Escape to the Movies: I Am Number Four


New member
Mar 11, 2010
I can't even describe how much i hate this movie. I hated the trailer before i even knew Michael Bay was involved. Now my hate has become a seething sentient entity, waiting to take revenge on behalf of moviegoers everywhere.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
20/02 happens to be MY birthday too! Have a good one, MovieBob.
The movie itself looks terribly generic, and if I have to sit through an hour of rubbish to get to a good final act then in my opinion that's not really a film worth seeing.

On a different note the Stormbreaker film was terribly disappointing for me, being a fan of the books when I was younger. There was a lot of untapped potential in the books, and some darker aspects they didn't even bother to touch since it was a PG.


New member
Mar 4, 2009
Always wondered what happened to that douche from Stormbreaker...

Looks like he hasn't moved up in the world.

Da Joz

New member
May 19, 2009
I'm going to rent Masters of the Universe instead of going to see this movie.


Usually Neutral Good
Feb 8, 2010
So crappy first act, kickass second act. I'll probably rent it sometime. And even if the first half really is incredibly awful, I can at least gape at Dianna Agron for awhile. That girl is flat-out beautiful.

Also, happy birthday, Bob!

Soviet Heavy said:
So its like a crappier version of Symbionic Titan minus the battle robots?
That sounds like a really good summary.

Also, Sym Bionic Titan is amazing.


New member
Nov 18, 2009

Still no mention of the awesome trailers that debuted during the Superbowl? Battle: LA looks sweet, and I want you opinion on the Captain America trailer as well. I have seen it several times and something just doesn't feel quite right about it. I just can't place my finger on it. Good review, though I can't say that I will ever get around to seeing it.

Jabberwock xeno

New member
Oct 30, 2009
...So it's like the dragonball evolutions, only directed by Micheal bay during the saiyan saga?

Alien on earth, home planet blown up, memembers of alien race come to kill alien, alien fights back in kickass fight once all the talking BS is over with?

Yep, Bayish saiyan saga live action movie.

I'll go see it still, though.


Imaginary Friend
Apr 19, 2010
MovieBob said:
I Am Number Four

This week, Moviebob reviews a surprisingly likable movie adaptation of I Am Number Four.

Watch Video
Can't say it was good, can't say you didn't like it.

It's cinematic "junk food," and there is nothing wrong with that. I teach music and have a classical music background, but sometimes ridiculous shit like Kesha or Lady Gaga are just plain catchy, and a little fun to listen to. It's abysmal in terms of artistic value, but that's not what it's trying to do.

I like Twinkies. I would never try to say they're healthy food, or compare them to healthy foods. They're awful, and I suppose they probably rank within the top 50 "things that will likely kill me one day," but sometimes I just want one.


New member
Mar 21, 2010
What this movie keeps reminding me of is the fact that this isn't even the first blonde-haired boy named "Number four" in fiction.


New member
May 24, 2010
Huh. I may just have to see this film, matinee or otherwise. Superpowered/Alien-powered stories have appealed to me for a long time.

That said, even if it was trying to be a Twilight-esque movie with angst and drama and all that nonsense, I will give it points for at least having an ending you can enjoy; unlike Twilight where the ending was so bland I barely noticed until the credits had come up.

Still, if this does become a series of films like Harry Potter or Twilight, it may be teen drama, but I will stand behind it if the story is good. Now, off to Borders in search of the novels.

Happy Early Birthday, Bob.

Onyx Oblivion said:
AvsJoe said:
canadamus_prime said:
Yeah, the Power Ranger reference in this review was obvious, but not unwelcome; I was thinking of the original five the second Bob brought up bullies and high school also.

The Rangers could've easily beaten Bulk and Skull up sure, but they're some of if not the most memorable characters in Power Rangers canon, so it's perfectly forgivable. (That said, I hope Paul Schrier keeps turning in good performances in PR: Samurai. He's gotten a lot better since Mighty Morphin'.)


Oh, speaking of Power Rangers, for those interested, there is now a User/Fan Group for them on the Escapist. It has been open for about a month now, and we are always welcoming new members who have been or are fans of Power Rangers.

[HEADING=2]Mighty Morphin'/Super Sentai - User and Fan Group [][/HEADING]​

Please join if this appeals to you, or you are a fan looking for some fun or nostalgia. We're for both Power Rangers and Super Sentai in the group, possibly Kamen Rider in the future if enough people show interest.


New member
Mar 24, 2010
Happy Birthday BOB and I'm still not sure if I wanna see this movie but thanks for the review. Oh,and loved the anime references haha.


New member
Oct 28, 2008
Batsamaritan said:
If its as good as masters of the universe i'm in, especially as long as theres no sparkling vampires or nintendog werewolves, the worst and most degrading and harrowing things in cinema in the last 10 years, and i'm including serbian film in that.

i'm hitting youtube to watch some saved by the bell.
wait, wait.

i'm NOT the only person in the world who actually likes masters of the universe???


New member
Sep 8, 2008
Charisma said:
Batsamaritan said:
If its as good as masters of the universe i'm in, especially as long as theres no sparkling vampires or nintendog werewolves, the worst and most degrading and harrowing things in cinema in the last 10 years, and i'm including serbian film in that.

i'm hitting youtube to watch some saved by the bell.
wait, wait.

i'm NOT the only person in the world who actually likes masters of the universe???
god i loved that movie

Jeffro Tull said:
Masters of The Universe... man my generation took to that franchise like crack. You know what I would like? A Masters of The Universe movie that;

a) Does not star Dolph Lundgren.

b) Takes place on Eternia and only Eternia.

c) Has the fucking horde in it. (I know that the Horde became the She-Ra villains, But the Horde were in the He-man action figure line first and foremost)... you know come to think of it...

D) Throw She-Ra in the mix, and make it a trilogy with King Hiss and his crew in part 3... Yeah that would be epic.

This most likely will not happen, but if it ever did you could bet I would be there. A man can dream can't he?
if only id have to watch it in theaters a bunch of times and buy the box set

Madara XIII

New member
Sep 23, 2010
Onyx Oblivion said:
Oh god. High School drama...Not more High School drama!

Bulk & Skull had fantastic theme music, btw.

Thank you for that silly blast from my childhood XD

Now I'll never stop hearing it.

Onyx Oblivion

Borderlands Addict. Again.
Sep 9, 2008
Madara XIII said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
Oh god. High School drama...Not more High School drama!

Bulk & Skull had fantastic theme music, btw.

Thank you for that silly blast from my childhood XD

Now I'll never stop hearing it.
It's a great tune to remove drama from any situation.


New member
Jun 23, 2010
Soooooo..... somebody turned the Great Sayaman Saga into a move. Thats cool i guess; still won't see it though

and Happy Birthday Bob!