Escape to the Movies: Shutter Island


New member
Feb 22, 2009
What sucks about living near Boston is that it took my about 2 minutes into the video to realize he was putting on an accent.


New member
Aug 11, 2008
There are going to be soooo many people who are going to be like, "Yeah, I had it figured out halfway through" as if it's some accomplishment. It's pretty apparent there wasn't a big effort to hide it so much as straight up tell you and maybe throw in an intentionally harebrained seed of doubt or two and you're really just there for the ride.

Everybody wants Shyamalan in their thriller movies these days.


New member
Oct 31, 2008
Hey asshole, pick an accent and stick with it. It's not clever, and it's not funny, it's just distracting. I don't care where the movie is set. Yeah, Scorsese is awesome and I'll see it just to watch him do his thing; and to watch Di Caprio prove he's an actor again and crawl out of the "I was in Titanic" purgatory.

edit: Yes, I know it's his real accent but he slips in and out of it the whole review. Someone said that people want M. Night S. style twists in their movies -- oh please dear god no! I want a twist that I don't see coming a mile away but it also has to be relevant and plausible. It should not render the entire movie pointless in the last 10 min, like The Village.


New member
Jun 9, 2008
spoiler alert

The only thing I would have changed about Shutter Island at the screenplay level would be to move that big back-is-burning hallucinatory sequence with his wife to somewhere in the climax of the film. That was a stunning scene, and it really would have carried a goddamn transcendent level of oomph if it had been built up towards, rather than jarringly cut to-and-from. As it is, the scene serves to tell us that...Leo's character is...grieving his wife. Because that hadn't come across yet I suppose <_<

As it is, I thought it was pretty decent. And say what you want, people, but pretty-boy/teen-heart-throb roots aside, DiCaprio has become a damn fine actor.



New member
May 2, 2009
No, I had no idea that Scorsese had directed for Michael Jackson. I do remember a cameo by Marlon Brando in the "You Rock My World" video, though.

Happy Birthday MovieBob.


New member
Apr 3, 2009
Dark Templar said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
Thank god you understand that Avatar's plot is fine. Seriously, if you only have a few movies to compare the plot to after 50+ years of movies, you've got a decent plot.
Here here.

Everyone who keeps pointing out that avatars plot has been done before is just railing against a popular movie for the sake of looking "cool" on the internet. Imo.

It was remarkably well presented, visually spectacular, the characters and settings where remarkably fleshed out. Even if it is just dances with wolves again its on of the best dances with wolves movies out there.
Is anyone else getting sick of people pointing out that people pointing out that avatar's plot has been done are pointing out the obvious??

honestly, I've heard more people bashing people pointing it out than I've heard actual people pointing it out!

you know what was cool? Serenity.

my problem with avatar isn't that it rips off a well known story, it's that it rips off THE WRONG well known story. obviously sci-fi and western can mix well, just not THAT story, I guess I was expecting sci-fi, and thats not really what I got, just came off as a movie that went with special effects and genre to draw one crowd in, and a story to draw another crowd in, to get the best bang for buck, all the while braining us against the 'GREEN' wall for the hundredth frikin time this decade! in short, its not what I was expecting, not really my thing, I think it was better suited in the hands of the Disney animators, I mean its set in the future! how can you feel guilty for something that hasn't happed yet?


New member
Aug 6, 2008
I want to see this movie, and this review only made me want to see this movie more, but I can't do scary movies at all so I can't see it. I was terrified by I Am Legend, for crying out loud. (Yes, I know it wasn't scary, shut up about it already. That's the point I'm trying to make here.) Not fair...


New member
Mar 23, 2009
Mr.Tea said:
Hawkeye16 said:
Dat Brooklyn Accent Makes it dificult to consentrate on card games.
bikeninja said:
heh, Bobs got his angry New York accent again.
Freebird. said:
Wow, your Brooklyn accent's really strong in this one. Anyway, I haven't heard of this movie before but it looks good. I might have to check it out.
Sovvolf said:
Happy Birthday movie Bob. Why the New Yawker accent?. I haven't seen this movie just yet but well Scorsese hasn't failed me yet and I've been looking forward to playing this movie since I saw his name on it.
Jaranja said:
[HEADING=2]He's from Boston! It's a Boston accent![/HEADING] The Departed? Good Will Hunting? TF2 Scout? Anyone?
I know Bob is from Boston but I thought he sounded more like a New York cab driver. My mistake, being that I'm not from America I get my accents muddled up, Mark Wahlberg = Boston accent correct?. Boston accents for what I've heard of them off of T.V have a like Irish style accent.

Stabby McRunfast

New member
Oct 23, 2009
I wasn't too impressed by this film. It was "alright" but that's about it. It had a lot of great actors in it but I don't think it was executed as well as it could have been. I know that it was kind of Scorcese's tribute to Stanley Kubrick but it still could have been a little cleaner in my opinion. Like Bob said, after I saw the trailer I knew what the movie was about and how it would end. Still it was entertaining enough.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Songbird-O said:
It wasn't Avatar's plot that made me dislike it. It was the film's long, drawn out, anvilicious nature that did it for me, as well as many other people I know. It made me groan when it tried to be witty, and made me cringe when it tried to send a message. Why couldn't it just be about humans and aliens romping around a visually stunning world?

The plot was fine and the movie looked beautiful. I don't even really hate Avatar. It just annoys me. Not all of us dislike Avatar for it's cliche plot. All plots are cliche, and it is unique execution that distinguishes them from all of the others. But that doesn't mean I can't dislike the movie for other reasons. Please stop harping about people who didn't like Avatar.
I second that. Thank you for actually explaining it!

As for this movie. I thought it was quite possibly one of the best movies I've seen in quite some time. It was so beautifully shot and executed that I was glued to the screen the whole film. I'll agree,I expected most of the twist pretty early on so it was pretty predictable in that department. But damn was it good!


New member
Oct 6, 2009
Dark Templar said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
Thank god you understand that Avatar's plot is fine. Seriously, if you only have a few movies to compare the plot to after 50+ years of movies, you've got a decent plot.
Here here.

Everyone who keeps pointing out that avatars plot has been done before is just railing against a popular movie for the sake of looking "cool" on the internet. Imo.

It was remarkably well presented, visually spectacular, the characters and settings where remarkably fleshed out. Even if it is just dances with wolves again its on of the best dances with wolves movies out there.
It still doesn't deserve best picture.


New member
Jan 29, 2009
Yeah. I thought it was a really good movie. I saw it on Saturday and I felt that my money was not wasted at all. Thank God for this redeeming what little faith I had about movies these days.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
Giving away that there is going to be a twistending is spoiling in my book, but I also think that over 90% of all the trailers spoil way too much.

However, I do appreciate the fair spoiler warning, Movie Bob. I'll watch the movie (when ever that might be), before watching your video.



New member
Aug 20, 2008
Dark Templar said:
Everyone who keeps pointing out that avatars plot has been done before is just railing against a popular movie for the sake of looking "cool" on the internet. Imo.
Really? I wonder what other things I've been avoiding admitting that I like on the internet to avoid scorn from people who just want to look internet cool.

ZerOmega said:
Giving away that there is going to be a twistending is spoiling in my book, but I also think that over 90% of all the trailers spoil way too much.
You have to take into consideration that this includes a lot of action movie trailers though, most of which don't have much plot if any and give everything away in the trailer because if they left that part out the trailer would just be explosions. Not that that will stop some action films from making all explosion, no plot trailers anyway, as it apparently doesn't stop people from watching. The first trailer I saw for Avatar was a 30 second TV spot that had about 2 lines of dialogue, one of which was something along the lines of "Woah, this is pretty cool." This led to my completely misunderstanding the plot of the film for a few weeks, and I still like my version as well (I also avoided the Dances with Wolves discussion because I don't read that kind of thing on forums, don't have cable TV to watch south park, and have not, in fact, ever seen the film in it's entirety, as what I remember from it was from the times it aired on television and I happened to be playing video games in the same room with someone watching it). It didn't stop me from seeing Avatar twice, though admittedly the second time was because my brother hadn't seen it yet and we were celebrating his birthday.

Speaking of which, Happy Birthday Movie Bob, and great video, as always.