Escape to the Movies: Resident Evil Retribution


New member
Apr 18, 2011
Korskarn said:
artanis_neravar said:
Adam Warlock was on of the original Guardians, any chance they will use this movie to introduce him?

Thor: The Dark World - Reality Gem
Iron Man 3 - Power Gem
Captain America: The Winter Soldier - Time Gem
Guardians of the Galaxy - Space Gem
Adam Warlock - Soul Gem
Avengers 2 - Mind Gem/Infinity Gauntlet

My prediction on where the Infinity Gems will show up
Considering the assembled gauntlet was already seen in the background of the first Thor, I'm betting against this prediction.
Just because there are gems in the gauntlet doesn't mean that they are the infinity gems. Do you really think that Odin would keep the item that could cause the entirety of the nine realms fully assembled?

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
I just got back from seeing this. I liked it. Fun little action movie. Movie Bob has it right in that it feels like someone just wanted to do their own fanfic and turn it into a movie. Each character that shows up, Resident Evil fans will already know what's going to happen to them. Please note: if someone is walking slowly toward you with a chainsaw, moving out of the way is better than just standing there.
The last two minutes of the film though. When it starts zooming out. Oh man...I can't wait to see that movie. It's going to be amazing if they do it right. Which is, all out war please. No major plot stuff.


Souplex Killsplosion Awesomegasm
Jul 29, 2008
Your last after-credits bit made me picture Bayonetta and Mario schtupping!
Why would you do that to me?
I can't un-see that!


New member
Aug 31, 2009
For one reason or another, I wasn't able to watch this until 2:03am Saturday. I wasn't planning on watching Resi-5 and according to Film Brain over on TGWTG, Dreadd 3D is good but overly reminiscent of The Raid: Redemption in that most of the film takes place within an apartment complex. I did go to the movies a few hours ago though! I and my girlfriend watched Finding Nemo in 3D. Totally worth it even though I cried 3 times...I mean, not at all.

Great review as always Bob! You were quieter than I was expecting at those panels and it's too bad I couldn't have been there...


Digital Oracle
Nov 9, 2008

Looper looks insanely good and is mostly getting rave reviews. I guess I'll wait until next week to go to the movies. I had been kinda interested in RE just because of game love and the commercials finally made it look like it had decent production values, but I guess the explosions/monsters can't make up for act that is THAT bad.


New member
Aug 11, 2009
Alice is a better main character? That's a good joke, ANYBODY from the games is better than Alice, who has no personality, she exists to do whatever the writer wants.

Quick question, why is she doing any of this? In the previous movies her motivation was: it was her job (first movie), she wanted to escape (second movie), revenge I think? That's the closest I could get (third), and no reason (fourth).

One thing I don't get is the absurd amounts of stupid things that can happen in these movies that people seem to let slide, like the bombs that change how big their explosions are (by that I mean there are two identical bombs, ones explosion is the size of a closet but only causes cables to snap, the other blows up 50 feet but doesn't destroy any objects), the quarter firing shotgun that needs no reloading or gunpowder, and the constant resetting of the previous movie, every consecutive movie undoes what the previous movie did.


New member
May 28, 2008
Not that I or anyone should care but this is actually the fifth Resident Evil film, not the fourth haha. I know because sadly I watched the previous 4 and have vague recolections of the things that happened in each.


New member
Jan 15, 2009
ANImaniac89 said:
I've always disliked the Resident Evil films but for some reason I keep seeing them.
lol, you are not the only one. for some reason i just wanted to see it and i did. i just hope the next RE movie will be the last one as anderson said.

i have no complaints about milla. besides looking hot she does a good ass kicking performance that at least keeps up throughout the movie.
the only character that bothered me was ada. she was so emotional and trustworthy. what happened to this cheerful, backstabbing ***** we know from the games???
besides some good fight scenes and the cool music at the beginning of the movie, the movie still is bad but a watchable bad movie.


New member
Apr 30, 2010
Oh you silly people. There is no Resident evil game after the third one.

Well, now seriously. I'm the only one who thought that the resident evil canon story is cool? at least for the first 3 games before it went like crazy?... Okay, maybe I can forgive the fourth one.

The movies? meh, I really hate them. For me they feel like something worse than a fanfiction, but well, is only me I guess.

Also... when will we have a game were we play the Merchant!?


Sci-Fi & Shakespeare
Nov 13, 2007
Cracked makes a number of good points [] about how the movies have become better.

I love how he pointed out that, of the 9 different viruses in the games so far, each one of them does one of exactly two things: Turn people into zombies and turn small animals into whatever the writers want them to turn into, or turn people AND animals into whatever the writers want them to turn into. So in essence, all the bioweapons do pretty much the exact same thing.


New member
Mar 31, 2009
Alice is probably the worst character in her own movie franchise. She's just so boring.


New member
May 20, 2009
Wow. Sorry to say, but Alice is -not- a great, or even remotely good character, she is a super Mary Sue in every sense of the phrase. This movie is utter garbage, the movie franchise is absolutely terrible (and no it is not consistent or logical within its own universe), and I really just wish they would stop introducing characters from the video games for no reason at all. Sure, RE5 was terrible, but I still think even that game is better than the 'plot' of these movies.


New member
Oct 27, 2010
I love the RE movies, not because they are good but they are the best B action movies currently coming out and I love a good B movie.


New member
Sep 1, 2011
Warnolo said:
Oh you silly people. There is no Resident evil game after the third one.

Well, now seriously. I'm the only one who thought that the resident evil canon story is cool? at least for the first 3 games before it went like crazy?... Okay, maybe I can forgive the fourth one.
Wait, what? - There is no fourth RE game... we just established that.
The RE trilogy was IMO fine and the remake of the first IMO proved that the formula could still hold up 10 years later. It was never anything special story wise but I would say it embodied the zombie created by science cliché.

The films? Yea we get it, the director got himself a hot wife... I don't give a damn.


New member
Oct 22, 2009
Soo, Looper, The Master or End of Watch next week?

Really hope it's Looper, seems right up Bob(and mine's) alley.


New member
Jan 19, 2011
Oh come on...... Super Mario bros. (the video game) also has a TERRIBLE story, but no one uses that to defend the different direction its movie counterpart went. I also don't know anyone who says these movies are getting better!? They are getting worse on every level imaginable.