can`t make up my mind on wich is my absolute fav wep but here are some choices :D

Ripper (UT classic)
PREDATOR disc from AvP series
the prod from the 2d Worms series (for it`s sadistic simplicity)
snark from HL (for the creativity)
Pandora`s box from DMC4 (epic world destruction kit)
Stakelauncher from Painkiller (more sadistic fun)
the Soul Cube from DOOM 3 (looks <3)
the cannon from Serious Sam 1
the explosive crossbow bolts from Timeshift

and there are a lot more cool weps i came across while gaming, but the ones above are my personal favs (i don`t like mass destruction weps like redeemers, mininuke launchers, bfgs or single target insane instagibbing weapons because they ruin all the fun and challenge)