Ever Cheer For the Bad Guy?


Saviour In the Clockwork
Feb 2, 2010
I tend to sympathize with a lot of villains because, strangely enough, they are usually much more relatable, not to mention interesting, than the good guy. Like Ulquiorra from Bleach or Itachi from Naruto.
Also i tend to root for the psycho/monster in horror movies because most the characters in those movies are made look so stupid i usually end up wishing they'd be killed off...


This Title is Ironic
May 17, 2009
Hm... I used to root for Team Rocket from Pokemon when I watched the show many moons ago.

The humans in Avatar because the Na'vi were tree-hippy savages, and their name reminds me of Navi. And that Na'vi woman that the hero screwed had a very, very annoying cry. But the biggest reason I wanted the humans to win is so that the movie would fucking end already.

As many have said, I wanted Light to win. But I don't really see him as the bad guy... The bad guys are those trying to stop him from cleaning the world.

As much as I love Agent Smith, I can't say I was rooting for him as that would mean the destruction of humanity. Same goes for rooting for the Empire. Darth Vader is awesome, but the Empire seems to be some religious authoritarian death cult. I can't support that.


New member
Mar 14, 2010
Xiado said:
Fenreil said:
I root for the bad guy all the time. One of my biggest ones was the old Disney version of Hercules.
[ Also, your name is Herakles! Not Hercules!
Depends on whether you're reading the Greek or the Roman legend actually
Well, the disney movie was based on the Greek mythology, seeing as how there was a Zeus and not Jupiter and all that, so it should, in this case, be Herakles.


New member
May 27, 2008
Seraphic Star said:
oranger said:
KEFKA. burning the world has never been filled with such glee.

Batfeces insane? Nah, I don't see how can anyone cheer for that. I cheered for Kuja in FF9 and for Seymour in FF10, but Kefka just lacks the rational thought behind it. Sure, he's crazy, and some say it's because of his tragic past, but I do not approve poisoning a whole castle.
I'm sorry: I thought this was "cheering for awesome bad-guys I'd like to emulate one day", not "empathize with and/or wishing you could trade farmville sheep or something"
That being said, I like dseymore, he had some of the clearest dialogue in ff10 (nuanced, sure, but easy for me to understand...not like tidus IE when he FINALLY figures out what will happen to yuna at zanarkand...god what a mess those lines were)
And yes, one day, I will sit on a junk tower and burn you all with my light of judgement, AKA the "Doom Laser"


New member
Jan 7, 2008
Anton Chigurh from No Country for Old Men. He was a far more fascinating character to me than any of the others in that movie.


New member
May 27, 2008
Xojins said:
Anton Chigurh from No Country for Old Men. He was a far more fascinating character to me than any of the others in that movie.
was that his name? I'd forgotten...yeah, he was eye catching, like watching a snake about to strike.


New member
Sep 16, 2008
AidoruKami said:
jibjab963 said:
AidoruKami said:
jibjab963 said:
Yes I often do root for the bad guys. One example is in game called Gears of War. I root for the "Bad Guys" because there only defending there planet from who? Humans of course. There is no way around it that Humans are the bad guys. Wait, does that mean I am rooting for the good guys?
Um... you realize the Locusts are the ones invading the humans' planet, right?

Anyway, probably Sho Minamimoto from The World Ends With You. Not because I don't like the protagonists or anything like that, he's just too awesome to not like...
Really? I could of swore it was the other way around.
No, it's not... Take a look; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gears_of_War#Story

Oh yeah! Thought of another one... Bowser. I mean, does anyone really care if he kidnaps Peach any more?

Also, I saw someone mention Organization XIII. That's a good one.
Look at the first sentence of that. It says the planet Sera and last I checked we lived on Earth.


Dib dib dib, dob dob dob.
May 25, 2009
The Galactic Empire in Episode VI, how I wanted to see those small ewoks burn, ever so much.


New member
Jun 10, 2010
jibjab963 said:
Look at the first sentence of that. It says the planet Sera and last I checked we lived on Earth.
Last I checked, Gears of War was a video game, not reality. XD I'm a pretty big Gears fan. The humans lived on Sera before they knew about the Locusts.


New member
Jun 28, 2009
Nobody here has probably even heard of this book, but, Akeela the Good / Mad from 'The Eyes of God', by John Marco.

I felt Akeela's need for revenge on Lukien was 100% justified.

I mean, damn, his so-called best friend Lukien screwed, then murdered, Akeela's wife.

The fact that the murdering part was an accident doesn't by any means make the whole thing 'okay'.

But alas, since Akeela couldn't get his revenge because you can't kill the main character.

Ho hum.


Elite Member
Jun 10, 2009
Personally I always cheered for the bad guy on Law and Order.
First of all: Since their fictional, it doesn't matter what they did, it never happened.
Second of all: Law enforcement on those shows is so dickish, beyond the point of realism. Seriously, if more DA's talked like that, I'd go on a mad DA face-punching spree. I get tired of writers that put their shallow political cartharis above quality writing and characterization.
Ugh, populism...


New member
Jan 4, 2010
I root for the bad guy almost as often as the good guy simply because the modern good is usually a douche, but also becuase (this mainly applies to televison series) it makes it more thrilling if there is actually a chance that the bad guy wins. There is the occasional time though when I hope the bad guy wins because of a motivation he has. I remember hoping that Mr. Freeze would win so he could safe his wife was the first time this ever happened though.