EVE Online Rolls Out New Noob-Friendly Edition

Undead Dragon King

Evil Spacefaring Mantis
Apr 25, 2008
I really don't have the guile to screw over people, and that's treally the only reason why I would play the game.

Therefore, I will not play this game.


New member
Sep 25, 2010
you get a special cerebral accelerator, just so that you can be identified for ridicule and contempt by the "real" eve online players.


New member
Nov 3, 2008
I've always been tempted to try the game but from knowing my experiences with other MMOs that gives players free reign on PVP, I would most likely get griefed a couple of times, say fck it and quit.
I think I'm just going to patiently wait for these guys to make the WoD MMO and hopefully get in on the ground floor of it.


New member
Jan 26, 2010
I like eve cause every little thing you do makes an impact. If you removed the crafting/gathering professions from any other MMO it doesnt make a difference. But remove the miners from EVE and the whole economy grinds to a hault. There would be no raw mats for blueprints or ice and fuel for player stations.


Dapper Fellow
Apr 21, 2010
It's nice that CCP is moving towards noob-friendly things. First they added in additional tutorial levels, now it's this pack.

I played EVE for a long while, and it was pretty fun. I got kind of tired of the "okay, now wait a few ages for your skill to train" stuff, but overall it's a fun game if you get into it.

And by the gods do people get into it. That's partially why I got out of it, because the idea that I could become like those people kept me awake at night. I like to keep my MMOs on the skin-deep level...

EDIT: And I have to say, the fact that I did that one @#$%@@%@#%@ (Fill in with your favorite curse) Rogue Drones quest more times than I care to admit. The worst part was that I was a long-ranged railguns kind of guy, so the fast-moving drones would wreck my shit every time. I could fit some close-ranged guns for minimal effect, but I really ended up having to shield tank and drone away...

You can't deny that it's a deep game, that's for sure.


New member
May 11, 2009
Eve Online had me for two months. In that time, I lost my ship to griefers 2 FRAKKING TIMES. And then, to add insult to injury, the last one posted a line about me on their clan webpage under "Victories." ME: A FUCKING 2-MONTH N00B! I have pretty thick griefing skin, but I dropped my account then and there.

If I wanted to pay someone to beat the crap out of me I'd go to a bondage dungeon, not an MMO. I don't give a shit what they do to make the game "easier for the first 30 days;" if they don't change the broken game mechanics and find a way to get the community either cleansed of the gaping goatse assholes or keep them in check, it's not going to make a bit of difference.

Also, and this is a nitpick since it's not much worse than other MMO's, but the writing blows. Especially when it comes to writing about the freaky corporate libertarian republic. Whoever does the writing for them doesn't understand how capitalism works (which is really weird since whoever designed the in-game economy seems to).


New member
Apr 12, 2008
thedailylunatic said:
Eve Online had me for two months. In that time, I lost my ship to griefers 2 FRAKKING TIMES. And then, to add insult to injury, the last one posted a line about me on their clan webpage under "Victories." ME: A FUCKING 2-MONTH N00B! I have pretty thick griefing skin, but I dropped my account then and there.

If I wanted to pay someone to beat the crap out of me I'd go to a bondage dungeon, not an MMO. I don't give a shit what they do to make the game "easier for the first 30 days;" if they don't change the broken game mechanics and find a way to get the community either cleansed of the gaping goatse assholes or keep them in check, it's not going to make a bit of difference.

Also, and this is a nitpick since it's not much worse than other MMO's, but the writing blows. Especially when it comes to writing about the freaky corporate libertarian republic. Whoever does the writing for them doesn't understand how capitalism works (which is really weird since whoever designed the in-game economy seems to).
You noticed it as well?


New member
Apr 5, 2010
EVE sounds way too much like real life. I need games that lower my stress level, not ones that make me worry whenever I break out my best stuff.


New member
May 16, 2010
stay in empire if you dont want to get blown up and if people warp into your mission and start to target you warp out :p.

but to get to the real meat of the game you have to join a pvp corp or better yet a 0.0 corp, yes the pve is bland for the most part cause it is supposed to be. everything in the game revolves around pvp from the econ to manufacturing, to scamming people out of their hard earned isk.

real game happens out of empire tho where territories are won and lost, where fortunes are won in chaos and blood and sweat.

mining is good for what it is a boring way to earn isk, but hell even when i started eve i would stick a miner 1 onto my t1 or t2 industrial with cargo expanders and park in a .9 system and just chew on rocks to earn money for my first cruiser and etc, usually while i watched a movie or cleaned the house, now days you got many more options to make money tho then when i first played eve o 5 years ago.

and hell eve o could be the ultimate space mmo given a few years if the devs ever get around to adding ambulation aka walking on stations, supposedly next year, and the real long term plans of planetary battles, tho atm that seems it will be a console tie in, but early dev blogs detailed being able to pilot mechs on the ground of planets and junk.

plus love it to hate it ccp never charges for expansions unlike other mmos, you pay your sub via cash or in game money and you get all the content for free. that alone puts ccp up in my book, yea their dev cycle takes ages, but lest they are not nickle and diming you 30 to 50 bucks for their latest expansion unlike wow, which lets face it has about ccps speed for major expansions and probably 10x their manpower. and yet you got to wait 2 to 3 years for the uber expansions and you got to pay for them to boot.


No One Is Special
Mar 9, 2010
Caradinist said:
I can't wait for the EVE Playerbase to act as if "newbie friendly" means the same thing as "desecrating this game".
Oh God yes. Wait and see what happens when the EvE playerbase identifies someone using one of these buffing devices. Theyll plan intricate raids into hi-sec systems JUST to kill, and pod you. And I dont see any minutia about the C.E. persisting through death.

Whiskey Echo!!


New member
Feb 5, 2010
thedailylunatic said:
Eve Online had me for two months. In that time, I lost my ship to griefers 2 FRAKKING TIMES. And then, to add insult to injury, the last one posted a line about me on their clan webpage under "Victories." ME: A FUCKING 2-MONTH N00B! I have pretty thick griefing skin, but I dropped my account then and there.

If I wanted to pay someone to beat the crap out of me I'd go to a bondage dungeon, not an MMO. I don't give a shit what they do to make the game "easier for the first 30 days;" if they don't change the broken game mechanics and find a way to get the community either cleansed of the gaping goatse assholes or keep them in check, it's not going to make a bit of difference.

Also, and this is a nitpick since it's not much worse than other MMO's, but the writing blows. Especially when it comes to writing about the freaky corporate libertarian republic. Whoever does the writing for them doesn't understand how capitalism works (which is really weird since whoever designed the in-game economy seems to).
And this is why I play EvE.
Where the carebear tears are most delicious.

You grief somebody in WoW, you know they lose practically nothing.
You grief somebody in EvE, it actually hurts!

Really, you'll be surprised the amount of griefing a two-month old player can do now adays, especially when supported by a more experienced gang. At two months, it could be YOU causing other people to quit the game.

Also unless they override some of the code, there are going to be alot of unhappy newbies.
They are the ones most likely to actually lose their pods.
An experienced player has a near 100% pod survival rate outside of 0.0.
Newbies... not so much.


New member
Apr 12, 2010
Good that they make it more noob frienldy but i arent going to start playing this. To busy playing Aion.

Booze Zombie

New member
Dec 8, 2007
"How do we help players get into our game?"

"Speed up their leveling process to the point that only their personal skill and intelligence matters?"



New member
Mar 1, 2010
Wel it's a nice move especially since CPP is recently working on more PvE oriented content as well just to give people more options to choose from, and of course there is still promise of Incarna aka Station Walking sometime..in the future...


New member
Oct 16, 2009
If this is implemented anything like that whole PLEX system, then all I'm seeing from this is a whole lot of stolen Cerebral Accelerators and a lot of sad, confused, former-owner-of-Cerebral-Accelerator newbies.


New member
Oct 29, 2009
Evilsanta said:
Good that they make it more noob frienldy but i arent going to start playing this. To busy playing Aion.
People are still playing Aion?!?! Last time i logged on my sever had damn near self destructed with the quitings. they fixed the Fort lag yet?

OT: hmm, almost makes me want to reload my account. almost. then again watching a Star Trek movie made me reload my STO account. . . the results where. . . disapointing.