EVE Online Rolls Out New Noob-Friendly Edition


Ep. VI: Return of the turret
May 7, 2009
CCP seems really desperate to get new players. Has anyone else been getting loads of emails from them trying to get a subscription out of you?

6unn3r said:
Given that after this "simple intro" players will still have to navigate 3000 pages of words and technical schematics (i refer you here: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation/208-Eve-Online) i fail to see how this influx of players will hang around long enough to make this new "noob friendly" version viable.
That doesn't matter. They'll still get thousands of new subscribers from this no matter how it's received. Anyway, they will have bought the game already by then, so CCP will have profited.


New member
May 9, 2009
This sounds more like the "Accelerated Alt Edition". I would love to see an accurate survey of just what percentage of the player base have two accounts or more. It would probably be a third of them at least.


New member
Aug 10, 2009
I tried Eve once, and all I can say is never again. You can count the number of colours used in the game on one hand, the music is boring, there is hardly anything to look at except a black background most of the time and you don't even need to play to level skills. That coupled with the fact there is no free movement just means that half the game plays itself.

Oh yeah, and its MORE expensive that other P2P MMO's.


New member
Jun 21, 2010
6unn3r said:
Given that after this "simple intro" players will still have to navigate 3000 pages of words and technical schematics (i refer you here: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation/208-Eve-Online) i fail to see how this influx of players will hang around long enough to make this new "noob friendly" version viable.

3 things
1). that graph magically goes back in time.
2). I personally would love to have more corpses to add to my collection
3). EVE isnt as hard as people think, all you really need is a level head and patience


New member
Jan 9, 2010
It's going to be interesting how the universe will be affected by DUST 514. Really interesting.


New member
Sep 17, 2007
I play eve. I got ganked moving out to null-sec and lost about 1 bill isk (cash for you noobs) in goodies. It was pretty brutal.

I love how free the game is. You can grind missions if you need to take orders from an NPC to have fun, sure. But Eve is the kind of game you make your own fun in. :) I spent my infancy learning how to be an industrialist and a miner. I did the occational mission, and that was all well and good. I played the market, it was cool. Then-THEN! I encountered a pirate. A player pirate, and he tricked me into violating CONCORD (police) Empire Law (rules governing pvp), and blew me up. Then I became obsessed with payback.

I trained combat skills, and got to the point where if I encountered him again, the fight would be MINE (or at least evenly matched)! Then I got hooked on deconstructing what he did to me, and how he did it. The ways of a pirate suddenly became so clear, and I became scourge of my home system! I utilized every trick in the book, and I claimed my share of ships. People came back ready for a fight and I either sent them packing, or saw that what they came back in was to much for whatever I was piloting.

(For eve players; my pride kill was dusting a Hulk while in a Rifter. The hulk had T2 drones too. I should have died.)

In eve, you make your own fun. The game lets to do just about anything. There's a governing set of laws (rules) in place in "Empire Space" that protect you against people just killing your ship and picking over the remains. But that doesn't mean they can't try, and take the hit with CONCORD. Eve is ruthless and unforgiving too. You can lose your shirt if you're not careful. Players can scam you out of every isk you own too if you're not careful, and it's not against the rules of the game. It's on YOU the player for not being wise to the scam in the first place.

(Example; You're in a popular trade hub like Dodixie, or more likely, Jita. Someone in local chat is advertising an advanced "Navy" Frigate for a good price; 50m isk, and you've got the cash to spare. Accepting to contract, you watch 500 million isk leave your wallet. "WTF!?" you scream at your monitor. Well that guy SAID "50,000,000 isk" in local. That's what he said. But the contract, if you paid more attention said "500,000,000" isk. Oldest trick in the book, and perfectly legit. No GM on staff will reimburse your lost isk.)


Better Red than Dead
Aug 5, 2009
Seems fun... I'll probably try it when I have won the lottery and no longer need to concern myself with such trivial things as paying rent or food or getting a job.


New member
Mar 28, 2010
so what's the subscription charge? last time I checked it was in U.S dollars and tbh that means nothing to me.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
mad825 said:
so what's the subscription charge? last time I checked it was in U.S dollars and tbh that means nothing to me.
What and you can't be arsed googling for a currency converter?


New member
Mar 28, 2010
Somethingfake said:
mad825 said:
so what's the subscription charge? last time I checked it was in U.S dollars and tbh that means nothing to me.
What and you can't be arsed googling for a currency converter?.
I cannot be arsed to rely on fluctuating prices plus charges.


New member
Jun 15, 2009
To be honest most new players tend to waste the first few months of skill training because they are not aware of the best skills and pick alot of random stuff.

Even if the booster was to double the training time (giving you 2 months worth of skills instead of 1) 2 months of skills in EVE still isn't that much, and without an alt or friend to bankroll you they'll probably find that they can't afford the things they have the skills for.

To be honest it seems little more than getting awareness of the game back onto the shelves in time for Incursion (http://www.eveonline.com/incursion/) and eventually Incarnia.

Oh well - if the boxes drop to below the monthly subscription price I may pick up a few so I get cheap game time instead :D


Reachin' out...
Mar 7, 2010
mad825 said:
Somethingfake said:
mad825 said:
so what's the subscription charge? last time I checked it was in U.S dollars and tbh that means nothing to me.
What and you can't be arsed googling for a currency converter?.
I cannot be arsed to rely on fluctuating prices plus charges.
One PLEX a month.


Better than Vash!
Oct 20, 2009
Spend your first month learning your stat skills. It helps to get some1 to give u the money to buy the tier2 stat skills too. when u get your Intelligence and Memory maxed then learn everything else.

You'll be a happy camper if u can get to at least lvl4 on all your t2 stats. What use to take 8 hours to learn now only take 2 and so forth. a god send when you are trying to get Battleship 5 (which took mee a month and half)

Cry Wolf

New member
Oct 13, 2010
Andy Chalk said:
?But the most important part of the package will be the Cerebral Accelerator, "a military-grade implant that significantly increases a new pilot's skill development." The implant provides a powerful boost to nearly all abilities, but only for the first 30 days of a pilot's life - just enough to help fledgling players get up to speed.?
As a guy who has played Eve for many years, while admittedly on an indefinite hiatus as of two-and-a-bit months ago, I like the idea of providing new players with a way to close the gap between older players at an accelerated rate, without providing a permanent advantage ? even if I know the more vocal part of the player base will decide this is making Eve ?softer and boring?.

I hope this brings in some new personality into a game that seems increasingly dominated by those purely there to act like douche bags (this is not about losing your pixel spaceship, rather than the rampant abuse and uncouth behavior of both the attacker and the victim. Yeah, I?m looking at you, guy who got ganked and is screaming to your assailant about how he is should fuck off and stop being a ******. Tasteless!) and whiny world-centers-around-me types.

deth2munkies said:
? The best way to get money is to sit around an asteroid for 6-8 hours until your cargohold fills, go back and post the resources, then rinse, wash, repeat.
Mining is the most boring and unrewarding activity I?ve ever attempted in a game. Luckily for the average player, it?s unnecessary. A lot of the building materials are brought in by loot, macro miners and in game money sellers. The last two types of people? Let them be bored I say!

deth2munkies said:
?You don't level up by fighting, you do it by WAITING. Sitting there and WAITING?
I always found this mechanic oddly appealing. As a student and a man with a, albeit fledgling, social life I don?t have the hours to put into an MMORPG to do the insanely boring grind nor the desire to do something other then what I want to do in a sand box game to acquire skills.

deth2munkies said:
?This game has 0 action, even battles have barely any control, you just activate weapons and do minor movements and you win or lose.?
This is true, but only if applied to the more boring of the PvE spectrums ? in particularly those available to high security space. The combat game in more demanding PvE environments and nearly all PvP engagements is much more interesting. All those boring numbers and seemingly insignificant movements become much more than what they seem superficially at this level.

PvP combat in Eve is still the only Video Game moment to give me a significant adrenalin rush, and one I repeated nearly every time I logged in. That said, to say it?s not for everyone is to say that some whales are big, and it easy to see why a lot of people will never find it enjoyable, no matter what changes CCP make to it.

deth2munkies said:
?Those "epic battles" and "schemes" are literally .2% of the game that only rear their heads after you've waited for months to level up your skills. It's an utter sham. Don't buy this and flee from any related product with all haste.?
Not so. Those schemes? They have next to nothing to do with a player?s skill points or e-fiscal status. The requirements for a scheme simply are a devious mind and determination to overcome whatever character stats are in your way. Sure, you?re unlikely to make it into the Escapist headlines first time up, but then most will never make it into the news.

The advertised gargantuan battles that are slightly-more-than-frequently the post child of Eve Online is a different story. Nearly all of them are orchestrated by huge alliances whose joining requirements are the equivalent to at least a month game time. That said, impressive battles are readily available to a (determined, again) new player easily up wards of twenty or thirty plus.

Big_H said:
See all that sounds awesome, and just reading that makes be want to run out and play the game (seriously. I almost went and started downloading the trial again after reading that). But all three times I've tried the free trial it's been like poking myself in the eye with a sharp stick. So whatever they put in that box, hopefully it will do something to make the early game interesting.
It?s available to new players, but you?ve really got to have a good head on your shoulders and determination. My favorite profession in Eve was piracy (a PvP centric route), and for the majority of that time I assisted in the training of new pirates, and most were only a few weeks to a few months old.

It?s worth noting though that the pickings are getting leaner and leaner to the more nefarious of us for a myriad of reasons that I don?t feel like discussing at the time of this post, though feel free to hit me up later if you want, but it?s still feasible and other options are available ? such as training initiative one of Eves top ranking mercenary outfits were offering,

?and now it?s really late. Maybe I?ll post more later.


Music Slave
Nov 4, 2009
Tempting? ... To spend 3 weeks work on something that can be taken out by a single enemy ... hrmmm nope still not tempting. I'm never going back to that exploiters paradise.


New member
Jul 1, 2010
Can't see the point myself. A month in, players who want instant gratification will still look in EVEMon or in-game and see that training a carrier or a battleship takes months, and quit.

EVE's design is very clever - there is no levelling up at all. People who ***** about the levelling up being weird haven't understood there isn't any at all. They're transferring usual MMO concepts over onto something that doesn't have many of them (other than grind, like any MMO that wants to last more than a week).

Instead there's a diminishing returns skill training that is totally independent of time played. That's right - a player who has played for four years still can't get any better at flying a frigate than a new player who trained said frigate skills as well. All that extra training time gave is extra options, new ships to fly, more modules to fit. Guess what players look for in recruits - it's not their glowing shoulderpads; it's what's between their ears. Player experience (the type inside the brain) is vastly more important than any of the digital equivalent in EVE.

As such, in my humble opinion, this is a very cheap move by CCP to try and drum up more alt accounts, because it will have little effect on really attracting and holding people who aren't already playing EVE.

If they wanted to be newbie-friendly, they should have just bitten the bullet, deleted the learning skills (yes that's right, spending a month training skills to learn other skills faster!!), and just increased base training time to match.

Other than that, EVE isn't going to ever be newbie-friendly in some ways. It's a cold harsh cruel world where you're not supposed to trust anyone, and where everyone else is out to get you. If that doesn't appeal, well, I refer people to the definition of a niche game... Of course, their documentation & tutorials could do with yet more overhauls. That aspect of being newbie-friendly is always ripe for polishing up.


New member
Dec 4, 2008
mad825 said:
Somethingfake said:
mad825 said:
so what's the subscription charge? last time I checked it was in U.S dollars and tbh that means nothing to me.
What and you can't be arsed googling for a currency converter?.
I cannot be arsed to rely on fluctuating prices plus charges.
its 14.99eros to you can blame Icelandic VAT for it