Escape to the Movies: Robin Hood


New member
Sep 25, 2009
my problem is this isnt robin hood
i've read the robin hood book and robin hood isn't some bad ass that kills every one in sight he and his merry men are like kids there just fucking around for fun really they play the equivelancy of pranks and do shit like that

Brad Shepard

New member
Sep 9, 2009
Ive never had a FlufferNutter before, despite the fact i live in north east USA... weird...

Awesome as always.


New member
Dec 31, 2008
Knight Templar said:
I love Kingdom of Heaven, but I've only ever seen the directors cut, how bad is the other version?
It's about an hour (I think) shorter, most of the political and non-action stuff is cut down, and the entire storyline about the young prince is GONE. Literally. That whole story and even the CHARACTER of the kid simply does not exist in the version that went to theaters - meaning that Guy de Lusgnian seems to be acting like a nut without purpose, the princess' character-change makes no sense, and Rene D'Chatillon is presented at the "ultimate" bad guy of the piece. It's not "bad" on it's own, but it plays like a bad joke if you've seen the director's cut.


New member
Oct 21, 2008
I will say that the Director's cut of "Kingdom of Heaven" was very good, however it was practically two movies when you consider its length, and that is how I watched it when Netflix sent it, two movies on two nights.

And you know I had a top 5 most anticipated movies list for this year which included "Kick-Ass" and "Iron Man 2" but I had forgotten that "Robin Hood" was even coming out, and I will wait for the DVD extendo-version and instead just watch "Where the Wild Things Are" on DVD as I have yet to see it.


New member
Aug 14, 2009
I guess there most be some sort of conspiracy to keep Ridley Scott's vision from making it to theaters. J/k

I have not had the misfortune of watching the Theatrical release of KoH, however, the first time I saw that BR Director's Cut was with a friend who had(he talked me into buying by saying that the battles and production value were worth the $20), and the entire time we were watching it his jaw was on the floor. Every 15 min. it was, "WTF! That wasn't in the movie! Why wasn't that in the movie? That's awesome! What, they re-dubbed his lines? Those bastards!" So, judging by his commentary, there must be a vast chasm between the two versions.

I absolutely adore the scene where Balian is tossing rocks at the creosote bush. Not because of the insightful wisdom it provides(admittedly it is a bit trite, but I can't help but laugh at it) but because
Up until that point, the Hospitaler Knight(does he ever get a name) is always assumed to be a random "wise monk" style knight who befriends Balian and offers him some rather opportune advice. But, with his timely arrival and exodus to the oasis, that scene offers vary real evidence that the Knight may just be a figment of Balian's imagination.

I know, it's not exactly the mind fuck that is "End of Evangelion", but I do enjoy some well crafted head games.

I may have to go see Robin Hood just to see how well it plays out with the eventual director's release.

Also, MovieBob, will you eventually be covering "How to Train Your Dragon" or am I just hoping in vain? (Let the flaming commence!)


Cortana's guardian
Oct 22, 2009
meh I was more focused on getting into the theatre to see Iron Man 2 than I was even thinking about this movie


New member
Nov 23, 2007
Sovvolf said:
Daystar Clarion said:
Also, MovieBob's English accent made my face melt. Thanks for that...
Hahaha come on it wasn't that bad. I've heard much, much worse -Cough- Dick Van Dick -Cough-.
Worst English accent I've ever heard has to be Crispin Freeman's in Resident Evil: Degeneration [] (at about 5:05).


New member
Aug 1, 2009
I have got to say, for a movie about Robin Hood, which even claims that Robin is one of the best archers, he does very little archery. Heck, even Little John does more archery than Robin Hood did.

And the Ending really did confuse me, because it seemed like they missed part of the plot.

{how did they find out that Robin Longstride wasn't Sir Robert of Locksley?}

I think the BBC's Robin Hood is the best Robin Hood so far. Followed closely by Cary Elwes' performance.


New member
Mar 10, 2010
To be honest, I personally kept thinking... This is beautifully shot, shame about the screenplay. I agree that the story is bad, but I disagree the screenplay does its best, not trying to ruin much for everyone but at one point 100 french guys (and the movie states this) rob the towns of all the north of England alone (I'm including York here, a bloody fortress then) no-one can stop them till Robin Hood stops them at Nottingham. Also anyone thats seen the film, whats up with the kids? And what Marion does at the end? As I'm sure Bob meant, well made but proof you can't make crap shine.


Ep. VI: Return of the turret
May 7, 2009
The accent... it burns...

[sub]My US accent is no better (shown by the fact that I class a whole nation under one accent)[/sub]

I was hoping this would be a good film... or at least a re-make of Gladiator (which would still be good, just not very Robin Hood-y).


New member
Jun 4, 2008
No idea what a "fluffer-nutter" is, but I can certainly agree that it's worth watching Kingdom of Heaven. I've only seen the director's cut, and it's awesome, in spite of the fact that Orlando Bloom and Kevin McKidd clearly should have swapped roles.


New member
Mar 23, 2009
SirCannonFodder said:
Sovvolf said:
Daystar Clarion said:
Also, MovieBob's English accent made my face melt. Thanks for that...
Hahaha come on it wasn't that bad. I've heard much, much worse -Cough- Dick Van Dick -Cough-.
Worst English accent I've ever heard has to be Crispin Freeman's in Resident Evil: Degeneration [] (at about 5:05).
Only seen Degeneration once... and that was a while ago so I can't really pick out the accent.
Though if I was to be nitpicky about Bobs accent I would say that he was imitating a Southern accent rather than a Northern accent... Nottingham is in the North of England.
Though Robin Hood being through Nottingham is up for debate, the earliest ballad of Robin Hood states that he was from Barnsdale in South Yorkshire, so he would have a South Yorkshire accent. Barnsdale was a large forest at that time,large enough to possibly rival Sherwood. Though evidence states that Barnsdale and Sherwood forest may have been one big forest at that time which is probably where the confusion came from. Barnsdale forest was massive at that time, the town of Barnsley (where I live) is one of the biggest towns in Yorkshire... that would have been just trees and part of Barnsdale forest... so, big. I find it funny that there's a possibility that Robin Hood would have been from Barnsley or South Yorkshire for that matter lol. Well there you go, learn some thing new every day.


New member
Sep 10, 2009
The entire way through the movie I was waiting for it to become good, ie I was waiting for him to become an outlaw. Just when it happened at the end, as I completely lost track of how long the movie was, I was like "Hell yeah, finally Robin Hood has arrived"... and then the credits rolled. FUCK. It should be called Robin Hood: Origins or something.


New member
Sep 26, 2009
Sooo, a sandwich with peanut butter and (I asume) marshmallow fluff? That sounds... incredibly disgusting.


no Yabou
Dec 15, 2008
not only that, when i went to see iron man 2, russel crow came on as one of the promos all 'hey uhh... y'gise, there's this movie i'm in and i'm kinda excited so i wanna show you some things'. usually the hands on preview is for tv...

besides we all know the tale of robin hood has become synonymous with 'men in tights'


New member
Feb 8, 2009
GrinningManiac said:
UtopiaV1 said:
GrinningManiac said:


D-Day landing craft design (front collapsing ramp)...with oars sticking out of the sides.

Never mind the fact that the correct sealing techniques were not around in 1200, and the craft would sink from leaks in the ramp door, this design did not exist in 1890, never mind the Days of John Lackland

Also, I'm not entirely sure what the 30th century analogy meant. Are you actually, in a confusing way, saying the 30th century man is complaining that the Robin Hood film - which was made in the 21st century - has a longbow in it? In which case : I'm fairly sure that in the next 9 centuries, humans will not loose the ability to recognise that a film made in a given timeframe need not be set to the same date within the film itself.

Finally, there is an incredible difference between knowing how to ride a horse and having a fully-armed and -armoured unit of cavalry charging into a pitched battle. I'm fairly sure you can paint a stickman. This does not mean you can recreate the mona lisa.

So don't be a smarmy bugger with me again, it's just unpleasant. Argue with me all you like, but don't use obnoxious sarcasm. My 14-year old brother does the same thing (teenagers...) and it drives me up the wall.
Alright, point taken, the sarcasm was very childish of me, i apologise.

The point i was making with the whole Longbow thing was that technology is not confined to the year of it's conception. People still use ancient designs today, and they certainly used those designs back when they were brand new! Who's to say that boats with a ramp at the front were ONLY designed in the 20th century? Designs for machines of war came and went so many times throughout history, Leonardo Da Vinci designed the world's first tank and helicopter (neither of which actually worked very well when they were finally built very recently). Higgins boats (or D-Day boats, whatever) were first used in WW2 but the designs could (didn't, but could, suspending disbelief here) have been drawn up sooner. People in the past weren't stupid (medicinal practices, racial intolerance and low hygiene standards aside), they just had limited tools and materials available.

If the sealant back then wasn't able to keep a raft afloat, then how did all the other ships in the movie stay above sinking level? Hard work and attention to detail i'll wager, making sure the wooden planks meet each-other and seal up the body of the vessel just right. Why not add a ramp at the front? This is all hypothetical anyway, we all KNOW they didn't have those types of ships back then (no need of them, warfare was much more slow and ponderous back then, no-one really needed to disembark from ships that quickly), but you do see my point? It's all not impossible, and certainly doesn't make this a bad movie, just because it asks us to suspend a little disbelief! Personally, I could have done without those silly boats in the film, they really seemed out of place and unnecessary, but I see why Mr Scott put them in (wanted to make at least SOMETHING for American audiences to identify with).

Also, art is only attractive relative to the observer. I believe the Mona Lisa is overrated, so if I invested every second of every day trying to make something as good as it I'd like to think I'd be able to create something that I find more beautiful, not you or anyone else, but me. I'm not sure (don't know enough about medieval warfare), but I think ordering cavalry around is more methodical and has more to do with science than art necessarily does. Point is, there were many great cavalry generals, but only one man painted the Mona Lisa. Ordering cavalry around is a skill to be learnt, painting a work of art is the result of a lifetimes' worth of talent from an individual, and cannot be taught. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Oh gosh, sorry for the long post. :p


New member
Oct 15, 2009
im still gonna go see it... Cause its got Russel Crowe kicking ass with medieval weapons..

So yea.. :D