Ever Watched A TV Episode That Pissed You Off So Much You Quit Watching The Series?


New member
Feb 16, 2011
Last Episode of the second season of Lost, no particular point in the episode offended me, just that after it was over I realized the show would never actually finish a plot point and that I would never gain any sense of fulfillment from watching it.


New member
Apr 2, 2009
for me
Lost - beginning of season 2 i was getting angry, for every question they answered another 10 would pop up. ( what happened to the dinosaur/ monster that was making the load roaring sound?)

Gundam wing ( dubbed) - i watched the first 4 episodes of season 1 and i had and still have no idea what the hell is going on why are they fighting and considering there on moon/space stations that get their materials from earth why is the earth supplying the materials to make these transformer like things?

CSI (all of them) -at the beginning CSI was good it was new and fresh from other US crime programs, then about season 3 there all started to go way over then top then looking for evidence, for example there was one scene they identified a person face from an cheap security camera ( not a digital one) which was very pixelated by using the reflection of a person sunglasses. Also when they are at a fresh crime scene or are the morgue am I the only one thinking wait a minute they are at a crime scene thinking if a just wear gloves im not contaminating the scene or the murder victim by leaving my foot prints and hair everywhere.

The Office and the Office USA - watched two episodes did not think it funny

Pokemon - After misty left I thought OK I give pokemon a another chance but when 150 became 250+ i said to myself nope im done after stating numerous times in the first 2-3 seasons and 3 games that there only 150 pokemon in the whole world and now what is there 600+ nope i was done watcing it.


New member
Aug 4, 2011
The Big Bang Theory. Hard to pick a specific moment, but probably the costume party episode where everybody comes in dressed like the Flash. It didn't piss me off, but it was a bit of an epiphany for me. It was almost like the writers knew what nerds were... they possibly even have seen a couple in the street, but they don't quite understand what makes them work. It's really poking fun at nerds from an outside standpoint than actually being a nerd comedy and that unsettles me.


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Jul 21, 2010
Ihateregistering1 said:
The last episode of Season 3 of "Sons of Anarchy".

Really enjoyed the show up until that point, but at that time it just got utterly ridiculous. I get that the Gang is supposed to be the "Heroes", but they start coming up with these absurdly ludicrous plans that always work to perfection and somehow always manage to fool every other rival gang around plus the entire Federal Law Enforcement community, it felt like I was watching "A-Team, the Biker Years", and I expected Jax or Clay to say "I love it when a plan comes together!".

Also, the first few episodes of season 2 of "Warehouse 13". Really enjoyed the first season, but season 2 just seemed like it was using every excuse possible to dress up Myka in more and more revealing clothing. I actually liked the fact that in season 1 the show basically said "yeah she's hot, but we're not going to use that as a plot device".

It made sense in its own way. To me, personally, I find that it's like Grand Theft Auto the TV show. It's funny and in its own way a sandbox for these bikers. Just add the classic HUD for GTA games and there you go.


New member
Mar 16, 2009
The most instant drop interest for me form just one episode was form Misfits. They had lost a lot in the 3rd season, no more Nathan, new super powers they have nothing to do with their character flaws like before, jumping the shark with cookie cutter quirkiness by having do things like fighting Nazi's. Then they had an episode where one of the charaters, Curtis, impregnates himself via gender swapping masturbation and spend the whole episode debating weather or he should have an abortion. I realized at that point that it was no longer a show about flawed characters suddenly having super powers to just trying to hard to be weird and quirky, the preview for the next episode being about zombie cheerleaders only confirmed this.


Jan 5, 2010
PsychicTaco115 said:
Well, my dad and I got to episode 2 of the second season of the Walking Dead

He didn't like it; got bored of all the "drama", didn't like most of the characters, etc.
Oddly this is where I stopped watching too.


New member
Mar 26, 2008
About the time it became clear they were aiming far to the left of "fair" or "balanced." So, episode 2-ish.


New member
Jul 17, 2010
dragonflygirl said:

Pokemon - After misty left I thought OK I give pokemon a another chance but when 150 became 250+ i said to myself nope im done after stating numerous times in the first 2-3 seasons and 3 games that there only 150 pokemon in the whole world and now what is there 600+ nope i was done watcing it.
just out of curousity why is this stopping you from watching. I dont think anyone realistically things ash is going ot catch ever pokemon since he's always passing up oppurtunities. and the idea of him always losing at leagues (except orange island and battle frontier) makes him a perpetual underdog kids can root for.

I mean, its not like the show was really going to stick to kanto forever. its hard to bum around a place like that for multiple seasons when your trainer is honestly a pretty piss poor one.

Coach Morrison

New member
Jun 8, 2009
Johny_X2 said:

namely the episode when they traveled so far into the future that the time ended and a new universe started. it wasn't the same universe. the other characters weren't the same people. the original Leela had died alone and miserable billions of years ago. and no one seems to acknowledge that fact.
i may be reading too much into it but I couldn't get past that knowledge.
I could be wrong, but I think the premise was that the universe always continues on the same path, so when the new one was created the people in it were the same as before, everything that had already happened before they left had happened again. Not to mention no one would have known about the original Leela, except for Fry and even then him coming back made it so Leela wouldn't have the same life as before.


New member
Jul 14, 2010
Just once...it was after like the 13th episode of Firefly, and I just thought "This is just awful...I don't think I can watch any more of this!" Terrible characters, the script was painfully un-funny, the plot was all over the shop....some guy called Jayne?? It was too much!

It upset me so much that I wrote a letter to Fox to voice my opinion and it turns out that a lot of people felt the same...

(Even joking and I've upset myself!!) :(


New member
Nov 7, 2008
Megalodon said:
Tuesday Night Fever said:
The final episode of Chuck kinda ruined the series as a whole for me, and I loved the series as a whole. I just don't think I'm ever going to be able to watch it again, knowing what happens at the end.
I gave up on that show part way thorugh series 3, "Chuck Verses the Other Guy". By the end of that epidose it looked like the entire plot of the show was resolved. This had already happened once before (end of series 2), I gave up on the writers ever allowing a satisfying plot resolution to stick, and so stopped watching.
The ending of Chuck is very bittersweet, for what is almost universally a very upbeat show. On the other hand, I think that actually gives it more weight than a "happily ever after" ending would have done. And additionally, I think that it really was a satisfying plot resolution at the same time.

I agree though, Chuck could have ended quite easily at the end of any one of the first three seasons, and at a number of points in between.


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Nov 7, 2008
KefkaCultist said:
Death Note
When they killed off L halfway through and tried replacing him with those two twats Near and Mello. I got a couple episodes past L's death and then skipped right ahead to the final episode just to see Kira die for what he did to my favorite character.
Yeah, pretty much. If ever there was a half-baked attempt to prolong an excellent series well past its sell-by-date, this was it. And until that point, it really was one of the best shows I have ever watched.

The show needed to end with Light or L dying. It didn't really matter which, but one of them had to triumph. The whole first season, the credits, the theme tune, everything, set it up as a contest between two brilliant minds. The credits change at about the same point as the focus shifts, because the entire show has to change its focus - and it simply wasnt as good. At that point it became about twisting the plot to the point where Light could be caught, rather than the Light/L contest which had been so excellently portrayed up until that point.


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Jul 15, 2011
NameIsRobertPaulson said:
First episode of Gundam SEED Destiny. Took every bit of character development from SEED and blew it out an airlock. Complete trash.

Reusing the plot wasn't as bad, but still awful.
You sir are either lucky, a genius, or both. :)

Mainly because the series only get worse from there. Least in the beginning there was potential for it to get better, but instead they just kept finding new ways to keep going downhill. There was some cool moments but overall you saved yourself a lot of frustration. Nice job. :D

Although if you liked Seed's music check out the Destiny's OST(easily found on youtube), at the very least they still had some great songs there.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
When they killed Tony Almeida. I watched the first few minutes of the following ep to see if he was indeed dead (which he was, at the time anyway). And then I promptly walked out on it. I was tired of 24 anyway, walking on Tony's "death" (he resurrected a few seasons later) was as good an excuse as any other.


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Sep 3, 2010
Hagi said:
Most Anime I (try) watching.

Usually around the second or third episode, when it becomes clear the series has absolutely no interest in telling an actual story or present actual characters but is simply ticking off stereotypes.
If you don't mind, I'll give you some character based, story-driven stuff.
Fullmetal Alchemist
Love Hina (invented a few stereotypes)
Azumanga Daioh
Silver Spoon
Good Ending (it gets really dumb around the middle)

Give these a try. I'd recommend reading Love Hina and Bakuman instead of watching the anime. Good Ending and Silver Spoon are only manga at the moment, neither of which are licensed in English yet.


I love this highway!
Nov 21, 2011
laraghboy said:
Just once...it was after like the 13th episode of Firefly, and I just thought "This is just awful...I don't think I can watch any more of this!" Terrible characters, the script was painfully un-funny, the plot was all over the shop....some guy called Jayne?? It was too much!

It upset me so much that I wrote a letter to Fox to voice my opinion and it turns out that a lot of people felt the same...

(Even joking and I've upset myself!!) :(
You're going to burn in a very special level of hell.

I recently stopped watching Code Geass after a few episodes of season 2. Maybe I'll get back into it, but the sudden fanservice feels really unneccessary.



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Jul 14, 2010
Sewa_Yunga said:
laraghboy said:
Just once...it was after like the 13th episode of Firefly, and I just thought "This is just awful...I don't think I can watch any more of this!" Terrible characters, the script was painfully un-funny, the plot was all over the shop....some guy called Jayne?? It was too much!

It upset me so much that I wrote a letter to Fox to voice my opinion and it turns out that a lot of people felt the same...

(Even joking and I've upset myself!!) :(
You're going to burn in a very special level of hell.

I recently stopped watching Code Geass after a few episodes of season 2. Maybe I'll get back into it, but the sudden fanservice feels really unneccessary.

I know... It's all part of the plan! Ya see, the Fox execs who canceled it will be in there with me, and then.....REVENGE!!
(Happily hell-bound just to retaliate for the show and all the other Browncoats!)

Soviet Heavy

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Jan 22, 2010
teebeeohh said:
The big bang theory, the episode starts with Howard saying: let's place some d&d. That's the joke.
Oh and I stopped watching the clone wars when they went into the giant triangle of stupid and met literal representations of the light and dark side(which I am not sure actually exists, isn't the working theory in the EU that it's all up to the user?), complete with plot convenience amnesia.
Dear god I hated Mortis. It was an excuse to rip off Avatar's art direction and threw out any subtlety the Force had left. The Force, in its barest form, is there to drive the plot, the "will of the force" is fate, pushing characters towards their destiny. From there, it can be interpreted in any way you want. But Mortis comes and fucks it all up by making the Father, Son, and Daughter bullshit, complete with Sam Witwer's awful voice acting.


New member
Dec 6, 2011
lemby117 said:
Eddie the head said:
Well not TV and, I was never much of a fan of the show but Extra Credits did some episode called "God Dose not play Dice." I was never much of a fan anyway, but way to kill any interest.
Really? What was your issue with the episode? I thought it was well done

OT I watch the big picture and escape to the movies a lot less now after the ME3 debate, (Though the Jimquisition improving massively probably helped as well)
uhh...what does escape to the movies have to do with ME3?