Escape to the Movies: The Amazing Spider-Man

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Plinglebob said:
Sooo, Bob didn't like it.
Not only didn't Bob like it, but he took incredibly petty shots about it not being like the comics while complaining about things just like the comics, and even pettier shots at how the costume and CG was bad, which seems less grounded in any actual complaint and more some grudge match he's got going on.

In short, not much different from his usual reviews.


New member
Aug 22, 2010
CrimsonTemplar said:
Wow, sounds worse than I feared. I'll pass.
That's what you got from this video? Because all I got was a reminder of why I stopped watching MovieBob's videos. It's nothing but 7 minutes of him ranting about how stupid the things every comic book, let alone comic book movie, has ever done as though it's the worst thing ever and completely unexpected. On top of that, he not only seems to miss/ignore story points in trying to make his point, in some cases, he's either outright lying about them, or perhaps simply missed the point entirely. It's clear from watching the video, and his general views on it before it was even released that he went in planning to not like it, and surprise, he didn't like it. Considering in his follow up article on this he mentions it would be a bad thing if they added Electro in a sequel but changed his incredibly stupid origin, I'm even less inclined to care what Bob has to say about this movie.

But you know what, if he legitimately hated a movie and spent the entire video ripping it a new one, and even stretching some facts to make his argument, I could live with that if he were at least entertaining in the process. But as usual, he just comes off as a bit of a whiny douche.


New member
Jul 23, 2010
Bmagada said:
trophykiller said:
PsychedelicDiamond said:
I've always found that he finds poor reasons to hate on the films he passionately rags on, such as the "muzzle flash" on the web shooters, that were actually lights to allow peter to know they were working properly.
Have you seen how he'll never let go of his hate for Transformers because Michael Bay directed it. Oh and because the movie had people in it. Really the main thing wrong with it for him is that they made it relevant for now. I think his major problem with properties of nostalgia is it's not what he wanted when he was younger so it's garbage and he'll find anyway to make a movie seem less credible. You know even though Transformers and the Amazing Spider-man have made a ton of money. Sadly he was even saying Twilight was a better movie in his second let's bash the Amazing Spider-Man video. I think he might be trying a little too hard.
Yes, I agree. It just seems as though many of his reviews are driven by something other than opinion. Nostalgia could very well be that.

I just found it kind of odd that he gives awful ratings to many good films, yet he recommends bad films like cars 2, or atrocious ones like splice(I seriously became so disgusted with this film that I walked out of the theater early).

Either way, I'm probably going to avoid the reviews of films he has shown loathing to before their release. Many people simply are very adamant about their opinions, and movie bob is certainly one of these people.

Lovely Mixture

New member
Jul 12, 2011
Just saw it tonight. For the record I am a huge Spider-Man fan, watched the 70s and 90s cartoons as a kid, he is my childhood icon. I watched all the Raimi films in theaters and was dissatisfied to say the least.

My sister saw this before me and said it was perfect and "better than the Avengers." I thought she was exaggerating, I held my expectations super low and....was blown away. It surpasses the Raimi films in everything I can think of, it's a bit long, but it never feels too long. It even takes certain elements from the Ultimate comics that I disliked and makes them good.

I don't get Bob's hate with this movie.


New member
Jan 7, 2011
My own problems with dis film, which I actually liked, overall:

1. Peter Parker's character is really screwed up in this. I keep hearing that "Andrew Garfield was a better awkward nerd than Tobey Maguire," and that's just a load of crap. It's pretty clear that Garfield's Parker is immedietaly more charismatic and outgoing than Tobey's, something that screwed up Parker's character and isn't in line with the comics. People have called Tobey's performance as Parker "wooden" in comparison to Garfield's, and they're missing the difference between playing a shy character and an emotionless character.
Tobey nailed Peter Parker in that quiet and constantly shy deminer, at least, until he donned the Spider Man costume, which he did better as well. This isn't Garfield's fault, though, it's the lines that attitude he was asked to play.

2. TASM's Spider Man has lines that are awful in comparison to the first two Spider Man movies. I'm not going to list examples since they're pretty easy to find once the Spider Man stuff starts. However, there are some good lines, just not as many as the origional movies.

Other than that, and I still like the first two Spidahman movies better than TASM, the process in which Garfield's Parker became Spiderman and eventually realized that he could do something with his new powers was played out better than the origional movie's, possibly because the process seemed to be longer. Aunt May's concern for Peter was also more thought out than what it was in the origional movies. I liked Gwen/Emma Stone more so than Marry Jane since Gwen seems more capable than Marry Jane.

...I'm also not really giving examples because I need to watch both movies again. My argument is basically "I feel" at this point and is obviously more subjective than most of the ones in this thread. Still, Bob dumped on this movie wayyyy too harshly. It's not bad.


One day, we'll wake the zombies
Mar 29, 2010
I really struggled with this review because it felt more like a rant. Obviously being a Spiderman fan since before you can remember would make it difficult to remove any bias, expectation or overly intense reaction (whether it's positive or negative doesn't matter) but damn...

Tommy Toejam

New member
Mar 10, 2012
Sis said:
Whenever someone asks me why I think your opinion should be taken with a grain of salt half the time, I'll point em to this video. You've been against this movie since before anything got announced besides that it's going to happen. And it shows. Even if this movie was The Dark Knight levels of good, you'd probably still say it was bad.
He likes Phantom Menace <.< credibility = 0 after that imo.
Also your talking about a guy with immense bias issues, just watch his gameoverthinker series, theres always a hint that the pinnacle of games was the super mario series and everything else and every other console than nintendo's are garbage, moviebob+nintendo\mario= <3 BIG TIME


New member
Sep 18, 2010
Really Bob? There's areas to criticize but destroying the movie like you did was quite unreasonable. Comparing it to the Green Lantern garbage was uncalled for.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
I finally got round to watching this review after hearing it gained a certain level of notoriety, and I can see why. The film was barely critiqued, and when it was, Bob proved contradictory. All the characters were one-note and stereotypical, but Peter Parker's character was all over the place? Now, you can argue one side of that argument effectively, but trying to use both of them at once comes across poorly. Couple that kind of slipshod arguing with abusive levels of nitpicking made this hard to watch, frankly. Complaining about the web shooters blinking red? Really? Is that what movie criticism is now?

This is the worst kind of review, in that it's the voicing of an obvious ulterior agenda disguised as a review. This came across to me as Moviebob longing to stick it to the man, man, rather than actually critique the film in any kind of analytical manner. I still can't figure out exactly why he hated it so much as a film. Oh, I get why he hated the idea of rebooting a 10 year old movie franchise, but from watching this review, it just seemed like a bunch of angry words thrown at a wall to see what sticks. Lazy, insulting, contemptible, and more, with no justification for that besides "CASH IN".


New member
Jul 25, 2008
I wondered as I watched this review if this was all perfect deadpan sarcasm. Shame it wasn't.

How could you say this is LESS faithful to the source material when everything from Peter's quipping in fighting and the mechanical rather than biological web swingers is more faithful TO THE COMICS.

No, it was only unfaithful to Sam Rami, this film was much more faithful to the character and stories that Stan Lee's wrote, even down to the title.

That seem to be the problem here, you are too enamoured with the Sam Rami's take on spider man you cannot accept what was done different by a director who hasn't made cult films like Evil Dead, but may be perfectly suited to a superhero movie like Amazing Spiderman.

It's not "Just so happens" it is precisely because of Gwen Stacey and Richard Parker working at Oscorp that lead to Peter Parker sneaking into Oscorp and first getting both Gwen's attention and getting his superpowers. Everything comes from Oscorp.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
I think any true spiderman fan should be all DAMN SKIPPY that it is getting a reboot so soon after Spiderman 3 was such a failure.

Really, why should we have to wait another 20 or 30 years? Comics get rebooted in such short intervals and Comic fans are GRATEFUL for a swift reboot when things go wrong rather than trying to languish on or worse, just put the entire franchise on the cooler for many years, decades even.

God of Path

God of Path
Jul 6, 2011
I saw this movie before I watched Bob's review. He rants. He raves. But for all of it, his critique essentially explained what I hated about this film. It wasn't good, and to be perfectly honest, I feel like all of Bob's criticisms hold water. I think he was angry at it, but I thought his video even explained that. A movie made for all the wrong reasons turns out to be a bad film. For someone who watches a lot of movies, you can't help but be disappointed in the result, and I think anger seems a perfectly normal reaction here. Certainly, considering that this could have been a good movie.


New member
Aug 14, 2012
"It's not exactly like the comics!"
"There are plot holes because I didn't pay attention!"
"I would have let this slide if Sam Raimi did this!"

Bitter fanboy rage is all I'm hearing.


New member
Sep 11, 2008
I liked this movie a lot more than previous Spider-man movies. Does that make me a bad person? (also, I've never read comics)


New member
May 22, 2010
I'm watching it now and I'm about halfway in.
It should be so much better. Why isn't it better?

It's not the acting or the red flash on the webshooters... I think it is actually as deep in as the script.


New member
Sep 1, 2011
To each their own I guess. I thought the new Spiderman was pretty good despite the reasons why it was made. When I think approved by committee and accountants the first thing that pops in my mind is The Avengers. That will probably get me a lot of hate but that movie felt by the numbers to me.