Escorts Aren't Free


New member
Dec 6, 2010
The best escort game ever was Primal. In this game you had 2 characters with 2 separate skillsets - one a human/demon hybrid that could use the skills of demons she's killed. The other - a non-combat puzzle-solving gargoyle whose sole purpose was pulling levers and going places the human character could not. The only time these characters hindered each other was when there was an obstacle between them or a puzzle that needed solving.

I personally hate escorts involving helpless characters/pets. I have pets at home. When I play games, if there's a sidekick they better be helping else I will perforate them then never play the game again. This is probably the one thing that made me groan about The Matrix Reloaded - the keymaster. The second he showed up, I thought " virtual environment, escort mission". Luckily he was dead by the movie's end.


Legendary Table User
Jul 17, 2009
hermes200 said:
Or if you're leaning more towards NPC support, have them attack, but just don't let them die.
The problem with that idea, is that it leaves you open to let the NPC do all the work. Its what happened with Uncharted 3 in the final mission, once I realized Sully not only didn't die, but was quite capable and had an infinite amount of ammo.
I think he was harkening more toward New Vegas companions on casual, if their health drops to zero they fall unconscious until the fighting is over then they wake up with full health.


New member
Sep 9, 2011
No mention of ResQ?? oh wait, it was never released. Probably the only Sega Genesis games that was all about escort missions NON STOP


New member
Oct 29, 2009
So I'm the only one who finds ICO's gameplay mechanics, erm... not so good? I know I was supposed to care for Yorda because she's this cute little innocent princess girl. But most of the time I was very very annoyed because the dumb ***** was so retarded that she could not even run away when the shadows were getting close, and her AI often had big problems with pathfinding (in PS3 version at least - haven't played PS2). So ultimately I never felt this big connection with her and was very very relieved when she finally bit the dust.
Don't get me wrong, I overall liked the game for its idea, art direction, characters and atmosphere but I honestly find that gameplay of ICO is mediocre at best. I think it would have been better off as an anime or a movie where the viewer does not have to struggle with a crappy AI.

As for good escort/helpful NPCs games - quite a few come to mind. Enslaved (escort), Uncharted, Prince of Persia 2008 (companions), God of War 3 (both).

fabrimuch said:
As of "supporting" NPCs, Farah, from Prince of Persia was also quite useful. Even when she threw arrows at me I wasn´t quite pissed at her. Alyx Vance, too.
You're kidding, right? I wanted to kill little miss I'll-just-stand-here-shooting-arrows-at-point-blank-range-instead-of-taking-two-fucking-steps-back-to-avoid-taking-damage.


New member
Nov 23, 2007
hermes200 said:
Or if you're leaning more towards NPC support, have them attack, but just don't let them die.
The problem with that idea, is that it leaves you open to let the NPC do all the work. Its what happened with Uncharted 3 in the final mission, once I realized Sully not only didn't die, but was quite capable and had an infinite amount of ammo.
Or just do what Mass Effect and Fallout:NV (non-hardcore) did, have it so they can be taken out of the fight, but once it's over they get back up.


New member
Apr 22, 2010
Classic WoW's escort missions would drive me nuts. You'd get some weak bastard who refused to move at more than a snail's pace, meander through some cave filled with orcs and other nasties, then suddenly find the strength/speed to SPRINT towards an enemy while screaming, "Help! I'm under attack!" I yearned so much for a Fireman's Carry skill when I had to do quests like that. Even if I couldn't use my weapon, I'd rather pitch that nuisance over my shoulder and make a bee-line for the exit rather than wait for them to get their heads on straight.

You definitely hit on my frustration with escort quests, too: Getting punished for something that's not your fault. When my escort suddenly runs head-long into danger and dies because of it, I find it so unfair that I have to start over because of that. Whose idea was it to program the lame duck to go into battle, anyway? If my character is there to rescue them, shouldn't they be waiting behind me whenever battle starts up?

But that's just my main complaint about escort missions in general, not just the ones I ran into in WoW.


New member
May 28, 2009
I loved Ico.

I think the game making mechanic was holding her hand. Whether dragging her out of frustration, tentatively exploring or wildly escaping from shadows, the simple act of pressing down a button to keep her with you made the connection to her more real.

And the light sabre on the second play through was hilarious. "Hold my hand! My sword will get really big!!"


New member
Jul 8, 2009
In a partially unrelated note.
I saw this yesterday:

Some dude on game informer has his non gamer dad play various games (funny stuff actually). On a short playtrough Portal first levels they call a weighted storage cube "Ashley".

Marik Bentusi

Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
rayen020 said:
UnrealCanine said:
Alyx from Half Life 2 had regenerating health, so fast she was almost immortal. Don't expect to sit back and let her do all the work though
yeah. I was thinking of alyx all through reading this article. However i think valve has proved on multiple occasions to be the exception that proves the rule. although i will admit alyx never really felt like an escort. more like a turret that i didn't need to carry with the gravity gun.
She was pretty much /my/ escort during the beginning of HL1 where ammo is scarce (on Hard at least) and you learn to rely on using your flashlight so she can unload her bottomless magazines.

All in all she was more of a partner than an escort really.

Susurrus said:
I thought a really interesting take was that in Metro 2033.
I actually thought that scene was too tame.
They did everything to take out the frustrating parts of an escort mission, but that took out so much of the escort mission that gameplay-wise you only noticed the heavier mouse control and got some... "advice"? I thought checking every nook and cranny was one of the first things Metro players learn, so by that part in the story they shouldn't need such a "tutorial" anymore (could've been nice as one of the first missions tho with the tutorial possibility in mind).
The kid wasn't even all that torn apart by his loss. I guess it's partly fault of the mute protagonist type (why they made him silent in gameplay but gave him a voiceover in the loading screens I have no idea), but the boy really took the initiative and overall seemed very unbelievable as a human character in my opinion.
Not to say the mission was terrible or something, it was just that it wasn't much of an escort mission.


I'd actually very much like for the Damsel In Distress stereotype I usually dislike to make a return in escort missions as long as the character is written well enough so we care for him/her. An escort mission loses its value if the ones you protect get too powerful and capable, but that's exactly what devs do to make it less frustrating. When really we just need a little bit of smarter AI so we get the feeling we're completely responsible for whether our friend dies or not and it's actually a challenge to protect them, not a matter of shooting bad guys until they shoot your VIP to death.

I think you don't even need NASA AI for that if you put control in the player's hands without making it obvious and without making it too easy.
For example, make the AI follow your path and execute the same actions as you at the same time as you did. Then you should have to only blame yourself. Press button once, path is being recorded. Press button again, old path is discarded and new path is recorded. Double tap button, path is executed by the NPC. Hold button, NPC will determine the closest route to your current position and follow it at your own risk. Hold button while NPC is next to you and they'll stick as closely as possible to you (while still mimicking all your actions like ducking behind cover). You lose this "auto-follow" the next time you use the button. Button + mouse click will make the NPC go to the position in your crosshair while auto-calculating the shortest route at your own risk again.
In battle, the NPC will stick to the closest bit of cover, but if there's no nearby cover they'll hide behind you and yell if they see someone behind your back. Once you move closer to cover, the NPC will favor that cover so they don't get in your way. Tho I guess you need some advanced AI to determine what is real cover and what's standing on the side of the wall the enemies are shooting at.


New member
Feb 26, 2010
And here I thought this was going to be a topic about the sex industry.

Ico was one of the few games where escort missions was done right. It was actually gratifying to protect Yorda because the game was built around being able to protect her. Ico is a nimble character capable of quickly reaching Yorda and fending off enemies when she is in trouble and when she is off screen, you could hear a cry for help and a change in music when she is in danger. It was not tacked on but rather well thought of and planned into the game.


New member
Jan 12, 2010
Kwil said:
rollerfox88 said:
I think the worst example of escort quest Ive had recently was on Skyrim, the guy from Kyraneths (?) temple that asks to come with you to the magic tree. If you attempt to walk there and not fast travel, he will die, no question. He will either go all macho on a dragon (this guy who gets up in arms about you hurting nature when you try harvesting sap from a tree) or decide to take a different path from you and slide down a cliff never to be seen again.

When the only way to succeed at an escort mission is to teleport to the end of the job, you have a bad escort mission...
The trick to that mission is to walk the path yourself first, using clairvoyance. This takes you along the same route dumbass will take, and lets you set off all the monsters that happen to be in range. Once you've done that, sprint/voice yourself back to him as fast as you can, and then sprint as much as you can back to the tree. This should get you back there before anything respawns.

Lvl 65.. haven't fast traveled yet.

OT: NPC support that doesn't die = Skyrim Housecarls = You go Fight those Deathlords while I admire the architecture, would you?
After the sixth time I had to reload to save his ass, I just let him die. I could no longer stand him (and I don't fast travel either).

Also, Housecarls CAN die. They usually don't because as soon as they're out of health, enemies immediately stop attacking them, but they're still vulnerable to area damage (spells etc.) My Lydia died against her first dragon, and I let her go without a tear, the annoying *****. Now I'm with Aela, the coolest character in the game. She's wife, companion, shopkeeper and quest giver at the same time, and she's a hell of an archer.


New member
Nov 10, 2009
Huh. On reviewing the qualities of an escort mission (weaker NPC, doesn't/can't really fight back, sometimes used as weighted object for puzzles), don't the Earth and Wind Temples from Wind Waker count? I'll admit, Makar seemed pretty annoying, particularly with getting kidnapped in cutscene mode, but the Earth Temple was genuinely enjoyable. Something about the way the puzzles were designed made Medli feel like a character you were working with, rather than a weight to make things tougher.


Aug 11, 2010
Well Skyrim's was clever enough to ensure your companion won't die... unless YOU kill them. I liked having a companion but some of them were a serious hinderance. I was a destruction magic user. I was from the start and for hours of questing with Lydia by my side. I'm more powerful than her and clearly she should let me lead the attack.

So why the f*** did she run in front of me in every f***ing engagement? Worse still, I'd deliberately see which side she was going for and attempt to move the other way so I had a clear shot at the enemey AND SHE'D MOVE AGAIN, DIRECTLY INTO THE PATH OF MY FIREBALL! Dead. And as I didn't want her dead I'd have to reload.

Now you could say "then don't bring her along?" Well, due to the clever gameplay design as Yahtzee pointed out in his review, of having low-level, easily killed enemies, then a brutual boss that can literally death trap you if you pick you save points wrong, I needed her to tank for me ...SOMETIMES... I don't know why they didn't include the Fallout 3/New Vegas method of giving them guidelines, like "passive (don't attack unless attacked, or I attack). And USE RANGED WEAPON PRIMARILY.

I've ditched Lydia for some orc lady who strangely has the sense to hang back a bit, and I've now reach the point where I can safely quest alone so will probably give her the heave-ho as well.


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Memorable Escorts:
1) Fallout 3: teen thrown out of a town populated by kids only. Get him to a grown up community.
2) Uncharted 2: had to help a wounded reporter
3) Does driving a tiger in Saints Row 3 count?

So far, I've really enjoyed such missions.


New member
Mar 28, 2009
There was that one escort mission in Just Cause 2 and it's just such a cliche escort mission. And that's probably why it's in there. You start on a mountain top. The whole army of the island in your back. Escorting a NPC with the same AI as the generic island inhabitants. And the whole thing with a freaking limousine. F*ck yeah! It's frustrating for the first two times you try, but it gets incredibly hilarious soon, jumping from cliffs with the limo, trying to drive through the jungle and getting crazy because your escort stays in the soon to explode car. I had fun.


New member
Oct 20, 2010
Worst Escort mission ever:
Trying to save a kind in Fable one.
With the most annoying voice you EVER HEARD.

Who runs right into every enemy and who dies very easy.
But the mechanics screwed you even worse:

If he dies: INSTANT RELOAD you cant just fail.
The game locks onto him and in the middle of a melee you cant be sure where he is.

It took me so many times to finish that quest.


New member
Jul 31, 2009
I'm not entirely sure where this fits but:

This looks like it's got the formula right so far. Liz helps out by giving you extra stuff if you need it and she can also be left for extended periods of time (like that whole skyline trip) and take care of herself (if you look really closely, you can see Liz kick a guy in the nuts).

She doesn't seem to get in the way and I think there's a real effort made here to try and make her seem like someone you want to care about and want to help, but also she seems like someone that you can feel sympathy for. I think I read somewhere that 2K knows that escort missions generally suck, so they've made an effort to try to rectify that, otherwise they probably wouldn't even include Liz in the game at all.


New member
Aug 3, 2010
The parts with Alyx in HL2 were escort missions. Except that SHE was escorting YOU. Alyx was the badass warrior babe who could take on Combine soldiers like nobody's business, and you're just a nerdy physicist with a crowbar.

In theory there's nothing wrong with adding in somebody to protect, as long as they don't act like a suicidal PCP addict. I don't know why game designers felt the need to have unarmed, unarmored morons charge face-first into combat.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
Based on your article, I thought of a more concise rule for companion design:

The companion should contribute to the game's objective.

Good support companions contribute to the game's objective by actively helping the player achieve the objective. They kill zombies, maybe give the player health, etc..

Good escort companions contribute to the game's objective by taking actions to aid in their own survival. They stay out of harm's way and do what they're told to do.

Note that escort companion being able to die does follow this rule. If the escort companion cannot be harmed, then there is no objective. Ergo, an escort companion being vulnerable contributes to the objective.

However, a support having game-ending death does not contribute to the objective, because then they become a burden, which is contradicts the rule.

The rule has other consequences that can bring about new gameplay.

With this, escort companions can be helpful as long as they don't put themselves in harm's way. For example, consider Amy. A better way of implementing Amy's support features would have been to have her give the player items and say she found them inside whatever place she was hiding. Or, she might mention she noticed something that may lead to a secret. This way, she's helpful while still contributing to the game's objective: keeping her alive.