Ever feel sorry for the enemies you've killed in a game?

Gunner 51

New member
Jun 21, 2009
Gunther Hermann and Anna Navarre.

These two were such well written and acted characters. After all, they were my instructors at UNATCO who would look after me like older siblings. Hearing their conversations and reading their e-mails fleshed out their characters to no end.

Especially reading Gunther's fears on how augmented people were soon becoming anachronistic and obsolete and how he'd be on the scrap heap of life if nanotech agents were soon to be the status quo.

Or even knowing that he really, really admired Anna Navarre but never had the courage to formally ask her out on a date. (Let's face it, they would have been a nice couple, too.)

But as the game progressed and JC turns against the corrupt head of UNATCO and it's shadowy cabalistic masters. Killing Anna was a bit of a heartbreak because deep down Gunther wasn't going to be happy about it.

Later when you reach the Cathedral and you read more about Gunther, you realise that Anna's death had completely destroyed him mentally. To the point where he simply lost his marbles and became nearly entirely mechanical - perhaps due to his desire for revenge, but probably because he just didn't want to feel anything any more.


New member
Oct 4, 2011
Definately the "No Russian" Mission in COD MW2. Just shooting innocent people that are running for their lives....


New member
Feb 9, 2011
joe-h2o said:
I think all the "normal" crims are hiding away - remember the Joker's selection process for new thugs in Dark Knight was a fight to the death. I don't feel bad about pounding those guys with Batman's righteous fists.

There were some fights in WoW where I was sad for my enemy, but that was down to the story - either former "good" characters, or otherwise corrupted beings.

There were some truly moving story lines in the plethora of quests in WoW - some large scale, some tiny and tucked away. Anyone who did that quest for the mourning Night Elf who was on the pier in Auberdine knows what I mean (the first town you come to on the mainland after leaving the Night Elf starting 'island' [giant tree]).
Also the quest with the mourning Night Elf who was on the pier in a tucked away corner of Azuremyst Island.


New member
Feb 24, 2008
GTA IV had a couple of good ones: the guy you'd spent the whole game hunting (if you chose to kill him), and that Korean imigrant whom you had helped bring into the States in the first place (he even makes frantic mention of this as you're zeroing in for the kill).

There was also the matter of a certain surprise antagonist at the end of the WWII flashback in Black Ops. I wondered if it wasn't a Take That to Infinity Ward for having the Americans act like numpties in the Modern Warfare games.

(edited for spelling)


The Shadow Premier
Dec 16, 2008
There was a miniboss fight in bayonetta. one of those big angel things was looking at the litle girl and you can see it liked her and wanted to protect her. then comes bayonetta with big hair boots and stuff to send the angel to hell. just before it gets sucked into the hole you can see it trying to stay with the little girl.

always hated them for making me do that.


New member
Jul 29, 2011
I don't generally feel bad for enemies but for the specific characters that I like and end up getting killed, like my legion in ME2, and other's who'd died but I can't say as they're spoilers.
Feb 26, 2011
I know they don't count as enemies, but shoving my fist through the chest of a random bystander in Prototype so I could absorb their health always makes me feel a little bad...

Colin Murrant

New member
Aug 30, 2010
I tried to beat MGS3 without killing any enemies. I almost succeeded, with the exception of 'The Pain', and a random soldier whose throat I accidentally slit while testing out the CQC holds. When it came time to face 'The Sorrow', I paid no attention to The Pain (That guy's a dick) but actually felt sorry for the lone ghost soldier I passed.


There was a neat little indy game a few years ago. It was a puzzle platform where instead of weapons, you could take control of armed enemy guards, which opened up a number of options: You could read your host's thoughts; You could temporarily stun other enemies or outright kill them; And when you released control you had the option of letting the host live or making them explode. At the end of the game, the credits would include the name, face, and a few facts about every guard that you killed.


New member
Dec 31, 2010
Yeah the I did occasionally feel a little sorry for the inmates in Arkham Asylum/City, just cuz they sound so damn scared and miserable.

I sometimes feel bad about killing Grunts in Halo, because they're so small weak and they seem like they're being abused and forced into fighting for the Covenant. I ALWAYS feel bad when I kill an Engineer because I KNOW they're being forced to do it.

After sneaking about on rooftops in Assassin's Creed, killing guards without their noticing over and over, I kind of start to feel bad for them. Sure, they shoot first ask questions later at the first sign of anybody on the rooftops, but I still can't help wondering if they're leaving a family behind. There's always a thought in the back of my head that's sad because these guys have to die just because they're working for the jerk I'm currently trying to murder, and they're probably only doing it because it was the only/best paying job they could get.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Use_Imagination_here said:
JesterRaiin said:
Use_Imagination_here said:
JesterRaiin said:
Use_Imagination_here said:
I mean yeah they allways attack you but you're the fucking batman, they must be scared for their lifes.
Boo-hoo. Should've stay at home. :)
This is their home. I could leave at any time, they're trapped here.
And that's why Jack Thompson started his crusade. :|
Man, if you're so fragile you shouldn't play such games and that's all.
When I say I felt sorry for them, I mean I slightly pitied them while I was beating them up. And than I proceeded to beat them up some more. I don't fully understand how getting slightly emotionally involved in a games world makes me fragile.
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh, look buddy... Sole purpose of those morons is being there, for you to kick their sorry asses. It's not that they return home and say "That was really hard night, everything was ok then Batman arrived and f*cked us Chris Benoit's style". I'd understand some sort of sympathy for Sims, but not for generic villains that simply cease to exist seconds after you leave their room. :)

We live in hard, cruel reality. No, really. Considering pixels as more than they are is a sign of weakness in my book. And straight path to world polluted by people that consider games anything more than fun. But that's just me. :)


New member
Feb 5, 2009
I felt bad killing some of the psychos in the Dead Rising games, just because some of them had just gone loopy from seeing their families killed and aren't all necessarily murderous before the story is set into motion.


New member
Nov 6, 2010
I kind of felt bad for killing Saren. Both ways, either just gunning him down or talking him into killing himself. Probably felt worse about the suicide, since at that point he wasn't outwardly attacking you, so you are essentially just bullying a brainwashed man into ending his own life.

Seriously, I liked Saren!


New member
Jan 11, 2009
ReservoirAngel said:
I kind of felt bad for killing Saren. Both ways, either just gunning him down or talking him into killing himself. Probably felt worse about the suicide, since at that point he wasn't outwardly attacking you, so you are essentially just bullying a brainwashed man into ending his own life.

Seriously, I liked Saren!
Me too, though the paragon persuade was less "kill yourself" and more "join me and stop Sovereign" with Saren making the choice to shoot himself because he can't go against the indoctrination. Or did I just remember that entire scene wrong?

I generally go for pacifist/limited combat runs if I possible, I guess it's due to my nature in real life. However I rarely feel bad when I DO decide to kill, except for a handful of circumstances I can't really remember.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, I've been angry enough to want a game character dead I think once? Dahlia Hawthorne from Phoenix Wright. I needn't say more.


New member
Nov 6, 2010
J-meMalone said:
ReservoirAngel said:
I kind of felt bad for killing Saren. Both ways, either just gunning him down or talking him into killing himself. Probably felt worse about the suicide, since at that point he wasn't outwardly attacking you, so you are essentially just bullying a brainwashed man into ending his own life.

Seriously, I liked Saren!
Me too, though the paragon persuade was less "kill yourself" and more "join me and stop Sovereign" with Saren making the choice to shoot himself because he can't go against the indoctrination. Or did I just remember that entire scene wrong?
I never experienced the paragon version of events, since paragon Shepard pissed me off to no end. So I just went with Renegade and Shepard... yeah, he talks a mentally-damaged man into shooting himself through the brain!


Smug Platypus
Dec 19, 2008
Actually, just now. I'm playing Cursed Crusade, which follows the events of the Fourth Crusade. The second chapter has the Crusaders attacking the Croatian town of Zara (called Zadar today), which did actually occur (Venice demanded they sack Zara to pay for transport to the Holy Land). This was quite a dick move by the Crusaders because Zara (and Croatia in general) were Catholics and had no bone to pick with the Crusaders.

Now, all of that would be OK if I wasn't Croatian myself. But I am, and I do feel slightly uneasy about hearing a dude scream "For Croatia!!!" just before I stab him through the eye (the finishing moves in the game are pretty cool)...

For once I'm glad that the devs didn't go the extra mile and use authentic language. That would just put it too deep into the "wierd" area. Also, I can distance myself from it a bit since Croatians (and other local nations) use a different word for their country (Hrvatska), kinda like how Germans call their country Deutschland. This makes it seem like it's just some dudes pretending to be Croatian.


New member
Aug 17, 2009
a grunt from Golden eye who said that he wanted to go open a store once he got paid.


Senior Member
Aug 7, 2011
Lilani said:
I sort of feel bad whenever I set the zombies on fire in HL2. The way they just scream in agony until they drop dead...it's chilling. I only feel that way about the regular zombies, though. The zombines and the hellish things that run really fast can burn in hell for all I care.

You should feel bad about the slow ones. Play their voices backwards. OH GOD OH GOD HELP ME AAAAAHHH!