Escape to the Movies: Transformers Revenge


New member
Nov 5, 2008
I have only seen the trailers to Transformers and Transformers 2, but working from my theory that the trailers to movies are normally ten times more entertaining than the movies themselves they must suck. Besides 20 dollars for one movie ticket? it would be cheaper to just wait for it to come out on DVD and rent it.

Loop Stricken

Covered in bees!
Jun 17, 2009
I quite liked the film, but then again I wasn't expecting it to revolutionise cinema as we know it.

Knight Templar

Moved on
Dec 29, 2007
Flap Jack452 said:
This is the first review I've seen by you and I don't plan on seeing another.
Watch his review of "Up!", people seem to like him more when he is being nice. After you watch that, then make a decision as to watching him again.


New member
Apr 25, 2009
TheFacelessOne said:
Why does everybody hate this movie? I watch it today, and I freaking loved it to death! Better than the first!
Ya i like it to, then again I only went to see robot violence, so I got what i wanted!


New member
Apr 25, 2009
TheFacelessOne said:
Why does everybody hate this movie? I watch it today, and I freaking loved it to death! Better than the first!
Ya i like it to, then again I only went to see robot violence, so I got what i wanted!


New member
Apr 25, 2009
TheFacelessOne said:
Why does everybody hate this movie? I watch it today, and I freaking loved it to death! Better than the first!
Ya i like it to, then again I only went to see robot violence, so I got what i wanted!


New member
Apr 25, 2009
TheFacelessOne said:
Why does everybody hate this movie? I watch it today, and I freaking loved it to death! Better than the first!
Ya i like it to, then again I only went to see robot violence, so I got what i wanted!


Fussy Fiddler
May 7, 2009
To be perfectly honest I think a lot of reviewers are too hard on the movie, yes it was a piece of shit, but it didn't even need extra scenes or a rewrite to be good, but a damn editor with a hacksaw, 90% of the idiot kid's airtime needed to be cut and a good start would of been had.


New member
Jan 23, 2008
TheFacelessOne said:
EDIT: I don't think I should comment any further. I'm pretty sure this whole thread counts as a flame war.
Then obviously you're not looking hard enough. Plenty of posts here are civil, Omni's aside. (I'd love to hear what exactly he thinks is good mecha design, and why he hates Strike Freedom so much, but unfortunately he wound up suspended. I am honestly interested though.)
But honestly, did you listen to Moviebob? He explained in pretty explicit detail why this movie is absolute crap. I even summed up his argument a few posts back.

UsefulPlayer 1

New member
Feb 22, 2008
I loved the movie.

Only complaints is that the story was kinda hard to follow with odd plot design and the part where Optimus beat the shit out of the remaining Decepticons was kinda anti-climatic. I mean he gets a nice upgrade and proceeds to T-bag every one?


New member
Jan 23, 2008
UsefulPlayer 1 said:
I loved the movie.

Only complaints is that the story was kinda hard to follow with odd plot design and the part where Optimus beat the shit out of the remaining Decepticons was kinda anti-climatic. I mean he gets a nice upgrade and proceeds to T-bag every one?
I'm also given to understand that he, earlier in the movie, beats up Megatron, Starscream, and another Decepticon unaided? By himself? No! I deny that that is even remotely possible!
*sigh* Damn it, Michael Bay...


New member
Dec 3, 2008
sneakypenguin said:
I never understood the rage against human characters in transformers. I strangely like Shia I think he's a good actor. I couldn't make it though the review cause it seem hate for hates sake. My personal opinion was it was the most fun movie i've seen this summer. But i'm not a critic or cynic....
I completely agree with you, MovieBob was already prejudiced against transformers so there was no way he would give a fair review to a movie that was simply a lot of fun.

Nerf Ninja

New member
Dec 20, 2008
My main problem with opinions like this is that it's Transformers, what else did you expect?

I was a huge fan as a kid I have all the dvds and still watch them on a semi regular basis, had quite a large collection of the toys (Sadly all gone now)

I can quite honestly say that in my opinion this is exactly how a transformers film would be.

This is not G1 transformers it's not even that animated travesty currently on kids channels at the moment you think the film sullies the memory of transformers? check that out.

People need to stop looking at modern interpretations of franchises from their past with shit coloured lenses.


New member
Apr 7, 2009
DalekJaas said:
I completely agree with you, MovieBob was already prejudiced against transformers so there was no way he would give a fair review to a movie that was simply a lot of fun.
Quite so.

Apparently hating the entire Transformers thing from the first movie, then going to watch the second one which you know will be more of the same?
Very clever, MovieBob. I'm sure you can go ahead and copy-paste this for the Transformers 3 movie when it comes.

And bleeping out the all the fucking during your review would make it at least remotely funny. Consider it.


New member
Sep 29, 2008
ZippyDSMlee said:
jacobschndr said:
rant rant ***** rant
stop copying Yahtzee
Sorry but the great stallion did not event ranting or humor or game bashing,he might be good at it all sometimes....but.....get over it it plz. =^^=
Sorry, but Movie Bob he uses the same type of humour with the same style on the SAME website.
I don?t like unskippable, but it is different to Zero Punctuation. Are they ripping off each other, no? They are a very different style.

But MobieBob is just doing to movies that Yahtzee does to games.
Again, on the same website.

Your argument is like calling the Mighty Changing Power Rangers toys not a rip off of the Mighty Morphing Power Rangers. Its basically identical


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Thyunda said:
The robot designs are ugly? Oh, here's an argument for you: IT'S NOT G1!
Yeah, G1 was great and all, but if I wanted to watch it, I'd buy the DVDs. The moment somebody tries to make the robots look less human, and more alien, every damn fan stands up and starts to cry.
Seriously. That's just immature. I liked this movie's Wheelie. He didn't rhyme like a douchebag. And as for Skids and Mudflap, I thought I'd hate them. I didn't. I liked them.

And what's this about it all being the humans? I can't think of one scene that wasn't interrupted by an obnoxious robot.

I'm sorry, did you even see this movie or just read a Transfan forum and look at some pictures? Yeah, they made Devastator do nothing but dig a hole. What were you wanting him to do? Go on a destructive rampage? IN A DESERT?

Sunset..? Where'd you get that idea from? Ok, so the entire first film was set in the sunset. The opening scene to this is at night. The college scenes and the desert are in broad daylight. Though, oddly Shanghai was in daylight before NEST got there.

And I thought the fight scenes were pretty damn clear. The one featuring Optimus Prime and the three Decepticons? That was clear. I saw everything. Bumblebee versus Rampage and Ravage - That was also clear.

And as for Soundwave, what did you expect a communications specialist to do? He did what his G1 job was. Even had the same voice actor. But nope, because he didn't stomp around all blue and cassette player-like, he's bad.

Oh yeah. I noticed the little dig at the flames. "Optimus Prime has flames! What are we going to do?!"
Grow up. Seriously. Somebody paints flames onto a big truck, and you get all upset. G1 was great and all, but once again, if I wanted to watch it, I WOULD.

And finally - The human characters. How do you relate to a plot about giant robots? It's like trying to empathise with the bloody penguins from Happy Feet. They emoted and spoke, but they were just penguins, and I don't think anybody here gave a damn whether Mumble could sing or not, or whether his dancing was a talent or a stylish seizure.

As has been mentioned, this sounds like a review hating for the sake of hating. Go ahead, hug your G1 DVDs and figures, tell them it'll be alright. That they'll come back one day.

They're not going to. Otherwise they wouldn't be worth so much, would they, Afterburner? He's my only G1 figure. :(
^^ This guy has the right idea. This video review is a whole lot of hating over a whole lot of nothing.

The only truth in that 'review' was the hollowness of Megan Fox's character. The rest of it was stupid, lame exaggeration (excuse me, it costs AU$11 dollars to go to the cinema, in other words that's less than 10 US dollars, let alone TWENTY you stingy fool) and you imitate Yahtzee in his wit and speed and video style in an attempt to make people listen to your stupid, narrow-minded opinions and arrogant conceitedness (I'd like to see you make a better Transformers movie with your ideallic characters and CGI effects, then charge a price in a cinema and expect to earn a profit), and your limited, pathetic insult vocabulary (come on, the word douche-bag every five seconds does NOT make you authoritative and cool) just makes you sound overall like a biased, attention-seeking Tourettes patient with access to a microphone and Movie Maker.

Speaking of movie maker, you made half your slides too hard to read and YOU DIDN'T SPELL THINGS PROPERLY. You are several hundred tons of pure FAIL and you'll never be as good as the Yahtzee you're trying to be, so stop NOW and maybe you'll actually be of some value to The Escapist.


New member
Jul 18, 2008
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen was an awesome movie.

Stop listening to this guy just because he tries to be the Yahtzee of cinema.

Form your own opinions, shit.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
Cody211282 said:
TheFacelessOne said:
Why does everybody hate this movie? I watch it today, and I freaking loved it to death! Better than the first!
Ya i like it to, then again I only went to see robot violence, so I got what i wanted!
Quadruple post? Tha's got to be a record.

It's obvious that MovieBob hates Bay and anything made by him, but regardless of how bad the movie was from a technical standpont, whether you enjoy it or not is entirely subjective.


New member
Mar 21, 2009
Wish he would stop his grudge against Bay. Haven't seen this movie yet, but heard from friends it sucked.

But even if it do, why the fuck this grudge agaisnt bay. Déjà vú was an okay flick, The island, was pretty damn good, The Rock is my favorite movie and is simply so chuck full of awesome that my mind nearly explodes.

Micheal Bay is okay!