Escape to the Movies: Thor


New member
Feb 8, 2010
Oh thank heaven. Or Asgard. Whatever. Every time I saw a poster or trailer or promo for this movie, my mind would start up with a mantra of "please don't suck please don't suck please don't suck please don't suck please don't suck..." Bob, you have yet to steer me wrong with movies, so I will most certainly go see this. I would have gone to see it anyway, but now I get to go see it without my mantra of apprehension weighing me down :)


Elite Member
Sep 11, 2008
I watched it last night and thought it was pretty alright, I'd give it a B, B+... which is better than my wife apparently. She thought it was a completely average film, awarding it a C by the end of the night.

I stayed through the credits, but since I don't know much about the marvel universe (thank the gods) I could have just as easily gotten up and peed earlier. If anyone could explain to me via PM as to not spoil, I'd be appreciative.

I think my major complaint is that half the movie was predictable... and it didn't seem very dramatic. I'm not entirely sure what it was, but the plot didn't really seem all that threatening or important.

I loved the space visuals though.


New member
Mar 1, 2010
Mediocrity at best. Not surprised MovieBob recommends it (how many comic book movies has he NOT recommended?) Transformers and.. Transformers 2?


New member
Jan 9, 2010
I was almost sure that I was not gone see this movie, but I might have to rethink that.


New member
Mar 24, 2008
Antwerp Caveman said:
Ok, there were actually kind of 2 character teasers: there's the one who spoke: whom most of us know who he is Hawkeye, and there is the "big guy" in the shadows, to which Thor said "Big man, fought Bigger". I have no idea who that was, personal preference: Punisher, maybe?
Um I've never heard of the Punisher working with anyone ever in an official government capacity,Plus that guy appeared to be black to me(Note:With what happened to Heimdall[Not that it's an issue for me one way or another.] I guess it could still be Punisher baring the lack of guns.)making me think if he was anyone in particular he could of been Luke Cage before Cage got his powers since they bothered to mask his identity with shadows(when he isn't a ninja) and he got beat by a mortal Thor without Asgardian strength but I wasn't sure if he was meant to be a known Marvel or just a real tough S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.


New member
Oct 1, 2009
Um I missed the big reveal at the end. Anyone care to enlighten me?

I got Hawkeye btw, I mean the one at the end of the credits


New member
Jun 17, 2009
it's so much more fun to hear bob say something substantial about a movie than hearing him whine about his teenage years


New member
Feb 28, 2010
Well it looks like movie bob had to stop
*puts on sunglasses*
because its Hammer time


New member
Dec 2, 2009
Watched this on Wednesday. Really enjoyed.

There is one thing in particular I observed in this that Iron Man 2 and Hulk did not have. The character evolved for the better. Don't get me wrong, it's not that Iron Man 2 or Hulk did something wrong, just that it was refreshing to see a character get built up rather then dismantled.

Just to clarify: In Iron Man 2, Tony is dealing with so many things ranging from the publicity of being Iron Man, down to his own personal failings. This degrades the character over time.

In the hulk, Bruce is constantly on the run, and just when he thinks he has found away to rid himself of the hulk, he has to make a sacrifice and remain on the run again.

In Thor, however, Thor actually starts off as a somewhat repugnant personality, but through his punishment he atones for his brashness and matures as a character, leading to a much more positive flow to the characters development.

And yeah, let's hope Cap. America lives up to the other avengers début.


New member
Nov 26, 2009
I watched it, but didn't find it that good. It was okay, I'd say. But maybe I'm just used to the "deeper, darker" stuff these days. Also, i really don't like 3D, so that kinda ruined it a bit.
And too bad i didn't stay after the credits. I wonder what it showed...


New member
Feb 2, 2008
I've got a question but i'll put it in a spoiler for those who haven't seen the film yet

who was it playing what we're assuming is Hawkeye because I couldn't find it on IMDB for shit, anyone?


New member
Feb 24, 2011
I will fully admit, i was getting giddy in my seat from all the positive feedback you're giving the movie.

And also, if that's what the sequel will be (and lets hope so) I want to see a Throg cameo. Even if it's in a kids cartoon. Because a frog wielding a miniature mythical hammer while speaking old english is just awesome.


Leaf on the wind
Feb 20, 2011
Definitely going to see this movie even though I never read the comics.

Also, I've heard a lot of people (aside from the just plain racist arguments) say that the only reason that Idris Elba is in this is just so they could make a 'pan racial super hero movie', my response to this is...

Have any of you seen Luther, or The Wire?
If you had you would know that this man is a FUCKING BOSS!


New member
Jun 13, 2009
Yeah, seen it, and what you said rings true.

The movie maybe could have benefited from a little longer running time to expand on a few characters, but with the slightly simple plot line it might have run on too long. It was a difficult balance to make and Branagh did strike a brilliant balance for the epic fantasy.

As for the Avengers, as you said, Iron Man, good, Hulk, good, Thor, good and thesibly working within the established Universe with some of the magic is just science we don't get yet stuff. If anything, now Cap seems to be the bigger risk now.


New member
Mar 24, 2008
Draconalis said:
I watched it last night and thought it was pretty alright, I'd give it a B, B+... which is better than my wife apparently. She thought it was a completely average film, awarding it a C by the end of the night.

I stayed through the credits, but since I don't know much about the marvel universe (thank the gods) I could have just as easily gotten up and peed earlier. If anyone could explain to me via PM as to not spoil, I'd be appreciative.

I think my major complaint is that half the movie was predictable... and it didn't seem very dramatic. I'm not entirely sure what it was, but the plot didn't really seem all that threatening or important.

I loved the space visuals though.
It's called a Cosmic Cube sort of a McGuffin to fight over basically. [link][/link]

And yeah that's kinda been the set-up for all the Avenger heroes movies to a degree they can't all save the world by their self and then expect to work together to save the world if they just did that last week solo.