Ever feel sorry for the enemies you've killed in a game?


New member
Apr 26, 2011
most of the ppl i killed is deus ex, most of them probably where only doing there job. even though it was for an bad orginasation, for all i know they didn't know they where the baddies


New member
Dec 28, 2010
Not really killing but I feel awful when I defeat the turrets in Portal D:


New member
Nov 1, 2007
As a Dynasty Warriors player, I generally don't feel bad about mowing down hundreds of enemies. However, the tiny segments in Metal Gear Solid 3 and 4 which show a nicer side to the enemy soldiers (the Russian troops evacuating the burning Groznyj Grad Weapons Lab, and the Haven Trooper comforting her comrade on the dinghy at the end of Act 5) made me glad that I'd completed the game without killing anybody.


New member
Sep 12, 2011
The letters in Velvet Assassin were good, and the torture rooms even better. I started off apprehensive and ended sadistic, and recognised through that both impulsions were flawed.


New member
May 8, 2011
There was this point in Batman: Arkham Asylum, where I had Dectective Mode turned on so I would get surprised by any psychos. It got to the point where I unintentially went out of my way to take a psycho out in a bathroom, and when I did, my dectective mode switched off, and there I was: Rightous Batman, standing on top of an unconsious psycho that I didn't even need to beat up - chilling stuff.


New member
May 29, 2011
I felt a little sad about having to commit genocide on the locust in gow3. I mean they evolved on the planet same as the humans and only attacked as it was their only choice. Sure the humans had to defend themselves but wholesale genocide? Mira was right.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Use_Imagination_here said:
JesterRaiin said:
Use_Imagination_here said:
I mean yeah they allways attack you but you're the fucking batman, they must be scared for their lifes.
Boo-hoo. Should've stay at home. :)
This is their home. I could leave at any time, they're trapped here.
And that's why Jack Thompson started his crusade. :|
Man, if you're so fragile you shouldn't play such games and that's all.


Senior Member
Jan 25, 2008
Commissar Sae said:
Strangely feel sorry for some of the guys I kill in Alpha protocol as well, maybe it has to do with the ORPHAN COUNTER they so nicely put in the game to remind you of all the fatherless children you've now created.
Heh. I didn't kill a single enemy in Alpha Protocol (used stealth, martial arts, and tranquilizer rounds) but still felt somewhat bad about the medical bill tally for their injuries that showed up in the statistics screen. Genius game.


New member
Sep 8, 2009
Any of the soldiers from Metal Gear Solid. Even though they are the "bad guys" I still feel bad when I kill them. Like, they are in the wrong place at the wrong time. Also they have such character in the game its like killing one of the supporting characters. And the fact that you can go through the game without killing anyone makes it even more sad when I kill one.

The saddest thing that happened was that I was playing through MGS3 without killing any of them and I tranqualised a guard who was on a pier. He fell into the water and drowned. I felt so bad about that. Then I raged and had to reload.


New member
Jan 21, 2010
Not all the time. Most games make the enemy look like a monster (not counting those who are acutally monsters in appearance). If the enemy has a shred of humanity in them, the designers are forced to put devil horns on them or have them shoot babies every 2 minutes.

Its how war is fought. You aren't made to think about the solider you are fighting, who is in the same boat as you and would rather live in peace... you are made to think of them as horrible monsters who must be killed. That is why in most games, the enemy is doing something 'evil', like killing unarmed civilains.

There is one time where I was given pause. CoD World at War, when some Germans are trying to surrender. I couldn't shoot them... but then I watched as they experienced a slow, painful death.


New member
Apr 27, 2009
For the most part, no. But, then again, even as a gamer, I'm a cold hard bastard; especially so since I actually care about the AI like they're people (Assuming the AI is any good. APB's civvies can get plowed down by dump trucks as much as they want and I still won't give a shit, regardless of if I'm an Enforcer or not.). I generally feel bad when: I kill an enemy (Assuming here that they're human) in a way that is especially painful and/or traumatic (Forced drowning, burning them alive, etc.); I'm playing like a douchebag and killing the "good guys" (Here in quotes because I wouldn't call either force in the GTA games the good guys.) (Police, military, etc.); or if the dialogue makes me feel like a complete monster for killing someone (Cite the post on the first page(?) of this thread about shooting that random married guy in GTA IV.).

Edit: Proof of how I am a cold bastard:
I made it a personal contest to kill more civvies in No Russian than anyone else. I won.
I sided with the Legion in Fallout: New Vegas.
I still like killing it with fire. Guilty pleasure.

Proof that I actually care:
I make it a personal vendetta to save as many civilians and teammates from death as possible, even if the civvies serve no in-game purpose, and my teammates are complete shit.
I hate it whenever bystanders get killed in a firefight that didn't include them (Wrong place, wrong time. Sorry, pal...).
I let out a big no whenever a supporting character dies, even if it had nothing to do with my actions/lack thereof, and even if they aren't particularly interesting. (Does not include story-based deaths. I mean in-game. If it's in the story, then it matters to me only if I liked them; ain't my fault, can't do anything about it, tough shit. Still try, though...)


The leading man, who else?
Aug 23, 2009
The Hero Killer said:
GundamSentinel said:
For generic mook enemies? No, never.

Some of the bosses on the other hand, like The Boss in MGS3, or some of the Colossi from Shadow of the Colossus or Maiden Astraea from Demon's Souls.
I feel bad for whoever that is getting torn apart in your avatar. What gundam series is that from?
Gundam Unicorn. OVA series based on a manga. The fourth episode will be released November 12.


New member
Nov 19, 2010
Lilani said:
I sort of feel bad whenever I set the zombies on fire in HL2. The way they just scream in agony until they drop dead...it's chilling. I only feel that way about the regular zombies, though. The zombines and the hellish things that run really fast can burn in hell for all I care.
Until you realise that the fast zombies are screaming in pain and the Zombines are radioing their comrades to warn them of the danger.

Metro 2033 was big on that for me. I've been trying a pacifist run, and not doing too badly. Except to do a pacifist run, you abandon three prisoners to die.

Mass Effect 2 as a Renegade had elements of this. Sure, you're not killing anyone worthy of sympathy. But on a number of occasions, you either guide people to their deaths, or in one case leave a wounded Salarian to die on the ground, despite the fact that it would not have inconvenienced you one bit to help him, and you spent just as much time mocking him as you would have saving him. I did manage to not hug Tali on that playthrough, and even that wasn't as horrible as leaving that Salarian. I guess that the Salarian just destroyed my soul already.

Loud Hawk

New member
Jun 8, 2009
Battlefield 3: The Paris level, you shoot the cops that are just trying to stop the terrorists from killing more people. :(


New member
Nov 6, 2010
Common mook enemies? Nah, fuck them. They're a dime a dozen, they really are.

Certain bosses make me kind of feel bad about killing them. Can't think of any right now, except Lord Lucien from Fable 2

Sure he was evil, but he had somewhat understandable motives, even if he did go overboard with it and got drunk with power. Lucien only does what he does, at the beginning of it all, to find some way to bring his wife and his daughter back after their tragic and untimely deaths.

That I can understand perfectly. Sure his first real appearance does end with him killing a child and injuring another, but I still kind of feel for the guy. It's just a shame he goes from "bringing back my family" to "killing the world and making it how I want it to be."

But I guess when you have access to ancient, limitless magical powers you're bound to go a bit crazy.


New member
Jul 26, 2009
Better spoiler this one..

In Battlefield 3 when
you have to shoot Captain Cole, seems very unnecessary when Dima has dropped his weapon and raised his hands. The whole situation could have been explained to Cole if Blackburn has just spoken up instead of standing there. However Cole has to act like a dick with no aim and shoot both of you for some reason, preventing any realistic outcome


The Furry Gamer
Jun 29, 2010
The Mercenaries in DEus Ex HR: i liked them they may have been misunderstood but they were just doing there jobs
[insert Country here] Enemies: There just fighting for what they think is right. Thats what war is 2 people fighting for someone else
Zambies: Nah not really