Escape to the Movies: The Expendables


New member
Apr 22, 2009
This review made me laugh. Seeing the backlash of all the butthurt Expendables fans only made it better.

Instead of seeing The Expendables I'll be watching Scott Pilgrim again, not because MovieBob said so, but because it's an awesome movie.

M. Morgan

New member
Aug 15, 2010
Movie Bob ... Mr. Chipman, sir,

I frankly have doubts that you'll ever read this since there's already something like 600+ comments and unless you're not half as busy as I think you are making this show, and new episodes of the Gave Overthinker, then you probably don't have gobs and gobs of free time to read, much less worry about everything everyone has to say to you.

That being said, I'm a glutton for punishment, a bit out of touch with reality, and incredibly optimistic, so here is a personal message.

I like you. You bash on God and I happen to be a minister, you have a real mean streak where the G.O.P. is concerned and I've been a conservative since before I knew what a conservative was, and you seem to hate a good number of films I like and like a good number of films I wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole.

That being said, I do really like you. You're smart, you're honest, and you have an incredibly knowledge of Geek culture which is something I simply cannot get enough of. I've been a Geek as long as I've been alive.

What I don't like is your profession. I have never liked critics of any stripe. I've primarily viewed them as superfluous, whiny little pukes who seem only to want to force their opinions on the people who are dumb enough to listen.

But I listen to you. And I listen to you because you seem like the kind of guy I'd hang out with in my spare time. Also I learn a lot from you. You remember that video you did on Heavy Metal? I must have watched that ten times.

All this said and done, I'm finding myself in a position where you're going down a road I really don't want you to go down. This road is the primary reason I don't listen to a lot of critics. It has nothing to do with them dissing on what I like. I have more self confidence, both in myself and in my own likes to be that petty. What I dislike is that after a while critics get full of themselves. Roger Ebert is the worst I've encountered. I've seen Ebert not only mock movies he doesn't like, but actually make insinuations against people who did like them. If you don't like a movie that's your business. Riffing on those who do reveals a pretentious arrogance that is repugnant on all levels. I don't care if the man lost his jaw. Yes it's very sad and he did have guts to go into work the next day, but guts do not excuse rudeness or bad behavior.

Now let's talk about your review of Repo Men. You followed that review the next week by essentially mocking your own audience. You seemed to be upset that so many people compared it to Repo: The Genetic Opera. Well, duh! I only saw the trailer for R:TGO and the first thing I thought when I saw your review of Repo Men was "This sounds just like R:TGO". The similarities were apparent. But you opened your review of Hot Tub Time Machine with a bitter rant about how you needed to dredge up Warriors of Virtue because of it's magic toilet flush scene.

That was beneath you sir. Snarky is one thing. Petty is something else entirely.

Now what do we have this week? My gosh! You recommended a movie last week that no one went to see! How could they? How dare they think for themselves and see something you didn't like.

This weeks video was a disappointment, not in your skills, but in your person. I like you. I want to keep coming back and watching you. But if you're going to degenerate to a level self important whining when the box office doesn't go your way, then I'm afraid I will have to find something better to do with my time.

I realize this will probably only rile you. It would probably rile me were I in your position. All that being said, I am trying to be honest. Take that for what you will.


New member
Apr 23, 2009
Holy crap. I was actually expecting MovieBob to like this one. Anymore rage and you'd think he put a Twilight mask on the film just to hate it more.

I... um... I saw the Expendables with some friends, right? We enjoyed it. We came to see Stallone and Statham beat up people and we got it. We weren't expecting Oscar stuff, nor were we expecting a total change in film: we wanted our processed cheese with a shotgun blasting off someone's head. We got it and went to McDonalds happy.

If I have to say anything negative about it, they don't focus enough on the other actors or give them any development. They could've given Arnold some more scenes since he's supposed to be Stallone's 'rival'.

It wasn't the best movie I saw. As I type this, I know that I'm no better than

I have not seen Scott Pilgrim, yet. The more I think about it the more I think I should go do that. I have no shame that I'm part of the problem. Not everyone is an intellectual film buff. Most of the people in this country are meatheads who would prefer exploding explosions over character development. This will continue to happen

I figure it would be fruitless to argue with his decision. I'm not even going to argue with the haters; since I lack the ability to make a decent argument anyway. It would be like an Enron exec having an argument about business ethics ala' Billy Madison. It was fun: that is all.


New member
Mar 22, 2008
I've have a hard time making up my mind whether or not it was worth watching The Expendables.
On the one hand: it has star power, Stallone is still the man, Statham and Li are fun to watch, there's a pretty cool stunt involving jet fuel and a flare gun, body parts are flyin' and Terry frackin' Crews has a big frackin' gun that tears mofos up like nothing else.
On the other hand: the plot is bare bones (even for this kind of movie), one of the films biggest and most talented stars (Willis) was redused to a cameo, the movie only focuses on two of the 7 guys on the team for the most part, the action is over-edited, the camera work makes Paul Greengrass' shaky cam technique look conservative, and some of the one-liners in this are nails-on-chalkboard-90's Van Damme wouldn't touch this horrible.


Lost in Time
May 20, 2009
Guess who spent his movie money on Scott Pilgrim? ME! WEEEEE! No Expendables for me!... Though I'm still going to see it eventually just because of it's star power. I can't turn that up.


New member
Jan 12, 2010
Chebs said:
Mordwyl said:
Face the facts, it's an all-star action movie versus a niche title with a despised actor.

The outcome was never really in doubt.
I agree. I almost went to see Scott Pilgrim, but I cannot stand Michael Cera. He is unfunny and one-note, and it's not a fun note to watch. The Expendables was not particularly good in the sense that it'll be talked about come awards season, but it was entertaining to me. Jet Li is pretty underused, which made my soul cry a little, but overall I came out of the theatre happy with what I saw. People were punched and stuff blew up, and that's what I paid for.
You really shouldn't let your hate for Cera stop you from seeing Scott Pilgrim and this is coming from a Cera hater myself. In Scott Pilgrim Cera is breaking the mold by not only being a self-serving loser douchbag but also adding in a realm of physicality at levels we've never seen before. In the movie he's doing multi-man brawls, wire-fu and even sword fighting (thanks to the training of Team Jackie Chan) and it's just jaw dropping.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
Like lots of people said - wanted to see because of Stalone and Jet Li. But... why bother, I can just re-watch all the Rambo movies. Since, you know, everyone knows Rambo. The Guy Who Shoots Everything Up. And Down.

Also, thanks for making me watch Matrix again, MovieBob...


Man must have a code.
Dec 21, 2007
Huh, I haven't gotten around to seeing this one, I was going to see it tomorrow with a mate, maybe I'll just see Scott Pilgrim a second time (my mate hasn't seen it).

Its funny when I was younger I'd go and see any movie that looked slightly above average, these days I've changed my whole atitude to films, I see every movie ticket I buy or friend I convince to accompany me as being votes in an election. If I see a shit film, they still get my money and if enough people are tricked into seeing it, sequels are created and it influences upcoming movies. I want to avoid this.

So I'll only see a film that I'm made suitably excited by the trailor, recommended by a friend or after consulting a whole variety of reviews. I am quite willing to see film twice (possibly even thrice) if I really enjoyed them. This year the only films I've watched are Iron Man 2 (twice), Kickass, Inception, Toy Story 3 (nostaglia + funny story) and Scott Pilgrim verus the world.

Also I will not be going to X-Men : First Class or Spiderman 4, I don't want Fox or sony to keep the X-Men/Spiderman/Fantastic four franchises or anything to prevent there eventual revertion back to Disney/Marvel. I want Wolverine, Spiderman, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch and Dr Doom in my future avengers movies.


New member
May 4, 2009
Hmm Bob was so pissy about this movie I could have sworn it was a religious film about abstinence since those topics seem to trigger his nerd rage most.

Movie looks like fun think ill go see it.


New member
Apr 25, 2009
I got to the point were he just would stop bitching about Scott Pilgrim doing bad and closed the window, it also reminded me why I don't watch his crappy review anymore. This movie was a great pure action flick,if you go to it expecting it to be a tear jerking journey of a lost soul finding redemption or some other crap like that you are ether A) a complete moron or B) a snob who has seen to many damn movies an is now so picky you cant experience the good in anything. I think bob falls under both.


New member
Aug 2, 2009
You have you your own opinions and ill respect that. But you will be hard pressed to find a movie critic who liked the movie. That's all. BTW Bob, I LOVED Scott Pilgrim and your the only person who deconstructed the methods of the movie flawlessly.


New member
May 3, 2010
I saw it, wasn't great but it wasn't shit. I enjoyed certain action sequences, especially the one where Statham and Stallone are flying over the dock


Summoner and Pal
May 7, 2008
Honestly, this movie didn't look very interesting to me. I'm going to see Scott Pilgrim tomorrow but I'm sure someone I know will end up getting the DVD of Expendables eventually.


New member
Dec 26, 2007
I understand his review of the film, but I can't help but feel that 9/10's of his rage about this film was due to it coming in first at the box office while Scott Pilgrim came in 5th. I think this because I feel that way myself about it.


New member
Sep 29, 2009
After rewatching the review, I can understand peoples' enmity towards Movie Bob, but I also agree with his points (not so far as the review goes since I haven't seen it).

For those of you who "love music", think about how much you may or may not (probably do) hate the fact that all music nowadays sounds "samey", "indistinguishable" etc. This may not be entirely true, but there is some truth to it. The reason it is truthy is because record companies want to make money.
In order to make money, record companies have to sell product. In order to sell stuff, they need a hook. No one wants to gamble on music that's "new" necessarily.

For those of you who "love videogames," think of the simple conflict between "hard core" and "shovelware." Hard core games are supposed to push boundaries and be interesting, right? Well, again, not many big game developers want to take a risk on a formula that isn't proven. The goal of the business is to make money, not to make good games. This end of money makes people means, and it means that you are not much thought of beyond whether or not you'll buy/buy into what is being sold. (Also the whole end of a business being money is why American healthcare is awful, why American fastfood is awful, why a lot of American stuff is awful, but I digress.)

The take away point from this review/rant is that this type of movie sets the pace for other types of movies. People will do what makes easy money. If crap makes money, then people will continue making crap just so long as you're willing to consume it.

So, yes, MovieBob's rant was probably a little off-kilter, but it's understandable. Something that he's very passionate about is somewhat under siege. I couldn't imagine a worse hell than having to be a movie reviewer who only had non-interesting, samey, crap on reels to review. If this movie is successful, it only helps to make that a more distinct possibility...

As a final side thought: consider that Avatar made a boatload of money. Now consider how many movies are trying to cash in on this money by needlessly making themselves 3-D and sacrificing the integrity of the shot. 3D was good for Avatar because it was made for 3D. 3D was horrible for Clash of the Titans because Clash simply tried to cash in on the latest gimmick. Testosterone fueled fight scenes is a gimmick just like 3D is. It doesn't really add anything, it's just there to get people to spend their money because whether you're satisfied doesn't matter. You are the means.