Escape to the Movies: Expendables 2


New member
Oct 17, 2008
See Bob, how hard was that? You critiqued a movie based on the flaws in the movie and it didn't come across as a whiny rant from some nerd who had a rough time as a kid.



New member
Dec 25, 2008
Didn't see the original because it looked bad and you said it wasn't all that good. Didn't see the new one because I actually didn't even see a trailer for it, and I didn't expect it to change anything from the first one enough to be worth a damn. Now I have your word I was more or less right without having to waste a dime on either, which is a nice bonus.

I always hated those campy, cheesy, stupid action films these guys stared in back in "the day" and I was more or less certain this wouldn't get me interested enough to change that.

Side note, Bob, how upset are you about Expendables killing another movie you say is amazing (last time Scott Pilgrim, this time Paranorman) at the boxoffice? Not trying to rub it in or anything, but it seems like a trend, and a relatively stupid one at that.


Azaraxzealot said:
Looks like you ARE in the critical minority this time []
considering he loved Sucker Punch, i take all his reviews with a huge grain of salt. that movie was so bad i actually asked for my money back.
You kidding me? I loved Suckerpunch! I thought it was a fun movie. Granted, I disagreed with his positive review of "Public Enemy" but that was really the only one I could call him out on.


New member
May 27, 2011
Okay, so thats what he thought of it. Mine and Bob's opinions often differ wildly, but its still interesting to hear his opinion on movies. Still, looking forward to seeing this!


New member
Nov 26, 2009
I loved it! Just brainless, crazy, cheezy, macho, over-the-top fun!
I mean, i laughed a lot during the movie, and that`s how they meant it. All those references and jokes, all that ridiculousness. That`s what i was hoping for, and by god, did i get it, and a lot of it. And i loved all of it!

The only bad thing i can say about the movie was the effects were pretty cheap, particularly at the start. But that`s all there is to complain. Otherwise, pure entertainment.


Feb 9, 2010
Aiddon said:
He's probably used to it by now. What I don't get is why people get so defensive over archaic tripe like this movie.
Did you not watch his review of the first one?People didn't get defensive because Bob gave Expendables 1 a bad review.It was because Bob essentially called everyone who liked the movie and went to see it instead of Scott Pilgrim a moron and then proceeded to whine about it for several weeks after

Giving a movie a bad review = fine
Insulting your audience because you're butthurt that a movie you hated did better than a movie you like = not fine


New member
Jul 24, 2008
Maybe these kinds of movies were never good and Bob has gotten to a point in his life where he can't appreciate them as the big piece of stupid spectacle that they always were.

Hey, I've never liked theses kinds of movies and I'm not going to see this one, but it seems hypocritical to nerd over comic book movies and B movie grindhouse schlock tributes, (which can be just as dumb), and gnash at crud like this for being blatantly what it is. As long as it hits a chord with the audience that liked these kinds of things way back when then the movie has succeeded in what it was trying to do. That's what nostalgia movies are.


New member
Oct 11, 2010
i have a rule, every-time someone mentions Hudson hawk, I get to go watch it, just though I would share.

also the movie was a fun film to go and watch with a group of my guy friends, largely due to us growing up watching those guys in there actions films

Assassin Xaero

New member
Jul 23, 2008
AnarchistAbe said:
Addendum: I don't get the critical slaughter of this series... This is a tongue-in-cheek, self-refferential action film. THEY REFERENCE RAMBO DIRECTLY for fuck's sake!!! This was not TRYING to be a critical success. It doesn't take itsself seriously. I just don't undestand the mentality behing listening to a critic with a movie like The Expendables.
So then why did everyone hate Duke Nukem Forever?


New member
Apr 5, 2010
TorchofThanatos said:
I loved this MOVIE!
IT was so much fun.

and HOBO with a Shotgun sucked! NO movie should ever do what that one tired to.

NO it is not a good movie, but it is a fun movie.
Sup with the random caps all over this post? I have a feeling you're just trying to get under bobs skin with this post. And personally, I enjoyed hobo with a shotgun very much but that's just me.

OT: Never watched the first one so will probably give this one a pass.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
MetalDooley said:
Did you not watch his review of the first one?People didn't get defensive because Bob gave Expendables 1 a bad review.It was because Bob essentially called everyone who liked the movie and went to see it instead of Scott Pilgrim a moron
Technically he said "as the obedient sheep of the moviegoing public lined up for their processed cheese." And even if he hadn't said that I'm pretty sure people still would have stamped their feet like impotent children anyway. Furthermore, if someone REALLY went to watch that instead of Scott Pilgrim they DESERVED to be called a sheep. Anyone who watched Sly's ego trip officially resigned ANY right to complain over Hollywood not having any ideas.


New member
Apr 5, 2010
WDK89 said:
MovieBob is trying so hard to be a Roger Ebert on speed in every one of his videos it's just getting pathetic. He is a waste of space on this usually great web site.
What's up with you? He didn't like the movie and at least this time he didn't insult fans of expendables. Where is all this aggression coming from? He has to like mediocre action movies now or else he's a 'waste of space'?

Dr. Dan Challis

New member
Sep 18, 2009
I didn't like the first Expendables but the second is an improvement in just about every way possible, and a lot of fun to boot. Better villain, stronger, uncluttered story, bigger, more sustained action setpieces - this is one of the few sequels that truly learned from the mistakes of its predecessor. About the only thing I can agree with Bob on is the cinematography; this movie LOOKS. LIKE. SHIT. Surprising, considering Simon West has made some true visual stunners in the past.

BTW - the use of the "Good, the Bad and the Ugly" theme and the constant references to Norris being a ?lone wolf? are obvious nods to the film ?Lone Wolf McQuade.? Surprised you missed that, Bob.


New member
Apr 5, 2010
Terramax said:
Meanwhile, movie Bob will like pretty much any super hero movie released, even when they're full of plot holes, cover no new ground, aren't funny when they're supposed to, action sequences are boring, the acting is sub-par, etc.

Hell, he even spent no less than 2 videos reviewing the Green Lantern trying his hardest to like it in some way.
What are you talking about? Bob tore that movie into shreds and couldn't find anything to like. Of course he's supposed to TRY and find stuff to like, that's kinda what you do when you watch movies.


Unskippable, LRR, Feed Dump
Nov 13, 2008
AnarchistAbe said:
Addendum: I don't get the critical slaughter of this series... This is a tongue-in-cheek, self-refferential action film. THEY REFERENCE RAMBO DIRECTLY for fuck's sake!!! This was not TRYING to be a critical success. It doesn't take itsself seriously. I just don't undestand the mentality behing listening to a critic with a movie like The Expendables.
Because it could have been so much better. A "campy, self-referential, tongue-in-cheek" can still be an excellent action movie, and this wasn't. That's why.


Feb 9, 2010
Aiddon said:
Technically he said "as the obedient sheep of the moviegoing public lined up for their processed cheese." And even if he hadn't said that I'm pretty sure people still would have stamped their feet like impotent children anyway. Furthermore, if someone REALLY went to watch that instead of Scott Pilgrim they DESERVED to be called a sheep. Anyone who watched Sly's ego trip officially resigned ANY right to complain over Hollywood not having any ideas.
He might not have used the exact word "moron" but the meaning of what he said was pretty clear and as a supposed professional insulting your audience is not a smart thing to do.You obviously share Bob's opinion so good for you.Personally I thought Scott Pilgrim was a piece of shit and a waste of 2 hours of my life but I'm adult not to insult people for liking it


New member
Mar 22, 2011
LazyAza said:
It still boggles my mind how anyone who genuinely has any kind of brain in their head at all ever got any enjoyment out of the Expendables. No surprise the sequel is even worse.

But bleh trying to tell people who like the Expendables that they're stupid for doing so is like saying someone addicted to cakes made of shit should stop eating cakes made of shit. I mean it seems obvious but gosh darn they just can't get enough of that shit cake. lol
One could argue that you not understanding the movie makes you the stupid one. Your opinion is that, not fact.


New member
Sep 20, 2011
Ahh that's too bad. I was hoping that this movie would be so flawed that at least Bob would get passionate in his anger, ala Green Lantern, and smack it down. But it was just boring, and boring is the hardest kind of movie to review because there's nothing for that passion to latch on to.

My solvemedia puzzle: "Baby Boomer" The irony.