Escape to the Movies: I Am Number Four


Filled with ReLRRgious fervor.
Dec 17, 2009
I'll watch it when it's discount binned. But other than that doesn't seem like it's worth my full $10.

Must say, with all the mentions of kamehamehas and DBZ picture it has piqued my inner adolescent.


New member
Jan 29, 2010
GeorgW said:
Happy birthday in advance!
Now this is annoying, should I watch it or not? *Remembers Michael Bay directed it* Eeh, I think I'll pass...
The creepy part is that the movie's strong point seems to be from Michael Bay doing what he does best. According to this review, it seems to be that he tries something new, fails miserably, then goes "Fuck it" and goes back to explosions and lazers.

The Long Road

New member
Sep 3, 2010
Well, I wasn't gonna see it, and the lukewarm review from Moviebob isn't helping the chances. I get the feeling that somewhere out there is one of his previously mentioned Similar Movies That Did The Same Thing But Better. Anyone able to confirm this?


Nov 1, 2009
So basically, Boy Meets World Meets Roswell Meets Aliens Meets Michael Bay..

..Train-wreck dead ahead, much? -_-


New member
Jan 29, 2010
If this becomes popular enough to warrant its own fanbase, I can't wait to see turf wars break out between the teen drama fans and the Michael Bay fans.


New member
Jul 24, 2008
k-ossuburb said:
As long as nobody sparkles, I'm cool with this taking over from Twilight.
Twilight and this have similar age ranges that they're targeting, but No. 4 has primarily male gaze while Twilight was female gaze and is one of the only ones of its kind even trying to have some sort of female gaze that isn't something like 'The Notebook'.

So while No. 4's premise has been done to death in the movies Twilight's really hasn't, and though Twilight was so incredibly poor it was only one of a few straws for many female audiences to grasp on. No. 4 is not going to take its place in that regard.


New member
Oct 18, 2008
The Long Road said:
Well, I wasn't gonna see it, and the lukewarm review from Moviebob isn't helping the chances. I get the feeling that somewhere out there is one of his previously mentioned Similar Movies That Did The Same Thing But Better. Anyone able to confirm this?
You are thinking of JUMPER, starring Manikin Skyskywalker himself, Hayden Cardboard Box.


New member
Oct 1, 2010
Yeah, why do they have to be killed in numerical order? The trailers mentioned this and I've been confused by it. Do the bad guys suffer from OCD? What is it like an army of alien Adrien Monks from the show MONK?

Actually that sounds pretty good.

Darth IB

New member
Apr 7, 2010
Definitely going to see this one, but mainly because I'll watch pretty much anything with superpowers.


New member
May 28, 2009
I'm letting this one go by, since I still have to see Scott Pilgrim and Inception.

Happy upcoming birthday btw


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
I think the issue is largely that teen Drama is written by a bunch of guys who were in high school decades ago, at a time when the entire face of the school system has changed radically over that time instead of remaining as relatively static as it used to. In cases where someone involved in doing a movie like this *DOES* have a clue about the material they are writing, there are concerns over content from the same older crowd that doesn't get it, and thus there is a lot of editing.

Oh sure, there are a lot of cliques and such, and some social lines are still more or less the same as they used to be. However I think people tend to overlook the extent to which bullying is taken, the level of personal armament in schools just for general protection, not to mention being part of the whole gang/drug subculture. Where at one time a school might have a "dark history" if it had ONE student that died, today things like teen suicides, drug killings, or even just muggings gone horribly wrong (like a kid stabbed to death over pokemon cards... albiet that was JR. High if I remember), your ridiculously lucky if your school doesn't have a fatality or three every year, and if your school has *NEVER* had one, that is like the absolute epitome of luck today.

This is not even getting into the issue of school shootings, which are a scary thing, because they are a reaction to a system nobody wants to change. Above and beyond the whole issue of a bunch of nerds coming to school with guns and cutting loose, there is also the much-sidestepped issue of the entire system and social order that caused these things to happen.

The point here being that the whole "Saved By The Bell" schtick might have worked decades ago, especially for those not yet in high school who see it as something magical to look forward to, but for an actual teen or late pre-teen audience who lives in the real world? Not really. Enforcing those tropes as a way of establishing normality doesn't work, because really today the biggest problems facing kids in schools is usually not things like bullies, and when it DOES involve bullies it's typically beyond the pale getting into levels of torture and torment that people generally don't want to think about. In a school your not likely to have like one jock doing steroids, or a couple of druggies, but entire organizations and inherant subcultures built around those things, including beatings, shootings, stabbings or just the prescence of weapons connected to it. Today's issue isn't so much "OMG that kid on the football team is doing 'roids secretly" it's a matter of them all doing it, and things like one of them not being able to pay his bills and getting beaten up or killed, or someone deciding to cut corners by tampering with the garbage they are distributing.

This is long, and getting away from the entire point of "Number Four" here, I'm just pointing this out because it's all a big part of why I think teen drama has been an epic fail train recently, especially among an adult audience who can see it from the outside and don't want to delude themselves.

Honestly if someone was to take the time and write high school as it actually is nowadays for the backdrop of a story like this, I think that could work quite well. Plenty of ambigious stuff for a budding super hero to have to worry about without the old trope of "OMG, he's being bullied by guys he could handle easily. How does super-guy deal with the other kids who have guns in their lockers, and might need them to protect themselves? The drug and steroid distribution subculture? Girls selling themselves sexually/camwhoring for things? Especially when you look at how tight the net is and how pulling at one part of it causes reactions elswhere that can be even worse than the balancing act. In the end a super hero should of course win in the end, but you could do a LOT with that before the real super-bad guys show up... and really, that's what a teen drama should be today, especially if you want to provide analogies to real problems and solutions even beyond some kind of magic super hero thing.

That's my thoughts at any rate.

Also for the record, my early life was hardly normal, but I will say that from what I know of the school system from when I was there, and what I learned later, if I had the powers of say "Spider Man" I'm not sure exactly HOW I could solve a lot of the real problems with those abillities. As a writer though you can find ways, and truthfully I think that's part of the healing process is to get the fantasy going in the right direction.

Sainted Darkness

New member
Feb 1, 2011
Is this where the phrase "Damning with Faint Praise" comes up? I don't know if I'd sleep through two acts to get to the Matrix's fight scenes.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
Actually the Bulk and Skull thing was pretty believable because you got the real impression that nobody liked Bulk and Skull except for Bulk and Skull.

As for this movie, I actually thought it looked pretty good until I saw this and found out about all that High School teenage drama. I hate High School teenage drama.

Quiet Stranger

New member
Feb 4, 2006
Ebert did not give this movie a good rating at all. Said it was a mixture of "fag"light (I call it faglight) and Michael Bay movies.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
I wonder if this review was as positive as it was because it is being advertised before many videos?