Wow. This thread is incredibly depressing, Escapist community.
So many of us go on and on how Video games are a serious story telling medium (and they are), but when one company tries to show some romance that naturally leads to sex, 95% of you cry "its meaningless!" or "They're only doing it for publicity!"
Yeah, that's bullshit.
"They're doing it for publicity!" Um. No. Anyone paying attention to DA2 knows its being made by Bioware, and everyone who knows Bioware knows they do romance and they do sex. This isn't news to anyone. Though of course there's all those times that Bioware has mentioned sex or romance on the box or the blurbs on the back.. oh wait no, they've never ever advertised those features. Hell, even in their trailers they'll give possible romance about 5% of the trailer time, almost exactly like... every freakin' action movie with a romance subplot ever.
"It's meaningless to the story!" You mean its meaningless to the plot? Sure, your character sleeping with another has little change on the story at large, and why the hell should it? Relationships are PERSONAL and PRIVATE things that add to the individual characters, and help you make a connection with them. I can understand someone who only did them for the achievement or just felt like they SHOULD do it thinking that they're too anemic, but anyone who put effort into getting to know or care about the characters would think they're extremely well done. Sure, there are some weirdo's who can't get enough of certain characters because they play to their certain fetish, but most of Bioware's romances are damn well written, and add a lot to the individual characters.
Did anyone even do Zevran's romance? And I don't mean taking him up on the sex when he offers it, I meant got to know him as a character, and helped him deal with his issues and figure out who he was and what he wanted? Yeah, a romance you have to actually put effort and caring into, like a REAL ONE. Oh, and that only led to one of the most heartwarming moments in all of freakin' gaming history at the end. But yeah, I guess if some people want to minimize it down to "Oh you're the hero, why does everyone want to bone you?" They can just let their ignorance stand in the way of a good experience, what does it matter to me?
For shame, Escapists. Shame.