Escape to the Movies: Transformers Revenge


New member
May 21, 2009
hI movie Bob, I admire ur courage in saying all these things, extreme at a lot of times but pretty accurate. Ill admit u have a really refreshing take on this movie. and ill admit ur right.

u are.

i wont dispute these things,

I knew these things going to see it, but i really didn't care so much, i enjoyed it a lot.

Just wanted to let u know i havent seen many of ur film reviews, appart from ur star trek one where u raised alot of perfectly valid points there also.

i will say its really funny extreme stuff, just like Ben Yahzee's reviews of games of the day,

perfectly valid and soild arguements and i will agree, to a point.

anyway, keep up the amazing work, must have taken alot of balls and creative talent to put this together.
All the best,

Alex from the London. Uk

bad rider

The prodigal son of a goat boy
Dec 23, 2007
Skip to the michael bay part. I think everything he says happens in this film.


New member
Mar 15, 2009
This isn't a review. This is someone flaming Michael Bay, you really should state that in the beginning. When I started watching, I thought I would get to see a review.


New member
Jun 28, 2009
Onmi, I dont know anything about whats considered a good mech in comic book world, but the first design is far more impractical than the second from an engineering perspective. The upper arms and upper legs of that thing are way too small to ever support such massive structures and would break off if stressed. The second one has many spiky bullshit protrusions on it, but other than that, it might actually be practical.

And, thyunda is right, the first one is ugly as balls anyway.


New member
Jun 14, 2008
I originally dismissed this as a fanboy gone mad, but after seeing the movie today, and not being a transformers fan myself, he certainly raises some very good points, especially with regards to the army.


New member
Jan 23, 2008
Okay... let's take it from the top...
First of all, this really isn't a fanboy rant. It might sound like it from the volume of his anger, but fanboyism doesn't enter into it.
Then there's the claims of "This is just five minutes of OMG MICHAEL BAY SUX!" No. Bay doesn't even enter into it until the four-minute mark (and even then he doesn't focus solely on the man). Up till then it's a perfectly solid argument about why this is bad, and even when he's not directly talking about the movie he's talking about related topics (for example, talking about The Godfather when he's pointing out that the "it's a toy commercial" argument is wrong because you can make a good movie out of anything.)
Same thing to the claims of Yahtzee cloning- no. Yahtzee did not patent rage (nor rage-o-hol), and the similarities come from the fact that they're both constructing an argument while being very very angry about what that argument adds up to.
And Moviebob has constructed a very coherent argument about why the Transformers movie sucks.

Let's review:
1. The USELESS human cast. I don't pretend to be an expert on Transformers, not having seen more than two of the series (one being Armada), but he has a valid point here. Yes, you can have humans alongside the Transformers. But you let them take center stage and the movie becomes about them. In no other series, book, comic, you name it, have the humans been anything more than support role. Even in Armada, where they had a pretty big role, it was three kids working to help the Autobots. The plot never centered on them or their problems, it was always on the war with the Decepticons.
If it's not about the Transformers, then don't call it Transformers. Simple as that.
2. The robot designs look AWFUL. Seriously! I've only seen the first movie, but I've also seen the multiple pictures Moviebob put up to reinforce his point. The Fallen looks emaciated and just plain dumb, the Twins look outright stupid, and let's not forget the twisted... grey thing (I have no idea who the hell that was supposed to be.) I also hated the design for Megatron in the first movie. No. Purge it with fire. It was that bad. And the changes to Optimus didn't make me too happy either... or Moviebob, for that matter.
(Honestly, I'm more annoyed by the fact that he's not a fire truck than the fact that he's got flames. Seriously, a fire truck for Optimus makes sense. He's a hero who's fighting to save the people of both his planet and ours, putting his life on the line in the process. Hell, his backup plan in the first movie IS to sacrifice himself to stop the Decepticons. Having him be an 18-wheeler instead of a fire truck like in the cartoons (at least those I've seen) robs him of some really powerful symbolism.)
3. The plot... was what again? After you strip out the humans, what was there left? Something about the Decepticons trying to blow up the sun and robo-Satan returning to do... stuff. Yeah. Seriously, blowing up the sun? While you're still in its star system? Does that strike anyone else as a BAD idea?
4. MISUSE OF AWESOME THINGS. I can't stress this enough. If you have a guy the size of a ****ing pyramid, and he's evil, USE him. Have him BLOW **** UP. That's the only reason for the existence of something like Devastator- to be absolutely awesome and to wreck stuff.
And do not ever, EVER spend only a minute or two on the final battle. Build up to something and deliver on it, or don't have it there at all. Transformers SATAN is hanging around, there had better be an epic battle. Hell, even bit-villains in any good mecha show take longer than three minutes to finish off- and they only have half an hour to work with, whereas this thing had two hours.
There's more, of course, like the badly choreographed action scenes, but really... do I have to go on?


New member
Jan 23, 2008
ColdStorage said:
Fortesque said:

WTF! Soundwave was the best character in the original series, He had the best voice, personally he looked the best and he turned into a fucking Boombox.
The fact they got rid of the scale-changing thing annoyed me the most. Megatron is suppost to be a fucking GUN, not a total retarded looking jet.
Actually Megatron is an alien jet to start with, then he becomes a gun, then he becomes a jet when he's Galvatron. So the movie is the Galvatron version of Megatron.

Wait, Megatron was supposed to be a jet? I've only ever seen him as a tank... then again, like I said I got into the Transformers franchise only recently... That's pretty neat, actually. I did not know that. I guess I can let that source of annoyance with the first movie go. Not that there aren't a lot of

Also, huge points to Moviebob for mentioning Voltron and making the most absurdly funny description of Batman ever. (Forgot to say that in my last post.)

A random person

New member
Apr 20, 2009
Agree with him on Megan Fox. Seriously, she's not that hot. What does everyone see in her?
And the designs are a bit cluttered, but I'm not quite as bothered by that as moviebob is.
As for the human characters, here's my summary:
Military plays way too large a role. I do like the pentagon subplot in the first one, though.
Hacker shouldn't even be there.
And the teen drama can go fuck itself. Seriously, it's a movie about giant alien robots and (potential, if handled better) political intrigue, why the fuck would I care about yet another exaggeration of stereotyped teen life.

A random person

New member
Apr 20, 2009
Thyunda said:
Onmi said:
Thyunda said:
No, you simply don't like them. Stop trying to force your opinion onto other people. If you think the designs were bad, fine. Cry about them elsewhere. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.
Good god Thyunda would you please, Shut The Hell UP! IT is NOT good design, it is A. Impracticable design, B. UGLY design, C. IMPOSSIBLE Design, See you haven't yet told me how the design is good other than "Oh but I like it! you must just hate it" When I have gone on and on showing how the design is BAD.

Again for your fucking stupid mind to comprehend, this is an example of GOOD mecha design

This is an example of BAD mecha design

If you can't tell me why the second design is bad, then you do not have the RIGHT to comment on mecha design!


And that's the bottom line.
That first one is ugly as sin.
I'd tend to side with the second "bad" one myself. Also, ignore Onmi, he's just trying to pass off his opinion as fact.

A random person

New member
Apr 20, 2009
ColdStorage said:
Fortesque said:

WTF! Soundwave was the best character in the original series, He had the best voice, personally he looked the best and he turned into a fucking Boombox.
The fact they got rid of the scale-changing thing annoyed me the most. Megatron is suppost to be a fucking GUN, not a total retarded looking jet.
Actually Megatron is an alien jet to start with, then he becomes a gun, then he becomes a jet when he's Galvatron. So the movie is the Galvatron version of Megatron.

One of us, one of us!


New member
Dec 6, 2007
This may or may not have been said: 8 pages is tl;dr right now.

But: while this review was fun, it was too hurried. The visual jokes went by faster than they ought to have. With just a half-beat slower in the verbal pacing, this review could have accomplished both it's mockery and it's outrage, and done so without me having to stop and rewind the review 5x+ in order to both get the dialogue and see the joke.

In addition, more time, I felt, could've been spent on the cinematic flaws--however, given this reviewer's audience, (and as a Transformers fan myself) I can forgive that.


New member
Dec 6, 2007
Um...also, the G1 version of Galvatron was kind of a giant tank. At least according to my memory, verified by linky [].

/but no offense to anyone else! This is just how I recall it.

A random person

New member
Apr 20, 2009
A random person said:
Agree with him on Megan Fox. Seriously, she's not that hot. What does everyone see in her?
And the designs are a bit cluttered, but I'm not quite as bothered by that as moviebob is.
As for the human characters, here's my summary:
Military plays way too large a role. I do like the pentagon subplot in the first one, though.
Hacker shouldn't even be there.
And the teen drama can go fuck itself. Seriously, it's a movie about giant alien robots and (potential, if handled better) political intrigue, why the fuck do I care about yet another exaggeration of stereotyped teen life.
Because sadly girls who pay to see this shit, like that kind of bull...although I agree with you 100%...2 much bullshit about the kid, it shouldn't be the fucking focus of the movie....
I fail to get the appeal of teen dramas not just with the movie, but in general.
They just take annoying teen stereotypes (which I'm kinda here to fight, by the way), put them in stories about stereotypical teen things, and pump it full of so much excessive drama while/by giving the teens so much hormones that a real person would be killed at those levels.

Sorry for the rant, something that pisses me off.

As for Megan Fox, the blond military woman in the first film is hotter.


New member
Feb 13, 2009
Why does everybody hate this movie? I watch it today, and I freaking loved it to death! Better than the first!