Ever Watched A TV Episode That Pissed You Off So Much You Quit Watching The Series?

King Billi

New member
Jul 11, 2012
launchpadmcqwak said:
lemby117 said:
Eddie the head said:
Well not TV and, I was never much of a fan of the show but Extra Credits did some episode called "God Dose not play Dice." I was never much of a fan anyway, but way to kill any interest.
Really? What was your issue with the episode? I thought it was well done

OT I watch the big picture and escape to the movies a lot less now after the ME3 debate, (Though the Jimquisition improving massively probably helped as well)
uhh...what does escape to the movies have to do with ME3?
Bob did address the Mass Effect 3 issue on The Big Picture and I guess because of that we can't trust anything the man says now..?

Seriously though if I forced myself to disregard the opinion of everyone just for saying something stupid on the internet I wouldn't be able to listen to anybody anymore... including myself.


New member
Nov 21, 2012
Chuck: Chuck Versus The Ring, the S2 finale. Way to toss the entire premise of a show down the toilet, guys.

Glee: One episode. I wanted to love it, and laugh at it, and make fun of the rampant abuse of tropes... and then Lea Michele opened her mouth. And I had to leave the room before I threw a boot through my TV.


Desdinova's Successor
Feb 3, 2009
The first episode of season 4 of "Being Human" (the UK version). You don't kill off three fourths of the main cast all at once! You just don't do that! If you're going to kill people off in order to introduce new characters, fine. But do it gradually so that the audience has time to get to know and like the new guys (admittedly, one of the replacements was already a recurring character, but his character arc had already been pretty definitively wrapped up by that point).
WARNING: Huge spoilers ahead...
As for Mitchell being killed off at the end of season 3, it really worked there, since it was the conclusion to a character arc that had been building for a long time, and it was a satisfyingly dramatic moment.
But then Nina was killed off off-screen, between seasons. And so was Windham, who had been heavily hinted to be the next Big Bad. Doing something like that is a huge mistake on its own, but it can be forgiven if the following events are done well.
Then at the conclusion of the episode, George basically kills himself in the process of saving his infant daughter. While George was my favorite character on the show and I'd rather he lived, the way he died made sense based on information the show had already provided, and it was done in a suitably dramatic manner. But killing every single main character besides Annie over the course of just two episodes? All of this together just ruined the show for me.
It's a real shame too, because the events of this episode were pointing to a really interesting arc, but I just can't bring myself to watch any more. And until this point, "Being Human" was absolutely fantastic, as proven with the episode that introduced Adam: when you can introduce a character and make me loathe him, but then turn things around and have me care about and sympathize with him, all within the space of one episode, it's hard to get much better.


New member
Jan 30, 2012
Hmm... I'm not sure if there's ever a specific episode that I decided to just stop watching a show. Usually what happens is I just find myself drifting away from a show and before I know it, it's been months or years since I've last seen it. For example, back during my big Anime days, I was really into Inuyasha (yeah yeah I know) but as the show when on, I found myself growing bored of it and eventually I just stopped watching it. I don't even remember the last episode I watched.

I guess the one show that does come to mind is House.

It was the episode where Kutner committed suicide. And before anyone says anything, yes I do know the reason that happened was because the actor abruptly quit but that doesn't mean I still can't hate how it was written. Since that episode I never could get back into House and soon stopped watching.


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
The beginning of season 2 of MLP I noticed a big difference in the writing and just lost interest afterwards. I looked at several other episodes after but they were know different.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
Eddie the head said:
lemby117 said:
Eddie the head said:
Well not TV and, I was never much of a fan of the show but Extra Credits did some episode called "God Dose not play Dice." I was never much of a fan anyway, but way to kill any interest.
Really? What was your issue with the episode? I thought it was well done
They didn't admit to fault when they where clearly at fault, and made a pretentious video talking down to people for not "getting science." It wasn't a fucking scientific debate it was an English debate. Faith has a heavy religious connotation attached to the word. So to call Science faith is to say science is a region, and it's not.

The whole episode was basically just a big straw man. Science doesn't have faith because the denotation doesn't fit, no it fits fine. It doesn't require faith because the connotation doesn't fit.
I hate to butt in, but you misunderstood the episode and what they were trying to say. Connotation does not discredit definition. Faith goes beyond religion and is related more to the idea of belief. For example, you have faith in your perception; you have faith that your friends like you; you have faith that things that you cannot see still exist; you have faith that modern science is valid. By this definition, everything requires faith, even science. Science is always changing and always being disproven. Its continual adaptability is what makes it unique, but the theories still need faith. That's what Extra Credits was trying to say.

Also, you misused the term "straw man". If anything, you're the one applying the term by claiming your narrow and misleading definition of the word "faith" as the only one. On top of that, "So to call Science faith is to say science is a region, and it's not," is a huge fallacy.



New member
Mar 26, 2012
Yep. Scrubs.

Dr. Cox spent the entire episode trying to figure out how to tell his friend that the friend's son most likely had Aspergers syndrome. I stopped watching that day. As someone with Aspergers, I am legitimately offended by the insinuation that this was, in any way, bad news. Hell, I'd have thrown the kid a fucking shower.

"Woo-hoo, you get to spend your entire life being better than everyone else, percieving patterns they miss, and seeing them all as sluggish and dull-witted by comparison! Rock on!"

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
tippy2k2 said:
(Bob being the most obvious example).
To be fair, with the guy they got to play Bob, he could have been turned into a cyborg caveman hooker and I would have been okay with it.


Music Slave
Nov 4, 2009
AperioContra said:
The Big Bang Theory. Hard to pick a specific moment, but probably the costume party episode where everybody comes in dressed like the Flash. It didn't piss me off, but it was a bit of an epiphany for me. It was almost like the writers knew what nerds were... they possibly even have seen a couple in the street, but they don't quite understand what makes them work. It's really poking fun at nerds from an outside standpoint than actually being a nerd comedy and that unsettles me.
I ran into the exact same thing with Big Bang Theory. It was definitely not made by people who lived the lifestyle. I have since found "The IT Crowd" from the BBC. It does a much better job of it.


New member
Nov 29, 2008
Since MLP keeps coming up, season 3 finale broke the illusion that it's not barbie princess girly, & it had 30 minutes of awful pop music.


Jack of No Trades
May 16, 2008
Zhukov said:
Uh... kinda.

The final episode of Battlestar Galactica. The whole Kara Thrace thing hit peak stupidity and the epilogue was downright painful.

Thing is, it was the last episode, so it was a bit late for me to quit watching.
yeah, lots of series peter out at the end. Battlestar Galactica certainly did, and LOST did big time.. but by that point, it's too late.

I was actually quite excited leading up to the ending of LOST, I just didn't see that particular twist coming and it just seemed so stupid.


Elite Member
Nov 29, 2009
King Billi said:
launchpadmcqwak said:
lemby117 said:
Eddie the head said:
Well not TV and, I was never much of a fan of the show but Extra Credits did some episode called "God Dose not play Dice." I was never much of a fan anyway, but way to kill any interest.
Really? What was your issue with the episode? I thought it was well done

OT I watch the big picture and escape to the movies a lot less now after the ME3 debate, (Though the Jimquisition improving massively probably helped as well)
uhh...what does escape to the movies have to do with ME3?
Bob did address the Mass Effect 3 issue on The Big Picture and I guess because of that we can't trust anything the man says now..?

Seriously though if I forced myself to disregard the opinion of everyone just for saying something stupid on the internet I wouldn't be able to listen to anybody anymore... including myself.

Oh I never listen to what I have to say, since I found that not only do I mostly tell random nonsense, no I am also unbearably unfunny at times.
Also it makes life just so much easier.


New member
Nov 29, 2008
Witty Name Here said:
King Billi said:

I can't pinpoint a specific episode but the transiton from me thinking it was actually a quite interesting cool show to absolutely loathing the very core of it's being was so abrupt that I'm actually quite amazed by it.
For me it was when they brought back Sylar. Honestly, the whole "Heel Face Revolving Door" thing and the fact he stole the spotlight from other potential villains is... Very annoying.

Anyways, for shows all about technology solving crimes, most shows like CSI and NCIS don't seem to know much about tech.



Perhaps the episode that killed CSI: Miami for me was the notorious "video game" episode... Just because it was so downright stupid that I felt like punching the writers in the face. Essentially, there was a brutal bank robbery, lots of people were killed... And one of the gunmen dropped some sort of "counter".

The gunmen's motivation? They were playing some "grand theft auto" rip off and got bored so they decided to shoot up a bank. Why did they have counters on them? Because they were using that to track the amount of "points" they were getting from killing cops. The worst part is they were treating it like the video game is the "real" culprit. The person who made the game was portrayed as some asshole who refused to give them any info because of what amounts to "I don't want to spoil the game", and they had this incredibly ham fisted speech from one of the detectives saying "I know this game, used to play it too... But then I had to stop all these violent video games, they were gettin' to real".

It was incredibly INCREDIBLY offensive, in my opinion. Someone shoots up a bank? Oh it's not because of mental health issues, greed, or anything like that, it's because they played a video game and thought it would be fun!
One of the Law & Order series did the exact same thing....Very insulting scapegoating.

Froggy Slayer

New member
Jul 13, 2012
Johny_X2 said:

namely the episode when they traveled so far into the future that the time ended and a new universe started. it wasn't the same universe. the other characters weren't the same people. the original Leela had died alone and miserable billions of years ago. and no one seems to acknowledge that fact.
i may be reading too much into it but I couldn't get past that knowledge.
I could get past that episode, but only by ignoring it in my headcanon. I did spend about a week afterwards grappling with the fact, and found the implications deeply disturbing.


New member
Jul 6, 2010
Eddie the head said:
So to call Science faith is to say science is a region, and it's not.
Mmmmm, I think it's your misunderstanding that was the problem there. Faith is not strictly a religious word, just like rape is not strictly sexual, and parties are not strictly fun. Just because people mostly use it one way doesn't make that the word's only use.

Faith simply means to believe something without having absolutely all of the evidence, and science works on that principle because we've never had, and may never have, completely complete evidence for just about anything, but we have to accept what little evidence is acquired to build on and move forward.

I think people were just being obtuse to spark religious debate, because internet.

OT: Has anyone mentioned The Simpsons? I bet someone has. For me, the episode with Kid Rock.


I forgot what this was before...
Jul 10, 2009
Hagi said:
Most Anime I (try) watching.

Usually around the second or third episode, when it becomes clear the series has absolutely no interest in telling an actual story or present actual characters but is simply ticking off stereotypes.
Yeah this basically.
Mid season Durarara with those crappy plot twist and the end of desert punk as well. I'll add When they cry because repeating the story with the characters changing different psychopathic angles didn't interest me anymore for the second time.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
launchpadmcqwak said:
lemby117 said:
Eddie the head said:
Well not TV and, I was never much of a fan of the show but Extra Credits did some episode called "God Dose not play Dice." I was never much of a fan anyway, but way to kill any interest.
Really? What was your issue with the episode? I thought it was well done

OT I watch the big picture and escape to the movies a lot less now after the ME3 debate, (Though the Jimquisition improving massively probably helped as well)
uhh...what does escape to the movies have to do with ME3?
Basically I take bob's views with a lot more salt now after ME3 and a couple of film reviews that I ended up disagreeing with after seeing the movie


New member
Jun 16, 2010
Tiamattt said:
NameIsRobertPaulson said:
First episode of Gundam SEED Destiny. Took every bit of character development from SEED and blew it out an airlock. Complete trash.

Reusing the plot wasn't as bad, but still awful.
You sir are either lucky, a genius, or both. :)

Mainly because the series only get worse from there. Least in the beginning there was potential for it to get better, but instead they just kept finding new ways to keep going downhill. There was some cool moments but overall you saved yourself a lot of frustration. Nice job. :D

Although if you liked Seed's music check out the Destiny's OST(easily found on youtube), at the very least they still had some great songs there.
gotta say i disagree, when they bring back the original cast and heros the show got so much better cause lets face it shen was a piss poor character.

NameIsRobertPaulson said:
Tiamattt said:
NameIsRobertPaulson said:
First episode of Gundam SEED Destiny. Took every bit of character development from SEED and blew it out an airlock. Complete trash.

Reusing the plot wasn't as bad, but still awful.
You sir are either lucky, a genius, or both. :)

Mainly because the series only get worse from there. Least in the beginning there was potential for it to get better, but instead they just kept finding new ways to keep going downhill. There was some cool moments but overall you saved yourself a lot of frustration. Nice job. :D

Although if you liked Seed's music check out the Destiny's OST(easily found on youtube), at the very least they still had some great songs there.
Cagalli Yula Attha is one of my favorite characters in any medium, so hearing about her being turned into a human What The Fuck moment bugged the hell out of me. No regrets here.
ok she was always human, but if you mean her being a Coordinator she really wasnt. She was a "natural" and was only seen using any sort of speical power in the final episode of seed which could be explained as her finally becomeing an expert pilot due to her evolveing past some barrier.(happened alot in the first gundam which both seeds are losely based on)

and just so you know she becomes a true bad ass about 10 episodes when she gets her new gundam:)