Escape to the Movies: Comic-Con 2010


New member
Dec 1, 2009
Noooo! Not the Brave and the Bold... that show rocks. It's like Micheal Keaton and Adam West were thrown into a vat of Retromutagen Ooze and out came Diedrich Bader!

Yes yes.. i mixed comics... sue me.

Still, thor is looking awesome!


New member
Jan 18, 2010
First time poster to your show. Love it and all, but what I'm going to post here is somewhat unrelated to the entirety of it all, yet also permeates the entire feel of your review.

And curiously, I'm so surprised to see that everybody just... generally goes with it. not only here, but roughly everywhere culturally, despite the fact that it's simply wrong.

Ahem... It's a bit of nitpicking, but considering that I've been part of 'the freaks' and 'the weirdoes' as a kid, I feel that this name and badge of mine shouldn't be mistaken.

We, lovers of games, of movies, of comic books, of anime, of the entertainment business. Fanatics of our passtimes, of our arts and of what helped form our lives are called Geeks. Not nerds...

I know, there's the Angry Video Game Nerd. But if you take a moment to look at his appearances, he does indeed fit the Nerd aspect. Glasses, seemingly poor social abilities and prim proper appearance, he's far more a parody of a Nerd then an actual Nerd. Think of it as a geek in hiding if you wish.

Nerds were always identified, in my neighbourhood/city, as well as on TV and on movies and TV series from both Canada and the US (To those unfamiliar to Canadian cable. The main bulk of our cable system are US TV shows, same goes with movies.)

As such. I am always... utterly surprised to see the term being turned around. Nerds have always, since before my birth to roughly maybe a year or two ago, been utilized to refer to the academically dominating yet socially inept, typically frail with a speech impediment, boy or girl (Typically with glasses or braces in stereotypes.)

As for geeks? I'll point you to the comic book guy in the Simpsons. That was the depiction of a geek. Maybe it's this whole Geekdom is dominating the social world slowly that's introducing our passion and our lores to far too many people, and the mainstream audience which... let's face it, most of them probably aren't the brightest of folks around or are from a younger audience, most likely to mistake a term for something entirely different.
(Such as the misuse of the word Emo, which went from a type of musical band, to the identifying term for a mix goth/pop/punk wannabe, to the same items you'd use the term Gay or Fag, basically blind hatred to an object or subject that does not fit the predefined parameters of the word's initial meaning and now turned into a whore-to-all pejorative.)

We're geeks. We've always been geeks, and we're nothing else but geeks... Unless some of you are scoring constant 90's and 100's in your mathematics, physics, science and other high-end job classes that are typically considered annoyance by the general populace.

Then in that case, you're cross-breed geek and nerd. Go one up higher and be a dork and you'll maybe have a bully call you a gnerk... But if that's the case, that's one damn educated bully you got... Either that or he spends too much time online. (Technically, even without being a dork, you still qualify for Gnerk as it contains mixed letters from both Geek and Nerd)

Spending a lifetime under one title. I don't want to suddenly be misinterpreted as the other side.

And I know, some of you would say "Well maybe it's just a local phenomenon that's special in your case".

It's not. Again. This was how it was in the freaking movies and in TV shows from the US, as well as from Canada and whatnot. This isn't just my local culture, this was a national cultural deal that was identifiable by just about anyone.

Even early online, geek and nerd was easily identifiable... But now? Now it seems any of the two will work just fine, so long as you touch the subject beforehand to give whoever might not be sure what you're using the term geek or nerd for...

And yes, I am going to go technical on all your asses.

/geek rage


I hope that this new Godzilla'll actually work and be closer to what the original was. A striking political/social commentary as well as partial horror. Compare the terrible tragedy that was Godzilla (1998 I think) and the original Godzilla (even the english dub version).

What the original godzilla does in five minute far outweights the entirety of that 2K atrocity. The description itself of the overwhelming scent of searing burning rotting flesh and then just a quick look at doctors, lowering their head defeated and unable to aid a child who was just scanned by a high-tempo beeping radiation detecting machine... Man. Talk about crushing.

Then again... I guess Godzilla 2k was a horror movie in it's own right... It was a show of what was to come, and what was to become the norm of entertainment.


New member
Jan 18, 2010
Huh... did it send through?

-Edit: Sorry for the double post. Had constant trouble with my internet access a few days back, so I'm currently in the "I'm not sure if my connection is holding through" or not state.

Oh and, for the above:

We're geeks. Not nerds. Hell, you're a geek, movie bob.

P.S. Hope Godzilla won't suck.


New member
Feb 1, 2008
The Real Sandman said:
Didn't they already make a movie based on Haunted Mansion?

Yeah, they did. It stared Eddie Murphy.

It sucked.

And also, Brave and the Bold canceled? Bad. Silver lining? Now Kevin Conroy is the only (non-film) Batman. As it should be.


New member
Nov 29, 2008
Meh, I've never seen a comic book movie I liked. I even bitched through Dark Knight. Hell, the last movie of any kind I enjoyed in theaters was probably Kill Bill.


New member
Aug 20, 2008
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't they make a Haunted Mansion movie already? Or was that free ticket voucher in the Pirates DVD a joke?

Also, yes he needs to be doing Hellboy instead.

Kinda sucks that all the famous Marvel heroes that I grew up watching the cartoon adaptations of and now read the comics for already have their movies out and have been canceled, remade and recast. More than once. The best I can hope for is that they will apologize to Sam Raimi and let him devote the other movies to one super-villain each instead of cramming them into one film, remake the X-Men films instead and not re-cast the Hulk a 4th time.

But let's be realistic, the only thing that has a chance is that Batman: The Return of the Dark Knight Begins might be good.


New member
Jul 13, 2010
Epic fail of a comic con review.
Best looking thing there was Sucker Punch
Anything with the amount of insane badassnness that was in that trailer definitely deserves a mention, if not the main focus. I get that you have to please fanboys first, but honestly, not even a word about it? For shame.


New member
May 7, 2008
Ok, so first I heard Joss Whedon and I was like :O

And then I heard Hugo fcking Weaving as the Red Skull and I was like

----O--- < HOLY FUUUUuuuu

In other words: I had multiple nerdgasms.


New member
Dec 31, 2008
What was he referring to when he said "No, it couldn't be. Could it?" Anyone care to help me out?


New member
Aug 18, 2010
MovieBob said:
Comic-Con 2010

This week MovieBob takes a look at news and events from Comic-Con 2010

Watch Video
I broke out Marvel Super Heroes on the PS1 after watching this just to see what Thanos might do with the gauntlet against Captain America

on an off note, arn't the X-men also Marvel?
and being that it took a roster of 10 heroes to take him down in a game...

yeah I may be going too far with it but what about seeing the Xmen (wolverine) or possibly Spiderman... maybe GhostRider... I'm just thinking of ALL the marvel movies that came out recently

on an off note, anyone have any idea what happened to Shuma-Gorath?


New member
Aug 11, 2010
If they have Thanos as the avengers villain Imah gonnah beh PISSED! I want me some Galactus.