Escape to the Movies: Thor


New member
Sep 2, 2010
Onyx Oblivion said:
I basically totally disagree with Bob's stances on games, but I've come to share his tastes in film. Despite still not watching too many...
I don't think anyone on Earth except Shigeru Miyamoto fully agrees with MovieBob's videogame taste.

Also; You too Onyx? (regarding your avatar)

OT: I'll see the movie....sometime....

Nerf Ninja

New member
Dec 20, 2008
There was something about the film that made me think of the Chris Reeves Superman films (In a good way). I really enjoyed it and the dynamic between Jane Foster (Portman) and Thor was excellent, it felt like a "relationship" film that had superheros in.


New member
Mar 22, 2008
I got to see this early last week. My mind=blown
Surprise cameo? AWESOME!!
Post-credits scene? NERDGASM!!!


Can you feel around inside?
Dec 22, 2008
Speaking of getting better at a lot of things, I really feel like Bob did a lot better at holding back his comic nerd powers in this review. He loves talking about comics, but I feel like he restrained this a lot better than usual to talk about the movie. This had the added effect of making me want to see this more than I expected. That, and just about anytime I hear "Unlike anything you've seen in a while" is a time I get interested.

Lastly, I have to admit, at this point are you really still all that worried Captain America is going to suck? From everything so far, including this review, it's only getting better. Now of course, directors, actors, so on, everything seems to be different per movie, but I think that there have to be some people who have the ability to keep things consistent in quality, right?

In any case, the review made me a bit more interested, and in the end, that's all that matters.


New member
Dec 6, 2010
i think what bob meant by teasers for the avengers movie were:

the gauntlet in the vault of asgard (which could be the gauntlet of infinity) and the cosmic cube which basically is telling us that thanos might be coming to big screen soon.


Derp Master
Aug 11, 2009
Why I would really like a movie that was more true to the Norse mythology, which is pretty awesome without getting comiced up, I must say the Gods at least seems to act the way they should.

However, there is something wrong when Heimdal looks more badass than Thor, just saying.


Excess Ain't Rebellion
Jul 26, 2008
MacNille said:
As i have not seen the movie yet, I still feel thorn on that a black guy (have not laid his name on my mind yet) plays Hemidal. It's just bug me as i'm huge fan of Norse mytholigy (I'm form Sweden). I will see it and pass my own judgment. Also don't throw the rascist card at me please :).
The thing is most of what the Marvel Thor comic is based on was completely made up by Stan Lee. Any variation of saying they should be true to the original is lame because Stan The Man just went with whatever he thought would be a cool story. This comic sums it up nicely.

OT: I'm not surprised that someone who would call that flaming pile of shit "Smokin' Aces" good would say the same about this mess. Thor is probably going to go down as my biggest cinematic disappointment of the year. The leaden dialogue. The headache inducing rapid-cut action. Anthony Hopkins phoned in performance. The more I watched the worse I felt. This movie was boring to the extreme. Yes, Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, Tom Hiddleston made what they were given work well, but not enough the pull the flick out of the fire. The Midgard portion was moronic and seemed totally unbelievable. In fact that is my biggest problem with the film. None of it felt authentic. They did a terrible job setting up a world and making me care about the characters in it. There was no fun because everything felt forced. I thought something with J. Michael Straczynski's named attached would have been much better.

Dok Zombie

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Apr 24, 2008
Thor was the one pre-Avengers movie I was worried wouldn't work. A combination of not being all that well known amongst non-comic geeks and being fairly impossible to do in the seemingly obligatory "gritty realism" that they seem to be gunning for these days, I was fairly sure it would be pretty lukewarm.

That said I fucking loved it and have no doubt that Captain America and The Avengers will be phenomenal. Then all Marvel have to do is wrestle the rights to X-Men back from 20th Century Fox and get cracking on a Civil War movie.

Antwerp Caveman

New member
Jan 19, 2010
Lucane said:
Antwerp Caveman said:
Ok, there were actually kind of 2 character teasers: there's the one who spoke: whom most of us know who he is Hawkeye, and there is the "big guy" in the shadows, to which Thor said "Big man, fought Bigger". I have no idea who that was, personal preference: Punisher, maybe?
Um I've never heard of the Punisher working with anyone ever in an official government capacity,Plus that guy appeared to be black to me(Note:With what happened to Heimdall[Not that it's an issue for me one way or another.] I guess it could still be Punisher baring the lack of guns.)making me think if he was anyone in particular he could of been Luke Cage before Cage got his powers since they bothered to mask his identity with shadows(when he isn't a ninja) and he got beat by a mortal Thor without Asgardian strength but I wasn't sure if he was meant to be a known Marvel or just a real tough S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.
It's basically wishfull thinking, but in the Punisher Max Comics by Garth Ennis, Fury sends Frank Castle on a few assignments. They're awesome comics. But I say that as an Ennis fanboy.


New member
Jan 12, 2010
I noticed that 3D took away from the movie though... so there's that.

Nat Portman was kind of annoying but they managed to make the romance a tiny bit believable.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Well, the review sounds like what I was expecting. They basically took a giant dump all over the comic book character and any sense of continuity from the basic concept onward, but managed to turn out a decent movie based around what they wanted to do.

The end result being that they can do the whole "Avengers" movie thing, but will still have the abillity to the character right at a later date, as fodder for a reboot.

When I say a "giant dump" it's pretty much because they have the entire basic character almost laughably wrong. It's sort of like deciding to ignore the whole bit about Iron Man's heart, or Spider Man being bitten by a radioactive spider, or whatever else. To be fair, in most cases they have at least gotten the origin story right, and captured the essence of the character. In the case of "Thor", it's important to note that Thor was not initially cast down in this fashion, and instead the story begins with a guy named Donald Blake finding the hammer during a dig, and using the hammer to transform into Thor. Now Thor *DOES* wind up getting into some stuff with Odin and being cast down, but thats much later occurances. What's more Thor being a spirit that inhabits bodies is a key element of the comic book mythology and something that is brought to the forefront of some of the story arcs.

This is an issue because it means that anyone going to see the Thor movie, is ultimatly going to have the wrong idea about Thor as a concept. Where you can see a lot of the other movies and say "okay, well they got the basics right" here they seem to have gotten the basics wrong and then just gotten more out of control from there.

The whole bit with the black actor is annoying (and truthfully I've seen spoilers of some of his themes, plenty of actors could have pulled it off) but just pretty much cements this as developers who aren't even trying to take their source material seriously.

That said, I don't doubt it's a good movie, but will this be a worthy cinematic treatment of Thor and the property as a whole? No it won't, and it seems like Bob has kind of danced aroudn that when th ebest he can talk about is the visuals coming close to some of what was produced through Jack "King" Kirby's work. No comic book movie is going to perfectly get all the details of a comic book character right, due to the differance sin storytelling, but when they don't even get the origin story and nature of the character right, that's usually not a good sign... still, maybe in 10-12 years the movie's (hopeful) success will motivate people to try again in doing the character properly.

Right now this is similar to saying "Spider Man is an Alien from another planet" or "Batman gained powers from cosmic radiation!" or something similar.


New member
May 6, 2009
I came, I saw, I enjoyed. The 3d sucked though, so I can't wait for the DVD so I can watch it properly.


Better than Vash!
Oct 20, 2009
so glad i finally picked up some contacts and can finally just enjoy the 3D movie (there isn't a 2D version at my theater but for only $8 i'm not complaining) and not have to adjust my specs all movie long!


New member
Oct 23, 2009
Beta Ray Bill eh?
Work him into the movies and I'll be impressed.
I remember being befuddled when I saw him in Planet HULK.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Having just gotten back from seeing Thor, i can say that i agree on pretty much everything Moviebob said.

Natalie Portman didn't get much to do, but she did what she did well. It's not the movies fault that she's been used better in other movies.
As with pretty much all the superhero movies, the climax isn't as good as the rest of the movie, but it's definatly better than Iron Man 1's climax.
Thor, Loke, Heimdal and Odin were all absolutely awesome. You kinda wish you'd seen more of Loke and Heimdal(and Odin)'s power, but I take what i get.
3D is good for what it is, but i can't recommend anyone seeing it in 3D.

Now that all is said an done, i still retain my birthgiven right to ***** about the depiction of my ancestral deities. what a mockery of the gods my ancestors and my culture(to a degree) worship. The movie makes some flaws in the way it represents the characters.
- Heimdal isn't the biggest pussy of the nine realms
- Thor isn't a red haried(and bearded) crossdresser
- Odin isn't an old pervert who gambles... alot
- Loke doesn't put on animal skins nor does he gets bullied by the gods.

I am so dissapointed in you marvel...
Ps. it was just a bad joke to represent how Scandinavians remember our old gods


New member
Dec 25, 2008
One thing I wish people would honestly do is look at the movies like a branching continuity or something similar.

The movies don't have to be 100% accurate to the comics, they are appealing to a different potential fan-base, they have to make it accessible to people people interested in checking it out.
I know the comic lore and have read a lot of it. As long as they stay 'close enough' I'm happy, but I will be the first to admit, if they made the movies 100% like the comics, I would say the movies are absolute crap and not be interested. You have to adapt to make the stories work in movies, but you can't modify things too far or it just doesn't work.
I'm really in favour of the level that they've stuck to.

Faux Furry

New member
Apr 19, 2011
Wait a minute now. A romantic pairing between a plain Jane and a hot guy with super powers?! So, they've turned Thor, one of the quintessential American comic books, into every anime ever? Boo!
MovieBob, you shouldn't be encouraging this travesty, you ought to be boycotting, that's not severe enough. You need to Man-cott it, no, Super Man-cott this garbage.

You shouldn't stop at getting every one on Earth not to buy a ticket. You should send messages to life on other planets to avoid it. You should clone yourself then get every duplicate to swear off on seeing the movie to make up for the mistake made by the original in seeing it, even for review purposes. Let's not even get started on Black Balder...because that would be taking this joke too far.

For those of us who haven't stepped foot in a theater since a minute after Avatar's enhanced re-release was announced or those who are looking for something else to do with their free time while the PSN is down, this might be a good excuse as any to throw money in the general direction of Hollywood.

Do they still sell film tickets on paper or do they sell re-usable, eco-friendly and economical ticket tab cards?